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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Committee Minutes of Mivukoni Secondary School Trust (November 18th 2009)

MSST Trustees Present:

Harriet Matsaert (MSST Secretary)  (HM)

Francis Koma (School Governor and TAS committee Chair) (FK)

Mr William Mutheki (School Governor and TAS committee member) (WM)

Mrs Anastastia Mutinda (Principal, Mivukoni School) (AM)

Mrs Juliana Musyimi (PTA chair) (JM)

Kellen Mutuku (teacher, Mivukoni school) (KM)

In Attendance

Stephen Kameti (TAS facilitator)  (SK)

Godfrey M. Kyengo – District Education Office, Kyuso (GK)


Mrs Angelina Mbula (School Governor and TAS committee member)

The Meeting was held at The Cottage, Mwingi.



By who


Meeting was called to order at 11.45 pm

The meeting began with a prayer.



Approval of Agenda



Approval of previous Minutes


Many of the committee had not seen the minutes of the last meeting.

We request SK to ensure copies are distributed to all members.



Matters arising from minutes of …

  •  We are still waiting for SK to send us copies of the trust deeds
  •  HM informed the trust that there was only 82,000 available for the revision programme as the rest of the money (85000) was taken in Bank charges.  We request TAS UK to include some extra payment to cover bank charges when they make transfers in the future.
  •  Stephen to give photocopy of cheque for bandas to HM.
  • HM to ask Susan Mbinji if we need a copy of the first cheque (as this wasn’t done).
  • We have no feedback on the leaflet from the school.  FK will follow up with the board chair and get back to HM and TAS UK.
  • Global schools partnership.  The school and Ministry of Education representative are both very favourable to this project.  Once we get the go ahead AM will liase with the Ministry to arrange the teacher release, visas etc.  HM to find out from Gill what the possible timing is for this.








Report on Revision Activities

Please see attached completion report. 

AM believe that the programme, which included extra teaching, motivational talks and symposia with other students (where sample essays were reviewed and discussed), significantly improved student morale and allowed them to complete the syllabus thoroughly. 

The students have now taken the KCSE exam. Last year only  5 of the 29 students obtained the C grade which is essential to go on to further study. This year 49 students sat the exam. Results will be out on February 22nd.

AM expressed her appreciation to TAS for supporting this activity.  The school would like to run a revision programme again next year.  If possible this programme should start earlier in the year.  We agreed that it would be useful to develop a proposal early to allow this to happen. AM and her teaching staff will develop a proposal to present at our next trust meeting.

With regard to the structure of the report and proposal forms, the committee requested that there be a place for the head teacher to sign the form (and for the school stamp).






Report on Construction of Bandas

Construction has begun and the bandas will be finished by end of November.    Costs of materials were slightly more than expected, and after building the first banda, it was decided to slightly increase the diameter from 10 to 12 feet.  For these reasons, only 8, instead of 10 bandas will be constructed. The school plan to plan trees around the structures for shade and beauty.

AM does not have a copy of the proposal form (and wasn’t sure which items were over budget).  We agreed that in future a copy of the proposal must be kept by the school.

SK and AM noted that it is important to protect the structures (grass roofs) and the trees to be planted around them from livestock.   The school would like to build a fence around the area.  Everyone agreed that this was a good idea and should be done before the next meeting. AM will develop a proposal and HM will send this on to TAS as soon as possible.

Mr Kyengo praised this initiative and plans to visit the school to inspect the bandas.







Discussion on proposal for library and reference materials.

AM noted that this proposal is in line with the schools current priority of improving academic performance.  A library will provide reference materials, a conducive study environment and will help develop a reading culture amongst the students.   It will improve the overall environment of the school and in this way contribute to improving academic standards.  The library will also act as a resource for other schools in the vicinity.

At present, the school has no library. Some books and magazines are kept in a small room off the science lab so are not easily accessible to the students.

Mr Kyengo noted that no government school in Mwingi has a library at the moment.  Kyuso boys school is in the process of constructing a library. The library will be constructed near to the new bandas and will have a similar style.  The façade will be decorated with local stones (like the bandas) to give it an attractive look, and make it different from the classrooms.  The provisional budget of 1.5 million shillings is based on the budget for the Kyuso project.  The plan is to have a space for books, computers and a separate ‘board room’ where meetings can be held.  The library can earn some revenue from hire of the room for meetings, and by allowing community members to use the facility for a small charge.

In terms of budget, AM suggested that community members would provide sand and labour to the value of 54,000/-. The request to TAS would be for the remaining 1,345,000.  We also discussed asking for contributions from local bookshops and from Safaricom or Zain for the computers and modems.  Mr Kyengo told us we might get some support in stocking books from KESS (Kenya Education Support Service) once the library is finished.

HM noted that we need to budget for a librarian and for suitable furnishings for the library.   Anne Moore of ‘Kids Libs’ has also stressed the importance of working closely with teaching staff to generate a list of topics for the book acquisitions (need to look at subjects to be covered in the curriculum in the next few years).  AM will work with the teachers to develop a list.

HM suggested that, as there are no school libraries in Mwingi, a group from Mivukoni come to Nairobi to visit some of the libraries Anne Moore has been working with so that we have a shared vision of what a good library looks like.  HM will check with Braeside school to see when this is possible.  We agreed, that if the budget allows we would bring 4 people from Mivukoni (2 teachers, parent and board member), 3 from Usueni, 1 from the primary schools and Mr Kyengo (to represent DEO).  HM  and SK will put together a budget and send this to TAS.

Suggested itinerary: Braeside school, Kids Libs library, Kawangare – Starehe school (?) and ISK.

AM requested that visit can be carried out as soon as possible so we can use the information to develop a full proposal.

HM will make enquiries from library suppliers to get a provisional budget for the books.







Mr Kyengo stated that he is very happy with the proposal to build a library. At the moment Mivukoni is one of the poorest performing schools in the district.  He hopes that the TAS supported initiatives will put Mivukoni at the level it should be.  He indicated that we have the full support of the Ministry of Education.

AM restated her schools appreciation of TAS’s efforts.



Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was set for February 5th 2010 to coincide with Gill and Lissa’s visit.  It will be held at Mivukoni school.



Agenda items for next meeting:

o     Library Proposal

o    Revision programme proposal

o     Visit to new bandas