Members present
1. Hellen Ndeti - Secretary
2. Martha M. Muthengi - School Principal
3. Kyambi kaval I - Chairperson (UGSST/BOG)
4. Peter Musembi - Teacher Rep.
5. Esther k.Ngundo - Parents Rep.
In attendance
Stephen Kameti - TAS
Absent with apology
Musyoka Mutia - member
1. Previous minutes review
2. Project reports; Teachers employment
3. Proposal for funding
Ø School lighting (big project); 914,000
Ø Remedial teaching (small project); 100,000
4 Way forward (Action points)
5 Next meeting
This meeting was the third since inception of UGSST after the second one which was held at Kalumu primary school. The meeting took place at Nairobi and it was a non-costing meeting because it was a time squeeze event as most of the trustees were on their other businesses. The main aim of the meeting was to have a quick Review of the teachers recruitment and discussion of the proposal to be forwarded to TAS for possible funding.
1.0 Previous minutes review
1.1 Communication: Stephen Kameti informed members that he has discussed the issue with relevant persons even though no definite plan has been drawn. Stephen will be making further follow up to the issue with Mark Cheruiyot of KWS.
1.2 Additional Teachers Funding: Hellen Ndeti informed the members the proposal for additional teachers has been considered and already funds released to UGSST account with Chase Bank. She said the funds are for two years support as was requested.
1.3 Exchange program: Members requested Hellen and Stephen to make follow-up of the issue with Gill. Members felt this will be a great learning opportunity for both parties.
2.0 Progress report
2.1 Additional teachers recruitment: The Principal informed members that two teachers have been recruited and filled their contract forms. This week one of the recruited teacher called the Principal and said he has found another greener pasture at the capital city-Nairobi. This means that the school is to recruit two more teachers by beginning of term year 2010.All members promised to join hands in sourcing for the two teachers. Pauline wife of the Local MP did promise also to assist in sourcing for the teachers. Members discussed the option of having incentives of the teachers who perform well in their respect subjects.Hellen Ndeti to make follow-up about the issue.
3.0 Proposal for funding
The Principal through the chair presented two proposals, small and big project which was considered as priority needs by the school BOG.
3.1 The large project; School Lighting Kshs 914,000.
The project has three quotation done by three companies (people) and the lowest is mr Charles Kyalo with the above amount . Members agreed Mr Kyao be given the tender because above his tender being the lowest his work in schools is well known in the area.Hellen was requested by members to forward the proposal to TAS.
3.2 Small project; Remedial teaching Kshs 100,000.
The school principal informed the members the schools’ mean grade currently is very low; 2.7 compared to 12max. Members deliberated that proposal to be forwarded to TAS so as to enable start of the remedial program as early as first term for better results. Members felt that the proposal does not need quotations due to its application mode.
4.0 Action points
4.1 Hellen to do the two proposal and forward them to GILL; TAS by end Dec.2009.
4.2 Stephen to make further follow-up of the communication signals and report to the members during the next meeting.(Jan.2010)
5.0 Next meeting
The next meeting will be on 5th February 2010. The venue for the meeting to be determined by Gill’s meetings schedule in Kenya.