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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting






Lissa Campbell,  Norma Empringham, Tim Flower,  Ben Howland, Gill Marshall-Andrews, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Johnnie Morris, Luke Morris,


Heather Flint, Will Jones

  1.  Minutes of meeting on 1 March 2010 were agreed.
  2. Stephen Kameti’s quarterly report was noted.  There was a discussion about how to acquire and record regular information about schools and it was agreed that a Note of Visit would be put on the website for Stephen and others to use.  Kate Hargreaves had devised one.  Lissa/ Norma/ Johnnie to agree format in time for Gill’s visit to Kenya 8 May.  It was agreed that it would be good if Stephen could aim to spend at least one day per month in each school.

3.        Update on schools and examination results. 

Eburru and Asako – the two schools that have had the longest association with TAS – have shown a dramatic improvement in exam results.  Eburru KCSE results have improved from a mean of 2.5 in 2006 to a mean of 4.3 in 2009 – a 70% improvement.

Asako KCPE results have improved from a mean of 168 (out of 500) in 2008 to a mean of 225 in 2009 – a 33% improvement.   In 2008, no students got to secondary school;  in 2009, 5 students qualified for secondary school.

4.       Funding

 It was agreed that TAS should use these success stories in a new fund raising push.  Ben will draft text and Tom will put together a pdf for emailing out to possible and existing supporters. 

Luke will try and get a meeting with a Mishcon partner who specialises in Trusts.

Will is going to contact some of his clients who attended the event in November.

Tom will contact friends in Ernst and Young, and KPMG.

Andrea Hartley – a fund raiser – has agreed to advise.

Funds are low so no major new project can be agreed till the next meeting.

5.        Possible partnerships

Equity Group Foundation – discussions are ongoing.

DfID – discussions are ongoing

Barclays / Amref /Guardian – ongoing discussions about exit strategy from the Katine project in Eastern Uganda.

Kenya Wildlife Service – discussions about applying for DfID funds to replicate the TAS model of school trusts around other national parks.

6.        Boka Primary School Trust

This new trust is due to be inaugurated in May.  Tony Fitzjohn has agreed to seek funding for projects at this school.

7.        Arsenal

Two coaches have now started a 3 month stint in Greensted School in Nakuru and Green Park in Naivasha where they will spend time with Eburru School.  Arsenal have donated a large number of caps to be given to the schools.  It was agreed that the trusts should be asked how best to use this gift to maximise the benefit the schools, given that they cannot be sold.

8.        Girls Education

It was agreed that Lissa would contact secretaries to encourage them to develop strategies and projects aimed at improving girls’ educational opportunities.

9.       Next meeting

6.15 Thursday 8 July 2010 at 6 Kingley Street,  Ben’s office.