Until October 2010 this school consisted of 4 classrooms built by a charity in 1996 on the edge of a forest beside the beautiful Rift Valley Lake Langano, Ethiopia. Over 700 children were registered so the buildings and teachers were overwhelmed by the demand. The children attended in shifts on a rota basis. There were very few desks and chairs and almost no appropriate library resources. The parents employed additional unqualified teachers when their income allows.
Now, an additional 4 classrooms have been built by TAS, desks have been purchased, additional teachers salaries, books and bursaries have been funded. There is a fence keeping out goats and cows, and some rainwater collection so it is hoped that the students will be able to start growing vegetables and fruit.
There is much to be done but the community is encouraged by the development of its school.
Ethiopian law does not lend itself to the establishment of small trusts but a Self Help Group has been established with a formal constitution similar to that of a trust. A commitee of 8 has been nominated including the School Principal, the Chairman of the Kebele (cf parish), Chairman of the PTA, a female teacher representative, an ex student , a college lecturer and the director of a tour company with links to the area. This is a strong, committed team determined to work together for the benefit of the school.
The Education Bureau have promised more teachers - maybe up to 15 - and the community are considering various other projects to improve the school.
A nursery is planned and also a small milling operation which would enable income to be generated to support the school.
A real partnership is being established but progress is slow.
September 2015 - the local self help group has been disbanded and until a new group has been satisfactorily set up no further funding will be sent.