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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Evans, Solomon, Janet, Gill M-A. David Morgan, C. Wainaina



Those present.  Evans,  Solomon, Janet, Gill M-A. David Morgan, C. Wainaina

Apologies from V. Corr, ,Lily

Minutes for meeting on Tuesday 24th March 2009 read and approved. Proposed by GMA. Seconded by Janet

  1. Matters Arising. 

    • Work experience. The students for W/E should be of a high academic standard in order to benefit from the offer of training (Heritage) for a college course.
    • Bulldozing of the land for a football pitch by Stuart Scott was not viable. (Kengen had half completed one for the junior school but had run into financial difficulties).
    • The Head thanked TAS for subsidising the holiday tuition, the students were very grateful and the Form 3’s had even benefitted.  An evaluation form needs to be completed.

  1. Science Laboratory.


·         Tenders had been received and Mandir,, the builders who had built the water tank were selected.  Cost being 1.9 million Ksh .

·         The building had been started. 

·         GMA said that a proposal must be sent in to obtain TAS funding for half of the project. 

·         Water was a problem as there was now no free water from the tanks.  Water could no longer be pumped out of the lake.  The school still had some water in its tanks but was rationed and there was not enough for the building works.  If there was no rain in the immediate future, then bowsers of water would have to be considered by the builders, but this would obviously affect the cost.  Resumption of pumping the water from the lake is unknown due to lack of funds by Kengen and rainfall.

  1. Internet Access. 

·         Evans stated that the Safaricom modem was now in operation and very economical to run.  It was suggested that this scheme be extended.

·         The advantage was that one modem may be used in any computer. 

·         The modem could be  loaded with 1KB at 2,499/- the MB cost would be 2.44/- per MB.  It could be passed around or just attached to one computer.  This loading is valid for 90 days.  This would be more economical than buying many modems and loading with a smaller number of MB’s.  ie. 2,499.00 shillings will give you 1GB = 2.44/- per MB compared to 500/- for 100 MB = 5/- per MB. 

·         GMA stated that if they decided on a scheme, then apply to TAS .   How ever it was unlikely that  TAS would cover running costs.

4. Calculators


·         GMA brought 60 calculators from TAS for the school.  It was stressed that these be indelibly marked and checked after each use.  Evans thanked GMA (trust)

5. Measures of Success for TAS supported schools.

GMA presented a form to be completed as a trial.  This form may be down loaded from the web site.  Discussions were held and it was agreed that it could be completed without too much time and stress.  Statistics were already available as this was a  Govt. requirement.

6. Cleanliness incentive.


GMA congratulated the students for the much improved appearance of the school.  It was stated that small prizes had been awarded.  It was generally agreed that incentives such as trips for cleanliness was not in the right spirit but could a field trip for Form 3’s be organized every year.?  GMA said that this could be applied for. 


  • GMA reminded all present that proposal forms may be down loaded from the web site,. Any proposal must be approved and signed by the Trustees and that copy lodged with Janet  (secretary)  Then it  may be sent by e mail to TAS. with confirmation that the signed copy had been filed..
  • Funding for 2010 Cohort. Evans asked if he might apply for funding for the best 10 students and in addition 3 extra students to be taken solely from the immediate area, in order to give an incentive to local teachers.  Last year the local schools had been ignored because they were unable to produce students of average or above, marks.  It was pointed out that the local schools were operating under extreme difficulties, lack of teachers, lack of funds etc. and that the community were not benefitting from our bursaries. GMA thought that this was a good idea and asked for a proposal.
  • GMA said she was concerned about the accounts and had not found a way of publishing them on the web site.  Janet said that Gordon Wilson had all accounts in hand (very complicated) GMA asked Janet to thank him for his work. (I will bring Financial file to the next meeting for GMA to peruse)
  • Langley Visit.  All underway.  Arriving 23rd Oct until 1st Nov.  Jennie and David have all in hand.



  • Evaluation Form to be completed for 2007/2008/2009 cohort. 
  • Evaluation Form to be completed for calculators
  • Evaluation Form for Fm. 4 Holiday Tuition

  • Proposal for Fm. 3 Field Trip
  • Proposal for internet access

  • Business proposal for brick making.

  • Form “Measures for Success”  to be completed for 2008.
  • Calculators to be marked

NOTE next TAS  meeting 23rd September 2009 for any proposals to be sent. (remember they must be signed by truste