- Call meeting to order, introductions and prayer - 5 minutes
- Approval of the agenda – 5 minutes.
- Approval of previous the minutes of the previous meeting – 5 minutes.
- Matters arising – 5 minutes
- Report on progress of teachers recruitment
- Report of KCPE results
- Discussion on proposal for school renovation and kitchen construction.
- Set date for the next meeting
Present trustees:
Mr. Kioko Mulaki
Mr. Titus Mwasia Mughi
Ms. Stella M. Munyoki
Ms. Njoki Kimotho
Mr. Stephen Kameti
Absent without apology-
Min. 1/2010
In the absence of the chairman, Mr. Kioko was requested to chair the meeting which he kindly abliged. The meeting was called to order at 11.45 am. The chairman apologized for the Nairobi group late arrival. The trustees introduced them selves and were led in prayer by Mr. Stephen Kameti.
Min. 2/2010
The agenda was approved, with a request to include a report on the feeding program, which the member was informed was included in the H/Ts report.
Min. 3/2010
The secretary read out the previous minutes report. Mr. Mughi proposed the minutes as a true record of the meeting, seconded by Ms. Stella Munyoki.
Min. 4/2010
In our last meeting, a request had been made that the AEO be invited to our meetings. It was agreed that this should be done by the chairman. However it was noted that there were challenges. It might be hard to get the AEO to leave his station to attend the meeting. Government officers also would require to be paid a sitting allowance, which is not budgeted for. Paying a government officer a sitting allowance might make other trustees expect the same. After a lengthy dialogue, it was agreed that the chairman explain to the AEO about TAS, and continue invite him every time we have a meeting.
In our effort to continue increasing the number of students, it was noted the number of students enrolled at the school had gone up to 302 from 278 last year.
Mr. Mulaki suggested a discussion on Trust cycle/strategic plan, to which he was informed was supposed to happen.
On ringworms, it was reported that the Public health officer had been requested to write a report. This will be forwarded to Sanjimi Kent, who might know some health officials who might be able to help with the menance.
On the constrains, it was reported that shiftas were still a problem in the area.
Min. 5/2010
Mr. Mughi reported that the teaching position had been advertised and 6 applications were received. All the 6 applicants were interviewed by a panel and 4 teachers identified. However all four declined to take their positions, complaining of poor wages. They demaded to see a TAS officer Mr. Kameti, and were advised that it was the school who was hiring them. Mr. Mughi had called Njoki, who had suggested a re-advertisement. Same was done, and three teachers identified, two of who have experience teaching, but are not trained. The third is trained as an ECD teacher. It was noted teachers previously short listed had teaching position in another school, and our remuneration package was not worth leaving their jobs for. All three teachers have bank accounts through which they will be paid.
Feeding was started and was going well. Parents who had been working at the school digging pit latrines to be constructed by Aglo leasing were also fed, as proposed in the September meeting. The school had also received 10 sacks of maize from food relief. As of now, they have seven bags of maize, two bags of beans, some cooking oil and salt.
Min. 6/2010
Twelve student sat KCPE, same number as last year. The best student was a girl with 343 marks (out of a possible 500)( as opposed to last year best student who had 372 marks), and had been accepted to a provincial school, Mumbuni girls. It was noted that the KCPE scores were lower nationally in 2009, as compared to 2008. The lower grades could also be blamed on the fact that there had not been coaching/remedial teaching, due to parents inability to contribute for the same. Interventions recommended included a proposal of remedial teaching. The parents should be encouraged to contribute for the same, even if a small amount, as they should not abdicate all responsibility to TAS or anybody else. Tas could be requested to suppliment whatever the parents raised. In absence of cash contribution, parents could be asked to do some work on school projects or to improve the school compound.
Min 7/2010
On our request for funding of school improvement, we had requested for 500,000Ksh. from TAS. Mr Mughi was asked how the amount was arrived at. Clearly there had been no consultation from a professional, and therefore this was a wild guess. The trustees were concerned that this might result to a shoddy job. Mr Mughi was requested to invite a ministry of works officer, to look at the school, and recommend what should be done. The trustee were aware that the Ministry of works person might end up condemning the buildings, but for now, all we can do is wait and see.
The ministry of works officer would also be asked to give a design for the kitchen.
The trustees thought it would be a good idea to have a master plan for the school’s future development. Mr. Mughi was requested to work with his teachers to come up with a preliminary master plan, which the trustees could look at and possibly improve on during our march meeting/visit.
Mr. Mughi requested that meetings be held at local station, the school or nearby markets. He pointed out maybe the chairman did not attend because he might not have had bus fare. He was reminded that we had earlier agreed that meetings will be held at school, Mwingi or even Nairobi. If anybody does not have bus fare, they should either borrow knowing they would be reimbursed and therefore be able to pay, or say so to Mr. Mughi in good time so that arrangement can be made to enable them attend.
Actions requested of trustees and S. Kameti:
-Mr. Kameti to contact Ministry of education in view of them sending someone to the TAS meetings.
Mr. Kioko to follow up with CDF to find out if Ikathima had been allocated funds.
Mr. Mughi to contact ministry of works for suggestions and cost of school renovations and kitchen plan.
Mr. Mughi to work out details of remedial teachings, costs, what the parents can do, and what help they require from TAS.
Mr. Mughi to continue working on recruitment of the fourth required teacher.
Mr. Mughi to get three quotations of renovation work (this ought to be done after recommendations of the MOW officer).
Njoki to do a budget specific for Ikathima trust meetings.
Min 9/2010
The trustee decide to meet on the second Monday of the month, in the previously agreed months of January, May and September.
There being no other issues, the meeting was closed at around 3pm.