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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Minutes of Asako Primary School Trust meeting held on 20th May 2010 at Asako Primary School

Juma Ali Dido                         -           JAD (Chairman)

Kilusa Shora Dirckicha            -           KSD

Ismail F. Solola                        -           IS

Komora Samuel                       -           KS (New HT)

Hussein Duba              -           HD

Anthony Gross                        -           AFG

Tony Fitzjohn              -           TF

Mike Harries                -           MH

Mike Cheruiyot                        -           MC

In attendance:    Lucy Fitzjohn

                        Moritz Barman


1.       The meeting was opened with a word of prayer by the Chairman.                                               

2.       Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting of 4th February 2010.

a)             SK and head teacher confirmed Gill had postponed the strategic meeting.

b)            LATF -  700,000 in budget, says County Council of Tana River.

Councillor present thinks it will be ready by November.

Not enough.  LATF to design the building.

Tenders for design not possible until you have money.

Won’t allow private sector to tender and design.

JD suggests if LATF build boys TAS request for girls

TF advised that when physically built boys, we will build girls.

Letter from Council tabled.                                                                                                APPENDIX I

c)             Lockers – Kimanzi hasn’t started because of rains.  Will build in August

d)            School trips – Ball games in Madogo. Head teacher thanks TAS for contribution of

         Kshs. 12,800/=.

e)             Completion Reports. Head teacher tables appreciation report.                                                         APPENDIX 2

f)             Water – AFG – CRS confirm coming Tuesday.  AFG to tell them the tank is very loose and           AFG

         has exploded.

         TF – KWS and village – Move windmill pump to borehole.  Not necessary now.  MH and             MH & TF

         TF will drill another borehole and put windmill pump for agriculture and plumbed into KWS

         line as back up.

         TF and MC suggests ground storage and in line pumps to village and school.  MC will follow up

         with German Agro Action.                                                                                                   MC & TF

g)             Bursary: IS discussed with teachers and pupils.  (2 bursaries) Girl D plain, Boy D+. New 4            JAD

         bursaries are scoring B. remaining year January to December – to reduce 50% for this year

         and re-assess for year 4. Kshs. 15,000/= each - 4 Madogo and 1 Mbala Mbala.  JAD to send

         demand from school and give names and account numbers for us to send the money.

h)            Teacher attendance: NHT – teachers are working well – reports tabled.  Bentitia was replaced    APPENDIX 3

         with Mr. Steven.

i)       Teachers Bonus: Ok.  Old head teacher owed money to school.  Juma deducted his bonus to

         refund to school and the balance of Kshs. 2,171/= will be paid to him.                                              JAD/Abbas

3.       A humanitarian appeal was tabled for the sister of the boy the Trust had helped.  It was agreed to use       APPENDIX 4

      the 50% bursary reduction for this purpose.                                                                                                 JAD

4.       Funding proposals                                                                                                                            KH

a)             Girls’ dormitory, see above. HT/ & HD to prepare proposal by next meeting                                     APPENDIX 5

b)             4 funding proposals tabled.

5.       K.C.P.E. results.  HT tabled pupil results lists.                                                                                  APPENDIX 6

6.       Gender Issues

      Response to girls’ education is very poor. Only one girl in class 8

      Needs community sensitization on Girls Education rather than early marriage.  Can we find an NGO

      (Islamic Models of girls or KWS)                                                                                                       MC

An outsider is a better idea.  Leaders must help.

7.  School Trips:- As per proposal above

a)             Music Festival end of June: 40 to Madogo – 2 days                                                                   KH

Transport: 24,000                                                                                        

Food: school will organize

Accommodation: Free

Entrance Fee: 1,000 per school

b)             Mombasa – all teachers.   Motivational trip in holidays



1)         CDF – refurbishment for 2009 – Kshs. 1,400,000/=

            1 nursery class room

            Renovated five class rooms

            New roofing

Rewiring of five classrooms from existing solar not working. TFJ will send electrician this

week to check problem.           1 battery needed 200 Amp/k battery.                                                        TFJ


2)         Employees TAS – Request for an Increase in Salary??                                                                              KH

Nursery – Kshs. 6,000/= to Kshs. 9,000/=

Primary – Kshs. 17,000/= should stay.

Next meeting will be held on 19th August 2010 in Nairobi.

Note: Only 1st page of each Appendix is scanned and attached.  KH to pick up originals and disseminate as she sees fit.