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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported. With
Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village! Boka has grown
Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.
Minutes from Trustees Meeting
Mivukoni School Development Trust Meeting
February 5th 2010
Francis Koma (FK), Harriet Matsaert (HM), William Mutheki (WM), Mrs Juliana Musyimi (JM), Ms Anastasia Mutinda (AM), Gill Marshall Andrews (GM), Steven Kameti (SK).
1. Call Meeting to Order. Introductions, apologies and prayers.
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of previous minutes
4. Matters arising from previous minutes
5. General report on school progress since last meeting
6. Girls performance at school.
7. Report on progress of banda construction
8. Discussion on proposal for library and reference materials.
9. Fencing proposal
10. Proposal for meeting costs
11. AOB - accounts
12. Set date of next meeting
Item |
Notes |
Action |
1. Call Meeting to Order. Introductions, apologies and prayers. |
The meeting commenced at 11.55.
FK welcome us all.
AM opened the meeting with a prayer. |
2. Approval of Agenda |
Added point on progress of girls. Requested report from Ms Musyima under school progress report. |
3. Approval of previous minutes |
Approved minutes. AM proposed, JM seconded. |
4. Matters arising from previous minutes |
SK to send us trust deeds.
Leaflets are completed. SK has copies and will give copies to school and BOG. Gill and KWS to look at distribution in local tourist lodges.
Need to photocopy new proposals and return to school. In future two copies to be made of proposals (one retained at school).
Global Schools partnership: Hampton Community College are interested in linking with Mivukoni school. GM brought a letter from the principal, Mr Neil Smith, to AM. HCC is a specialist arts college. AM will follow this up with the HCC contact, Peter Edmead. A good time for UK teachers to come to Kenya is early July. Good time to visit UK is December. Gill will collect the letter when she visits Mwingi next week. Deadline for the application is the 1st March. AM will inform the BOG and the DEO.
Examples of possible projects are geography studies, art projects. |
5. General report on school progress since last meeting
And progress of girls. |
The new school year began on January 5th. Over the holidays a new girls dormitory and classroom have been constructed. Dormitory is still being roofed and class room is ready to be painted. Materials are ready to build the boys dormitory. Once built there will be enough accommodation for 2 streams.
There are currently 33 candidates in the form 4 class (11 girls, 22 boys). Last year there were 49 (24 boys, 25 girls). AM feels optimistic that this year’s form 4 will do better as we have TAS support from the beginning of the year. The mood of the children is positive. Children are more motivated to come to class in the morning.
There was a board of governors meeting on January 30th. Priority for this year is still academic improvement. The next board meeting is on 27th March to discuss academic progress in the school.
Form 1: expecting 45 girls, 45 boys but not sure yet. Last day of reporting is today. Only 15 students have reported so far because of fees problem. AM to confirm numbers.
Form 2: 24 girls and 43 boys.
Form 3: 43 girls and 52 boys
Form 4: 11 girls and 22 boys
Comment on girl’s performance. In the past there was a higher drop rate because of pregnancy. This has lowered because we have invited people to talk to the girls. In the past there was a problem of boys dominating in class (girls standing by and watching). Now there are some girls who are performing very well. Girls are now picking up and feeling that they can participate. Last year the girls football team made it to the provincials. The main priority now is to get more girls into the school at Form 1. There are less girls because parents prioritise the boys and because of poor performance of girls in primary school.
This year the school required 271 points for boys, 233 points for girls, reflecting girls poorer performance.
Some children get bursaries from World Vision (girl in form 2), CDF. AM will confirm the number of children who currently receive bursaries in the school.
Last year BOG gave 100,000 sh/ for needy students (raised through harambee). This went mostly to orphans. The school also received some relief food.
Results will come out the last week of February. AM to inform us of the results when they come out.
This year the main challenge is shortage of teachers because form 3 is very large. BOG has employed 4 teachers (English/KiSwahili, Geography/History, CRE/KiSwahili, Mathematics and going to advertise for a computer teacher).
Still need to build an extra form four class for next school year. The double stream class will reach form 4 next year.
This year for the first time students are requesting to join the school on their application forms.
Board set goal for this year. 7.5 average for this year (C+). In 2008 it was 3.5.
6. PTA report |
JM thanked TAS for support to Bandas. These have encouraged the children. PTA class reps met last Wednesday. Parents plan to assist in building the boys dormitory and a form 4 class, if money allows.
Parents are also committed to reduce balances on fees.
There will be meetings of parents, students and teachers this month (Form 3 and 4 and form 1 and 2) to talk about academic performance and paying fees. This will be done once for lower classes and three times for Form 4). This is a new initiative this year. The emphasis on improving students.
The PTA meets every term. They must meet to agree levies to be charged. Also to get feedback from the school e.g on performance and goals. |
7. Report on progress of banda construction |
Bandas are not yet complete. Four are complete except for the tip on the hat and painting the last coat of paint (see photos). Two still need painting. The last two are still getting roof and walls built. Paths and bridges to link bandas are under construction. Materials are available to build the last two. Just need to purchase the roofing materials.
There has been a slight delay because of intricacy of construction, but should be completed in the next two weeks.
The DEO representative was impressed by the bandas when he visited the school and is going to suggest this model is copied in other schools in Mwingi.
The school would like portable plastic seats and tables to put in the bandas, so they can be used for different activities. AM will develop a proposal to present to TAS and will forward this to HM.
Planning to plant trees.
AM to develop a proposal for the portable plastic seats and table and forward to HM to send to TAS so that bandas can be put into use as soon as possible.
We will fill in the completion report after next trust meeting.
HM to forward photos of bandas to Gill. |
HM |
8. Discussion on proposal for library and reference materials. |
The visit was very educational.
Library report has not yet been received. HM to resend library tour report and drawing to BOG and AM (and drawing to Gill).
When others comments have been incorporated HM will circulate report to other TAS schools.
The key issue with the library is not the size but how it is used. That’s why we need a qualified librarian to ensure the circulation of books. We need IT and internet services to be supplied to community members as well as school and to generate funds.
BOG met on January 30th and gave their full support to the project.
GM raised issue of the earth bricks. If quality can be assured it should bring down the cost of the building and machine could be used to earn income for the school. Machine produced by Makiga, who will come and do the training.
HM to contact the architect and ask him to draw up plan (and look at potential for using earth bricks). Need to insure linkage with bandas. This architect knows the school and developed the plans for the dormitories.
Guidance cost of 1,340,000/- for the building.
Once we get the plans we can get tenders. One tender from Kimanzi who is working on Madogo school. HM to get contact from Sarah Evans.
Aim to get a proposal ready for our next meeting or before. Proposal for furnishings and materials to be developed at a later date.
HM |
9. Fencing proposal |
The last proposal was mislaid. AM re presented a proposal for the fencing.
Need fencing around bandas to allow protection (keep furniture and books inside) and beautification (allowing trees and plants to be grown around the bandas) to create a good learning atmosphere. Quiet zone in the school.
We need a chain link fence of 106 metres. 6 rolls (6000/ each). 106 posts (100/-), nails (20 kg, total 3000/-) 5 barbed wire rolls to support chain link (3000/- each). Wire tensor for maintenance (2000/-). Cement and ballast and sand and water.
Cost of project is estimated at 72,800 for materials. Community will contribute their unskilled labour to build the fence (value 4000) and to contribute posts (10) (value 4000) (see attached proposal). Parents are accustomed to doing this. School can provide maintenance.
The fence can be extended when the library is built.
Work can be done in 3 weeks.
HM to deliver proposal to TAS. |
HM |
10. Proposal for Revision Programme. |
Improved academic performance is the BOG’s priority this year. The school would like to start the revision programme immediately.
Key elements: remedial teaching, activities with neighbouring schools (including mock exams – 3), to attend subject based symposia with other schools (so kids realize where they are weak, develop presentation skills), motivational speakers (e.g teachers who excel (e.g. teacher from Starehe last year), professional counselors) and examiners.
Total 113,750/-
BOG/parents will give the papers for writing the exams and school will facilitate. (estimated value 7000)
106,550 requested from TAS.
HM to forward proposal to TAS. |
HM |
11. Proposal for meeting costs |
This proposal has been made and funded.
Next proposal we should include some overheads in case of extra mileage, breakdown etc.
Next year’s budget to be discussed in August meeting so everyone can make corrections.
HM reported on current balance in account: 75,850. |
HM |
12. AOB |
The idea of a strategic planning workshop was raised by SK. It was decided that Mivukoni school does not need this training.
HM and WM gave advance funding of 5000/- to AM to cover preparation of lunch for the May 5th trust meeting. HM. HM and WM gave advance funding to HM to cover transport and accommodation for meeting on May 5th (11,520).
We agreed that costs for next meeting will be paid out at each meeting in advance, to avoid delays in covering costs. |
13. Set date of next meeting |
May 5th at Mivukoni school. Kalumu will also come to Mivukoni for their meeting. (time to be agreed nearer the date). |