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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Minutes of Kalumu Primary School

18th November 2009

KPST Trustees Present:  Christopher Nzili (KPST External Trustee), Sanjmi Kent (KPST Secretary), Patrick Mukora (SFP), Stephen Kasovo (Head Teacher), Peninah Muthengi (Chairlady), John Mulaki

In attendance:  Stephen Kameti (TAS facilitator)


1.    The cheque used to pay for the food (previous proposal) was returned and a new one issued. Christopher Nzili handed over documentation to confirm the identity of the owner, in whose name the cheque was now being issued. It was clarified that henceforth any work tenders approved will be with companies who are tax registered.

2.    Christopher Nzili read minutes of the previous meeting. These were proposed by Sanjmi Kent and seconded by Patrick Mukora.

3.    Matters arising from previous minutes:

·         John Mulaki the previous SMC chair had moved away, therefore his replacement Benjamin Katutu attended the last meeting as an ex official. John has since returned so will be attending trust meetings once more.

·         School enrolment has increased from 302 to 304. Pupils are also coming to school earlier and leaving later in the day. This was attributed to the school providing lunch.

·         Hiring of new teachers. Adverts were submitted for 4 posts, and 4 people have been shortlisted for those posts. Contract forms are to be signed later in November 2009, with contracts beginning in January 2010.

·         Water - There had been some rainfall and the water storage tanks were filled, these however have since emptied and the school is back to asking parents to supply water. World Vision have donated a new storage tank, capacity 10,000 litres. It was brought to attention that the gutter system is not adequate therefore water catchment is not as effective as it should be.

·         Food – the school has submitted a completion report. RE maintaining a school-feeding programme: The head teacher has written to the DEO, and Christopher confirmed that the school is on the DEO’s list of schools for school feeding.  Sanjmi requested a copy of correspondence with the DEO to be able to chase up in Nairobi. Stephen explained that he was hoping to meet the minister of education.

·         RE drought management. Stephen clarified that no assistance was coming.

·         Re proposal for funding for teachers salaries. The local trust members were told the proposal passed and the funding was available for the teachers.

·         Levies – It was clarified that levies for teachers’ salaries would no longer be charged from next year. However it was brought to attention that a levy for exam fees is also charged to the parents. A proposal to cover this charge was submitted.

·         Proposals – The proposals the school were suggesting were discussed. More information was required before submission, so Christopher Nzili is to assist the Head Teacher with tenders.

4.    Next years meetings were discussed. It was proposed that 4 meetings are to be held, two in Mwingi and two at the school. This was accepted.

5.    Christopher and Sanjmi explained the need for strategic planning. Just because a proposal is not an urgent need does not mean it should not be submitted, it may be addressed months down the line, but can only be addressed if it has been submitted.

6.    Nursery for shamba as a source of income. It was explained that the perimeter fence was needed to protect a nursery and then the trees, which would be a source of income. Types of trees and a cost to this had not yet been investigated.

7.    Peninah raised an issue on the selection of teachers being employed by the school. Christopher and Sanjmi explained that TAS does not get involved in the day to day running of the school, nor any decisions to be made by the school board.