Minutes of Kalumu Primary School Trust
16th September 2009
Present: Christopher Nzili (TAS External trustee), Sanjmi Kent (TAS External trustee), Benjamin Katutu (SMC Chairman), Patrick Mukora (SFP), Stephen Kasovo (Head Teacher), Peninah Muthengi (Chairlady),
In Attendance: Gill Marshall Andrews (TAS UK), Stephen Kameti (TAS)
1. Meeting was opened with a prayer and blessing.
2. Christopher Nzili led an introduction of all present.
3. Stephen Kameti introduced Gill Marshall Andrews, chair of TAS UK.
4. Gill gave us an explanation of TAS.
Pointed out the importance that everyone understood that 3 entities are involved in the process, the school, the local trust and the UK trust.
Brought to everyone’s attention that a stage in the process of applying for funding was skipped, i.e. the local trust, this was understood due to the time constraints but in the future the pathway must be followed.
She explained that if the school were applying for a large funding project,e.g. a building,TAS would expect to co-fund, not be the sole funders.
Gill explained that some of the UK trustees had a background in education hence had an interest in the quality of teaching and learning. E.g. a good teacher sitting under a tree will achieve better results than a poor teacher in a nice room, therefore the school should think of quality. Possible funding ideas would be trips, training, and library.
5. The secretary read previous minutes. These were proposed by Stephen Kameti and seconded by Peninah Muthengi.
6. Christophe Nzili took everyone through matters arising from the previous minutes.
· Discussion for replacing Musyoki Mulaki, the chair of the local trust. As he has moved away for work purposes temporarily Stephen Kameti proposed that the new SMC chair, Benjamin Katutu attends trust meetings as an ex-official but Musyoki remains a trustee and signatory on the bank account. This was accepted by all.
· Trust deeds had not been sent to all. Christopher Nzili explained the delay was due to the various changes that had been made, and their use to set up the bank accounts. He assured all that they would be sent in the next 2 weeks.
· Stephen clarified that the bank accounts had been opened and the cheque book was now with the secretary. He also confirmed that money from the last proposal was in the account. It was also clarified that the signature of the secretary is mandatory on all cheques.
It was clarified to all that the signature of Musyoki was not necessary as both the secretary and Christopher Nzili could sign in his absence. Stephen explained to the local trust that Musyoki was not signing as the SMC chair but as a trustee with the local trust.
· Head teacher talked about the return of pupils to the school. In June the enrollment was low due to lack of food and hunger. Now due to the food funded by TAS, pupils have returned to school and 6 new pupils are enrolled. School now has 302 students.
· No new teachers have been hired at the school but Kalumu has been identified by the government as a school in need of more teachers. Currently there are 5 TSC teachers and one extra. The head teacher suggests they need 3 more.
· It was brought up again that there is no water at the school. The single well is not sufficient. The current system employed by the school is that every parent must bring 40litres of water every Saturday. If they do not the children are sent to the well to get the same.
7. Head teacher explained what was purchased with funding from the previous proposal. It was clarified with receipts. The secretary and Christopher Nzili were able to sign a cheque for payment.
Head teacher also explained that as per the proposal a water trough for washing had been constructed by the parents and was operational. Food for the remainder of the term had been stored well.
· Gill again explained that TAS is not a food donor and there would be no more funding for food.
· Christopher Nzili asked if the school had applied for other food. Stephen Kameti explained the school had indeed applied to the school feeding programme but were not successful. Nzili suggested the school apply to for drought management. Gill clarified that though the UK trust would not assist with funding for food there was nothing to stop the local trust for doing the same. Sanjmi Kent explained that fundraising in Nairobi would be possible but only with a proposal from the school and evidence that they school had indeed exhausted their options with the government.
8. The school put forward their proposal for further funding. However they did not fill in a proposal form. The following were presented as a list without details:
School Administration Block
School Kitchen
Perimeter fence
As none of the above could be considered as a proposal a discussion began as to what to do to salvage the meeting. The high drop put rate of older children was brought to the attention of all. Original explanation given was that the boys left to seek work and girls due to early marriages and pregnancy. On further discussion it was discovered that the children stay at home as the parents cannot afford the school levies. The levies are being charged to cover the cost of addition teachers. It was proposed that TAS funds the salaries for 4 teachers for a year. The school would then stop charging parents so pupils could stay in school.
9. Gill gave examples of other small but achievable funding options, e.g. book bags or lockable storage at the school.
10. The leaflet for the school was shown to all. All were asked to provide feedback at the earliest so as it could be finalized and printed.
11. Lastly it was clarified that the extra teachers would be employed by the school, not by TAS.