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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates

Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  This means that students from far away have to find a way to stay in  Boka during the exam period.  The funding TAS provided enabled the school to offer accommodation in their dormitories and food throughout the week thus ensuring that exam candidates got the best chance to achieve good grades.The HT wrote to thank us as follows:

DEAR SIR/MADAMRE: REPORT ON FOOD SUPPORT DURING NATIONAL EXAM OF NOVEMBER 2022On behalf of the board of management and the parents of Boka primary school , i wish toacknowledge receipt of you support for meals during the just concluded national examinationand assessment for class eight and grade six.I wish to report that the food provision had a very great impact to both the learners , theschool administration and the parents as a whole. On the part of the learners:They enjoyed sharing meals together hence promoted collaborative learning and revision of theexam as a team.Learner were composed as they were well assured that they will get meals at school hencequality concentration during the examination period as they were not engaged in thinking whereto feed or move long distances to their home.The learners had no chance of wasting time between examination session hence punctuality washighly observed, effective time management gave the learners a relaxed mood and reservedenergy for the examination related activities only.There was great cooperation between teachers, parents and learners during the preparation of themeals, feeding and improved communication skill as the learners expressed their needs freely tothe parents who cooked for them and teachers who worked together with the parents and theexamination officers.The learners also learned on sharing the few available resources such as cooks, utensils andcommon cooking area for all the school that took the exam at the centre.The feeding programs funded by TAS promoted TRUST between the parents, learnersthemselves, the parents, the school administration and the learners
Sir, we sincerely appreciate for your kind and generous support during this hard times when mostof the learners had no ideas of where to eat due to long dry spell drought season that renderedtheir parent search for pasture miles away from their home hence detached to their families dueto high demand for pasture and water .On the parts of the school, the parents enjoyed working together with the board of managementand the head teachers to promote a good learning as examination environment for the candidates.There was also a great opportunity for the head teachers to share experiences as they workedtogether for the common goal of supporting the learners during the examination period,Sir, receive our sincerely appreciation for this noble support.looking forward to work togetherand achieve more.Yours faithfully
Makau Mulwa peterHead teacherBoka Primary