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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Minutes, KLASHG

Date August 21, 2009
Kimphe Langano Area Self-Help Meeting

Place: - kimphe Elementry School compound

Time:- 9:15 AM

1. Ato Yohannes Asefa( KLASHG member and bank signatory-)
2. Ato Tariku Gebre(KLASHG secretary)
3. Ato Kedir Latamo(KLASHG chairman and PTA chairman)
4. Ato Ukula Nure( school director)
5. Ato Abu Kawo( Kebele Chairman)
6. W/o Aster Wolebo( Female teacher representative)
7. Ato Butta Bedaso(KLASHG member and elder of the village)
8. Ato Gebre Bashenu ( KLASHG member and school PTA member)

Ato Yohannis NIgusie (KLASHG Executive committee chairman, Bank signatory,) Ethiopia Adventist College, Ethiopia, President)

Tariku well come  the members and special well come was made to Ato yohannes Asefa who has just recently joined the group. Tariku expressed the confidence he has   from Ato Yohannes and inform him play his role to help the school.

* Discussion on proposals prepared my Tariku Gebre  for approval and to send to TAS

Points Arising:-

1. First year and second year bursaries

Tariku has introduced the committee as TAS Won’t fund and funding for food. Ato Yohannnes has added that the main concern of TAS is that the family of the children or the community has to contribute their contribution so that what ever they get form TAS will be given credit.
The committee has decided that the students can not attained higher schooling because of financial problems and decided that they need to have funding and support form donors
 Tariku introduced that last year students were sponsored all things but this year TAS has decide that the family must contribute some thing in feeding.
 The proposal is approved and decided to be sent to TAS. The proposal contains House rent, all school wearing cloths, shoes, all stationeries, school fee…..
The students( second year bursaries) are informed to bring their report card as of next Friday


2. School Nursery Projects.

The school has no nursery projects. But is believed that the nursery helps the school and the student.. the school will get different vegetables, fruits  and plants. Form the nursery and sell it to the nearby lodges and community people and earn some amount of money from it and use it to help the student- specially the poor by providing  what they need for schooling-Yohannes and Tariku

The nursery is like a child; so it needs care. As a result two gardeners must be hired for the success of the nursery- Gebre, Abu, and Kedir.

Gebre has added that William  had used to have gardeners in the nursery project when he was in Ethiopia  and we need the some thing again.

Ato Yohannes added that , the nursery need to have gardeners for some times but after  the garden has start to give product, the payment must be done from the sell, so  it is must for the gardeners to be hired.
The other reason for the gardener to be hired is that, during the school is clothed and when there are no teachers and student in the school, there must be some one who will keep the garden.

Tariku- stated that th3e garden needs to provide products to the students, at least one tree for every child, to take home and plant. He also added that the community people needs to provide the garden with the local threes seed which adopt the whether of the area for free, and provide the labor force to fence the garden.

Kedir- we will do the fencing by providing the labor force by moving the people to work the fencing
Gebre- we will do ploughing the land using our oxen

All the committee agreed that the nursery helps the school and we need it with the gardener and commented to request TAS for funding to hire workers of garden.

3. The mill House

Gebre, Kedir, Abu, and Ukula- the mill house is not working currently because of the cost of the fuel and can not pay workers salary.
Gebre- The mill house was planted to serve the community people for free, but later on, after the school was transferred to Government, the community people pay some amount of payments which is really less to help the school, pay salary, and buy fuel.
Ato Yohannes- asked question” what is the use the school get form Mill house?” Ukula- answered- the income from the Mill house is used to help the poor children in the school, buy some stationery materials for school, and buy fuel. And pay salary for workers.
Ukula- if we get spare parts and hire two Mill house workers, the mill house will play great role and help the school. But the big problem is that the school could not buy spar parts.

The committee agreed to ask TAS for funding with full vote.

4. Teachers

Tariku- introduced that the government had agreed to hire 15 teachers but last year only four teachers were hired by government. In addition to this, Tariku inform the committee that TAS some times hire teachers on 1 or 2 years contract.

Ukula- This year government has assigned two additional teachers, but the school need, at least, 15 teachers and a total of 5 teachers government hired won’t be enough.

Abu, Gebre, Kedir, and Ukula- last year the community people had hired a total of 5 teachers by contributing some amount of money, but this year they can not do this. The reason is that this year there in no rain in the area and the people themselves need support form Different NGOs and Government.

The people can only provide labor force when needed but no financial support- Abu and Kedir

5. Radio

Tariku- introduced that, in Ethiopia there is different broadcasting through which the education is given- among these, TV- plasma, Radio,. But Kimphe School has no radio that helps the school to provide additional lessons given by regional government. But the school does not have this and that why we need to ask for fund to buy radio.

Ukula added that this was there big problem and with out it, student can not get equal education with other students in the other school.

The committee approved the proposal with full vote.

The meeting ended by summery given by Ato Yohannes and the appreciations kebele Chairman- Abu , given. Abu informed Ato Yohannes to help the poor people in the village with all things he can do and Ato yohannes positively agreed to that.

Ato Yohannes commented Tariku to prepare the whole problems of the community people and make it available to Visitors to the lodge.

Since there was no other agenda to be discussed, the meeting was ended at 12: 00 PM

The minute is prepared by:-
Tariku Gebre,
Secretary KLASHG, 1267, Shashemene, Ethiopia
Tell 251-913515762(mobile)  251-461191258/04 or

August 21, 2009