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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Minutes of the Asako Primary School Trust meeting held on November 17TH 2009 at Madogo Secondary School, Garissa

Trustees present:

Juma Ali Dido – JAD                                       

In attendance:  Stephen Kameti – SK

Anthony Gross – AFG    

Apologies:    Gill Marshall-Andrews – GMA,   Mark Cheruyiot – MC, Ismail F. Solola – IS

Hussein Duba - HD

Tony Fitzjohn – TF                                                          

Mike Harries – MH                                          

Kulisa Shora Dirkicha – KD

Mohammed  Hassan - MoH

Kate Hargreaves – KH



New action


The meeting was opened with a prayer by MH


Minutes of last meeting on 14 September 2009 were tabled and passed


Matters arising and actions from the previous meeting

Bank account details of the teachers – these were produced by JAD with one omission

The head teacher confirmed he would ensure that bank accounts were opened for the remaining 2 teachers and the caretaker before the next meeting

Offer of strategic planning workshop:  board approved this idea and agreed that SK and KH should go ahead with planning- for immediately after the end of a school term.  SK to produce a schedule of who will attend from the primary school trusts.




Funding proposals:

a)      School lockers:  JAD produced a funding proposal for 8 blocks of 10 fixed lockers – costing Ksh 150,000 (for which TAS was being asked for 130,000).  The board requested a further quotation from Patel Kimanzi

MH asked about the process for holding books and the accountability for their use.

KH asked about the use of the books previously donated by TAS and expressed concern that these had not yet been distributed to the students.

MoH said the books donated earlier in the year had not yet been distributed and that the school was waiting until the end of the exams and that it was for the class teacher to distribute them to the children.

The board agreed that the school must urgently find a way of distributing these books to the children that also ensures their security but that the priority was for the books to be used by the students.

b)      Funding of nursery school teacher training:  payment was made to JAD for the training of Alkano Galgalo for modules in 2009-2010.  MoH confirmed that this is the teacher who has been at the school from its inception and who has been working very well for many years.  MH asked for some feedback on the quality of the training and its impact.  JAD said the school will be undertaking an internal assessment of the quality of the teachers. 

c)       Emergency funding proposal for food for standard 8 children taking exams in Asako.  The board noted that JAD had found accommodation for the 16 children at the house of a friend of his in Garissa for their exams at Madogo secondary school.   Because of the heavy rains and the poor condition of the roads, the children had had to stay for longer than usual at Garissa and therefore needed additional funding for food.  TAS had agreed Ksh10,000 on an emergency basis for this before the meeting – earlier in November.

d)      School dining hall:  The school has requested funding from TAS to add to the Ksh400,000 grant the school thinks it has from the government for infrastructure for the purpose of building a multipurpose hall/dining facility.

TF asked why does the school need a dining hall – if in relation to a boarding facility  then we should wait until this is constructed.

MoH and HD said the government approved the construction of a boarding facility last year for 100 students (50:50 girls/boys).

AFG asked the school to outline how a decision would be taken on what to build once there is confirmation that a dormitory block is what was agreed by LATF.

HD confirmed that this is LATF (Local Authority Transfer Fund) money and that the DEO would provide minutes to show that LATF has approved funds for the school to build a dormitory.

There was some confusion about the name of the primary school – whether Asako or Mbalambala and which the government was funding.  The school agreed that the school, although situated at Mbalambala for government administrative purposes is known as Asako Primary School.

The board agreed to wait to see the progress on the funding of the dormitory at Asako before looking into the proposal for a dining hall.  They advised the school that the Ksh 3.8m proposal from Kimanzi for the dining hall is over-elaborate and suggested the school consider alternatives such as the multi-purpose TAS-funded bandas Mivokoni costing less than Ksh200,000.

e)        Watertank:  this proposal from the previous meeting was shelved pending resolution of the broader problems around the supply of water.

f)       Meeting costs:  JAD requested Ksh6000 for transport and accommodation costs of the local Asako trustees costs for this board meeting which was authorised by AFG and KH. 

KH to meet Kimanzi with AFG

MoH and HD – process for book use

JAD to report back on impact of training and internal assessment at April board meeting 2010

HD to bring minutes of LATF to the next board meeting.

AFG/KH to discuss when meet Kimanzi


Completion reports

The board noted that completion reports have not been produced for a number of TAS-funded projects and asked the school for progress updates on:

School trips:  since the football match the school visited there have been no further trips, despite TAS funding 3 such trips.  The board urged the school to organise 2 trips for 2010,to include drama/music in addition to sports. 

Sports  equipment:  HD reported that the school is making good use of the sports equipment but that the posts for volleyball/netball have become eroded by termites so these are no longer in use. 

TF offered to send termite proof posts from Kora

Staff housing:  houses are in good condition and used by teachers despite the lack of water.  Toilets are not in use inside the houses but outdoor toilets have now been provided.

Satellite phone:  battery still not working properly.

The issue of non-school use of the phone now that it has been opened up arose.  The board requested that JAD produce a log of calls for the next meeting  so he can reimburse TAS for private calls.  JAD explained that sometimes he needs to speak e.g. with the DEO.

Fencing and Book bags: in good use.

SK agreed to assist the school produce these completion reports before the next meeting.

MoH/HD to organise and report back tot he board in February


TF agreed to speak with Thuraya about this.

SK to oversee production of several completion reports


Offer of strategic planning from KH.  The board supported this. MoH did not report on feedback on this from the SMC as per the action last meeting.

SK to agree who to attend and work with KH on when to schedule

MC to arrange accommodation and transport Meru


Update on football matches and sports kit – covered under item 5


Other organisations working in Asako – overview from Chairman:

JAD gave the board an overview of :

Premier Urgence:  a new French NGO started in Garissa – c.o Narrender Singh Chhikara – interested in water and sanitation particularly so since the borehole was funded by French donors.  JAD explained that this organisation has money and has promised to fix the water problem but no technical team to do so.  They sent someone out to Asako but they got stuck and don’t want to visit again.  However they could only commit Ksh 200,000

JAD discovered that Mr Maina was the contractor who built the borehole and is presently at Kinna.  The Board agreed that MC, TF and MH to meet with him.  TF said he would meet the contractor on 18 Nov

Catholic Relief Services:  JAD and SK met with Anthony Mudune  in charge.  This organisation digs boreholes and has a 5 year project including digging a further 4 boreholes in the area.  The board suggested asking CRS to dig a 5th in Asako, given that the school already has a windmill/pump.    AFG agreed to visit CRS. (see appendix 1 to these minutes about a separate meeting after the board meeting finished.)

MH said the Catholics were a good customer of his windmills and he would also be happy to meet with CRS.

AFG asked JAD to confirm that once the technical issues are resolved has the community an agreed method of distributing the water?  Has the water been formally handed over by KWS to the school/community?

SK confirmed this is now resolved between KWS and the school and the community and the only issue is getting the water to move.

JAD confirmed that the school/community does not want the water to come via KWS.  TF commented that although KWS let Asako down on the water, now MC is returning to Kora (from Meru) relations should be mended.

USAID – AFYA 2 health project:  providing schools with mattresses/bedding/school bags.  The board encouraged JAD to make contact with them and see how they can help for the future boarding dormitory.  He would also look into their large school bags.

TF congratulated JAD on the research and networking he had done on behalf of the board.

MC, TF and MH to visit to Maina on 18/11

See appendix 1:

·         TF/MC to clear the way with KWS for CRS

·         AFG/KH to correspond with CRS



Update on proposed boarding school elsewhere – not in Balambala but in Roka primary school.  They have funding from local MP but haven’t started building yet.  As this school is the other side of the river the boarding initiative is of no consequence to Asako. 


Banking arrangements:  the board agreed that the remaining teachers and the APST should open accounts with Equity bank and close the KCB bank for which there is poor service and high fees for use and no ATM card for JAD.  (NB see appendix 2 on subsequent meetings at both banks with AFG/JAD and KH)


Any other business

KH asked for a progress update on the 2 Asako-bursary funded children at Madogo school whose school reports had been poor in June 2009.  JAD said we would wait until the end of year reports in a couple of weeks.    The board asked to see the 2 children concerned and they came into the board meeting:


TF and KH asked the 2 students whether they were happy at the school and how the boarding arrangements were.  They also asked why the children thought their results were poor and whether they were working hard.  The children responded that they are happy at the school and like their teachers but are surprised and disappointed with their results.  They said that the school as a whole is getting bad results, not just them. 

TF/KH asked if there were any reasons the board should know of to explain their poor performance and explained that TAS cannot continue funding their bursaries if their performance remains poor with no explanation but that TAS wishes to continue to support them in their studies.  The children confirmed they wish to continue at the school and will work hard.

The board asked HD to speak with the class teacher of the 2 students and to speak separately with the 2 students to find out more. 



Date of the next meeting – agreed for 4 February 2010 in Nairobi 9am.


Appendix 1 to 17 November APST board minutes:  Meeting at Catholic Relief Services, Garissa

Present:  Gabriel Njiru, Water and Sanitation coordinator, AFG, JAD, KH

AFG explained our presence and the role of the APST in Asako. He explained that TAS had funded a windpump and well for Asako but that the water is saline.   He explained that in addition, a French agency (NB NOT Premier Urgence) had also sunk a borehole with a solar pump 200 metres north of the TAS well and the pump no longer works. 

Gabriel Njiru explained his role as Water and Sanitation coordinator and said he knew of the borehole, windmill etc in Asako and ventured the opinion that its water also has a problem of too much fluoride.  He said according to CRS records, Asako has enough water and therefore cannot qualify for one of the new boreholes CRS is funding.

However he is concerned with water quality and because of the saline water through the borehole he might be able to help in relation to the CTC (Child-to-Child) programme of activities, related to safe water systems. 

He also confirmed that there is no point digging deeper on the borehole with the saline water  - there will only be more saline. 

AFG asked how CRS could help resolve Asako’s difficulties.  Gabriel explained his reluctance to work within a community that already has a lot of other NGO involvement and that CRS has previously had difficulties with other NGOs in these circumstances.  He said however that if there are no other NGOs involved, CRS will come in with their technical team to help solve these problems at their cost.  AFG agreed that TAS will discuss this with KWS and confirm with CRS that they are clear to go into Asako to help.

For action:  AFG/KH to correspond with Gabriel/CRS on this matter having resolved the question of KWS involvement.  SK promised to talk with MC about this.


Gabriel Njiru - water and sanitation coordinator

0733 514388


The office email is

IHAP = Integrated Health and Agriculture Programme


The boss is Anthony Mutune , Development Coordinator - reports directly to the Bishop. 


CRS belongs to the Catholic Bishops of America