V. Corr, J. Strevens, E. Ondieki, S. Muraya, D. Morgan, G. Marshall –Andrews.
1. Minutes of meeting held 25th Oct. 2005 were read.
2. Janet proposed that these be adopted and seconded by V. Corr.
3. Matters arising. GMA had successfully negotiated a waiver of ledger fees for the bank
account... Other points would be dealt with in the agenda.
4. Report on Fund raising.
a. Janet reported that a Danish Guest of the hotel Bonnik Hansen, had agreed to
donate 20,000 Euros to the refurbishment of the secondary school. He had made
several visits to the school during his stay and had many discussions with all the
trustees. He stated he must have visual and written evidence of how the money
was spent for tax purposes as this was a trust he had set up in Germany.
b. 100,000/- was spent on text books. Money raised by Val and Cherry and EAWL
c. Val outlined the Silent auction she was planning to raise money. She asked
Evans for a profile of 5 needy children who were high achievers to try and get
sponsorship for them.
5. HM's Report.
A. Financial assistance
i. pockets of Poverty from Govt Ksh 30,6796/=
ii. Special Bursary from Govt Ksh 101,240/= (part of these funds were used to
purchase desks and beds.
iii. CDF Bursary Ksh 70,000/= ( for students fees)
iv. Bursary from Min of Ed 59,000/- for school fees.
B. Students' Enrollment
C. Staffing 7 teachers 4 employed by Govt. 3 by parents
Support staff
a. Accounts clerk
b. Copy typist/matron
c. Watchman
d.. Cooks 2
D. Text Books from North Lake community Ksh 134,000/=
E. C.D.F funds were used to :-
a. Lab Equipment
b. Office furniture
c. Part renovations
F. Wrote a proposal for 4 classes to Kenya education and support School programme for KSh.
1,600,000/- Still waiting for funds
G. A Copy Typist and accounts clerk had been appointed and the copy typist would double as a
matron. Evans said they desperately needed a gestetner machine for duplicating school tests. Much
discussion followed as to the way forward with regard to electricity. Evans said that if a transformer
was put close to the clinic then the school could also be connected and this connection would cost
40,000/- From scratch, the cost of electricity would be ½ million shillings. David thought that a
generator would be the solution for the school. One that would power a computer/ word processor,
give light in the evening for the boarders . He agreed to investigate the cost.
6. G Marshall Andrews report.
a. GMA reported that The Trust in London had been set up and was in the process of
registering for charitable status.
b. She had been approached by Heritage Hotels to produce a blurb for the ecotourism
section of their brochure. They had decided to adopt the secondary school as their
ecotourism project.
c. GMA showed us the first edition of the brochure . 400 had been printed 200 brought to
Kenya 200 in UK amendments to Gill for the second edition. The trustees each took
10 and 10 copies were given for the board of Governors. Janet thanked Gill for
producing such a splendid publication. It was noted that it was not a "glossy"
d. HSK Gill, said that a search on Eburru had been done in London and an organization
called "Harambee Schools in Kenya" had come up. Gill said that she had contacted
Simon Harris who lived in Gilgil and had arranged to meet him on Thursday. Evans
said that Mr. Harris had come to see him in 2003 and had suggested that the secondary
school was placed in the wrong area. He had not heard from him again.
e. EVALUATION Gill said that we ought to look at a method of evaluation.
7. .David Morgan. . David said that after listening to Evans report he realized that there is a great
deal of input from many govt. sources and that Evans had tapped many sources. He said that
we , as a trust must be careful not to step on other peoples toes. If the Govt. plans to build
more classrooms, we must be careful not to duplicate. He said that he could see our role as a
managing / maintenance agency and as a quality control agency. He said that the 20,000 Euros
for the renovation would be done by a contractor who would be chosen from tenders.
Much discussion followed as to the needs of the school, and the use of the funds we hoped we would
raise in UK. It was stated that not only the fabric of the school needed to be improved but also the
standard of the teachers must also be raised and emphasis must be placed on pupil achievement..
Evans suplied us with figures'
A qualified teacher would cost £1200 per year ( 2 yr contract)
Unqualified teachers would cost £1000 per year
A year's fees £120. per year
Boarding fees £50 per year
Examination Fees for Form 4's £7
Evans explained that intake of the students from the local primary schools had low KPCE results.
Discussion followed as to how this could be improved. After much discussion revolving around
employment of well qualified teacher and , training of teachers it was decided that if the government
do deliver on its p[promise of extra teachers we need to wait on this decision.
David suggested that we have some sponsored Bursaries. This might give pupils/teachers in the
primary schools some motivation and also increase the educational level of the Secondary school
It was proposed by GMA that we invite 10 students from the local primary schools to compete for a
bursary to Eburru secondary school consisting of 4 yrs fees, (boarding fees if necessary) Commencing
2007.. This was seconding by Val Corr. Evans agreed to put this proposal to the board of govs and if
they approved to write to the schools and advertise this offer.
The pupils with the highest KPCE results would be selected.
The bursary would be divided between :-
Eburru 4 bursaries (2 male 2 female)
Cedar 2 bursaries ( 1 male. 1 female)
Songoli 1 bursaries
Thame 1 bursary
2 male 2 female
Ndogo 1 bursary
Nnagum 1 bursary
10 bursaries in total
Depending on our funds it was suggested that we might be able to add some money for uniform and /
or books.
8. It was agreed unanimously that Lily, the chairman of the board of governors be invited onto the
9. Next meeting Monday 27th March at the school at 11 am.
10. AOB there was none the meeting on time at 12 noon
Tasks to be completed before the next meeting.
1. Minutes written distributed before next meeting
2. Write to Lily
3. Thank you letter to Bonnick
1. Proof read brochure
2. Investigate evaluation processes
3. Meet Simon Harris
4. Meet with David Stogdale
1. Investigate the cost of generator and installation of such
2. Investigate a contractor
1. Put proposal of bursaries to board.
2. If agreed send out notices to all schools and write criteria for offering bursarie.s..
3. Write criteria for offering bursaries to other children apart from the ones offered to the primary
4. Provide profile of 5 needy children of high academic level to try and get bursaries for them for
1.Meet Simon Harris on Thursday with Gill
CRITRIA for awarding Bursaries must be thought out.
The meeting was closed at 12.00 am