Present: Norma Empringham, Tim Flower, Will Jones, Johnnie Morris, Gill Marshall-Andrews
Apologies: Lissa Campbell, Heather Flint, Ben Howland, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Luke Morris
1. Minutes of meeting on 9 November 2009 were agreed.
2. Update on 30 Nov event
It was agreed that this was a successful event in terms of raising the TAS profile although it has not generated the income we had hoped for. Since the event we have received around £9k in small and medium sized donations with some irons still in the fire. Thanks to all for their help in making it a success:
Ben for co-ordinating invitees, Tom for slideshows and computer stuff, Will and Luke for their wealthy clients and contacts, Johnnie for advice, Tim for money advice, Norma and Heather for ushering duties, Lissa for so much pre-event help and Bob M-A for his speech.
The Vice President is a very good ally and it is hoped that he will continue to support TAS – perhaps by coming over again for a Kenyan business ‘harambee’ in London sometime this years.
(Post meeting note: A preliminary meeting of a harambee committee of up to 20 Kenyan business people has been arranged in Portcullis House on Wed 24 Feb 6pm Room T. Trustees are most welcome but attendance not necessary. GMA will be there and BMA will host).
3. Stephen Kameti’s annual report
A draft of this was circulated before the meeting. Trustees felt it was a well prepared document and particularly noted the ‘lessons learnt’ element.
The final document will be forwarded to Waterloo Foundation and their donation of £10k will be sent out to KWS for year 2 of Stephen’s contract.
His work programme for 2010 and a budget have been agreed by KWS and a letter of support has been received from the Director saying they want to continue the partnership for another year.
4. Update on school exam results
Asako results did not come up to expectations. 4 students out of 16 passed with over 250 marks. This compares to none last year. There was a discussion about whether the staff incentive payment, which was to have been given with a 50% pass rate, should be paid in part or not at all. It was decided to leave the decision to the Asako trustees. Apparently standards all across Kenya were lower than last year.
No other primary results were available. Secondary results are due mid Feb.
5. New Partnerships
It is hoped to link Hampton Community College with Mivukoni and Chichester High School for Girls with Usueni Girls School. Letters of intention are being prepared to GMA to take out on 3 Feb.
6. Finance
We have £50k in the bank of which £10k is due to KWS.
Journeys by Design have generously promised another £5k and John Spiers has generously offered £10k or possibly £20k.
(Post meeting note – JS has paid in £20k)
Gift Aid for 2009 is expected to be around £10k.
There is still some follow – up work to be done from the Nov event. In particular, it is hoped that the Kenyan business diaspora in London may hold a ‘harambee’ for TAS with the VP who has apparently promised to come over again.
The Waterloo Foundation may be open for an application for funding for some building work in Madogo or Mivukoni.
It was agreed that we might approach some law or accountancy firms eg KPMG, Ernst and Young, Deloitte, PWC focussing on the ‘Trust’ concept which is so central to English law and which they might think to be of interest in the non-corrupt delivery of aid. LM, could advise on which big law firms have African offices.
7. Project funding
It was agreed to send out £35,640 straight away as listed below. Deferred sums can be paid within the next 3 months, after Gift Aid for 2009 has been received.
Cost £ |
Send now £ |
Defer £ |
Kimphe Langano |
4 classroom block |
33,000 |
10,000 |
23,000 |
Eburru |
Bursaries 2010 cohort |
5,600 |
5,600 |
Kalumu |
Exam fees |
1,000 |
1,000 |
Meeting costs |
600 |
600 |
Madogo |
Science lab |
13,200 |
7,000 |
6,200 |
Sports equipment |
3,300 |
3,300 |
Classroom furniture |
840 |
840 |
Meeting costs |
1200 |
1200 |
Mivukoni |
Library tour |
70 |
70 |
Meeting costs |
600 |
600 |
Usueni |
Solar lighting |
8,000 |
8,000 |
Remedial programme |
870 |
870 |
Asako |
Lockers |
1,300 |
1,300 |
Ikathima |
Meeting costs |
600 |
600 |
Total |
£70,180 |
£ 35,640 |
£34,540 |
JM agreed to investigate SolarAid to see if Usueni could get the solar lighting cheaper through them. He has 400 pencils donated by Lakeland to take out for the Eburru Art Project.
It was agreed that we confirm to all trusts that we don’t do food or water, unless under exceptional circumstances.
8. Arsenal
The first 2 coaches are going out in April to be based at Greenstead School, an elite school in Gilgil. The idea is that they will be supported at this school but will work in some poor schools in the area for 2 months. For the last month they may go to Green Park and work in Eburru and Loldia. Next year it might be possible to get a project going in Madogo if proper support for the coaches can be guaranteed.
9. Girls Education
Trusts are being asked to produce proposals to improve the attendance and achievement of girls in all schools.
10. ‘Associated’ schools and website
There was a discussion about how this could work and the danger of endangering the TAS brand.
It was agreed that we should continue to offer informal support to schools and charities wanting to use our materials.
Furthermore, when TMA makes the changes to the website in March he could put in a section saying ‘we are rolling out the model – here are some schools who are using it – happy to advise etc’
Another change to the site might be that school trust secretaries can input their own data – meeting notes, requirements etc. May need a TAS override option or editorial approval button.
11. Next meeting
As it is likely that Parliament will be prorogued after Easter it was agreed to meet at TF’s office.
Monday 26 April 6pm at Harbourvest, Berkeley Square House, a big glass building on the East side of Berkeley Square. Nearest tube Green Park.