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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Mitamysi Secondary trip to Meru Park
The students of Mitamysi Secondary School whose education has been very ....(read more)

Drilling for water at Kora Secondary School
A generous donor has funded a borehole in the extremely dry remote area ....(read more)

Eburru Primary School
600 pupils

Eburru is a remote and beautiful place, a village on a hill overlooking three of the Great Rift Valley Lakes - Naivasha, Elemtaita and Nakuru.  It sits on geothermal ground which, since 2013, is being exploited by KenGen. 

Eburru Primary School has a current roll of over 600 children – including around 300 girls.

There is a desperate need for more classroom accommodation, curriculum resources, power, computers, audio visual and sports equipment.  Currently some children are using very poor shacks with no windows or floors but funding to renovate these is in place and work is ongoing.

Exam results have been almost static for the last 3 years as have numbers completing Standard 8 and taking the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. In 2010 80 students took the exam (including 28 girls) and 19 of these achieve good enough grades to go to a recognised secondary school.

A new headteacher has just been appointed in September 2018.  He has a good track record of school improvement. He has a team of 9 government TSC teachers and 8 who are funded by the parents.


Mr Karanja

Trust Secretary
Nicole Church

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c/o CFC Stanbic Bank


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Bank: CFC Stanbic Bank
