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Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Peter N'ganca NG, Rosaniah Gwiyo RG, Halima Kofa HJK, Abas Kunyo AK, Anthony Gross AG, Sarah Cooper SC In attendance: Abinither Otiende Lugadiru AOL, Musa Gashago MG, Mike Harries MH, Stephen Kameti SK.


Minutes of the MSST Trust Meeting

November 17th 2009,     Madogo Secondary Schoolr

The meeting was opened with a prayer from MG.

1.    Matters Arising

i.              AOL and RG sent a list of expenses to SC for travel to obtain documents for the Waldegrave Partnership school exchange. It was agreed that TAS would pay for travel costs, and AOL & RG would cover accommodation and food as their contribution. SC wrote a cheque for each of them.

ii.            SC explained that she had contacted several suppliers of sports equipment in Nairobi, however only one had replied with price list. This had been forwarded to AOL who had since produced a revised proposal.

iii.           PN told the meeting that he had not been able to send information regarding what happens to Form IV leavers. He explained that it was hard to trace those who had left. SC suggested implementing a scheme where school leavers would report back after 6 or 12 months. PN felt this would be hard to implement.

iv.           RG and AOL explained that they had contacted several organisations with regard to work experience for the Form IV students. It seems that most companies are not accustomed to the concept of school leavers doing work experience. However, it was agreed that this be pursued and RG agreed to contact CARE and the Kenyan Red Cross in Garissa.

v.            SC had contacted Makiga Engineering Services and a successful training day had taken place in October. Around 20 people were trained and PN said that the staff felt empowered. However, he also stressed that it was physically very hard work for the teachers and that the school had now contracted other people to do this, although he felt that the job was not being done very well. At present 2,000 bricks had been made, but the quality was not good. PN explained that there was another brick making machine in Garissa and he was keen to organise a meeting with the owner to see if they could work together or at least learn better practice.

AFG and MH joined the meeting briefly, and were very interested in the machine and the bricks that had been made so far. MH stressed the importance of curing the bricks when they had been made, and that while the bricks were waiting to be used they needed to be covered and preferably kept in the shade. Equally, he stressed the importance of using the bricks within 2 weeks of being made, otherwise they would easily crumble.

vi.           Otiende had written a proposal to Arsenal and sent it to GMA. SC would find out the progress from GMA.


vii.          PN handed out copies of the School Development Plan, which he would email to GMA.

2.    New Classroom Block

The CDF funded classroom block is nearly complete and fully meets the Ministry of Education’s specifications. The contractor is working hard to complete the build, and PN feels happy with the classroom quota on the school compound. However, furniture is a problem. PN suggested that the school needs 45 desks and chairs. SC suggested completing a proposal form at the meeting which was done – see point 4.

3.    Tenders for Science Laboratory

Stephen Kameti produced two more tenders before the meeting, so the three tenders were compared and discussed, including the design of each. It was agreed that Mataka General Contracters (Kimanzi) showed best value, although RG (school chemistry teacher) suggested that a fume chamber and gas system should be added to the design. SC will discuss this with Kimanzi in Nairobi. The proposal form was completed at the meeting but will be submitted after discussing options with Kimanzi – see Point 4.

4.    Other Proposals

All proposals were discussed and proposal forms for the science laboratory, classroom furniture and games equipment were completed at the meeting. Completion forms were also completed for the two classroom block and the ISSB brick making machine. SC to email all forms to GMA and LC.

A further proposal was introduced by AOL, to cover extra tuition during the Easter break. This would ensure that the syllabus was covered and that the students would be better prepared for the forthcoming examinations. The proposal was very wide ranging and covered all 270 Form III and Form IV students. SC asked whether the proposal could be revised and scaled down – either focussing on those who needed extra support at the lower end, or possibly concentrating on those students who would be most likely to succeed, giving them an extra chance to improve their potential grades. AOL agreed to revise the original proposal and resubmit.

5.    Arsenal Gap Year Coaching Programme

GMA to comment on AOL’s plan and report back.

6.    Any Other Business

i.              SC raised the matter of Mike Makau’s absence from recent meetings. It was agreed that as he had not attended the past 4 meetings, and had failed to respond to emails, he should be removed from the Board of Trustees. SC to organise a resolution to be signed at the next meeting.

ii.            SC brought the final report form from Dfid to be completed by AOL and RG. This was done after the meeting and SC agreed to email the comments to Caroline Croll at Waldegrave School.

iii.           SK joined the meeting and relayed apologies from the MP, Dr Nuh Nassir.

iv.           SK explained that he would be planning a strategic planning meeting, that would include the Chair, the Secretary and one other trustee from each trust. The time and place would be confirmed later.


·         AOL and RG to pursue possibilities of work experience for Form IV leavers

·         PN to contact owner of other ISSB in Garissa for support and advice

·         SC to discuss build design of laboratory with Kimanzi before submitting proposal

·         AOL to revise proposal for extra tuition classes

·         SC to prepare resolution for the removal of MM as a trustee

·         SC to send final Dfid completion report to Caroline Croll

·         SK to inform trustees of strategic planning meeting

PN thanked everyone for their contributions to the meeting and the meeting closed at 1.45pm.

Next meeting to be on Thursday 4th February in Nairobi (AFG’s office)