DATE : 4th June 2010
Time : 11.50 to 3.00 pm
Venue: The secretary’s house, Nairobi.
Item Presenter & estimated time
- Call meeting to order apologies and prayers. Chairman-5 mins
- Approval of agenda – Chairman 5 mins
- Approval of previous minutes – Chairman 5 mins
- Matters arising from the previous minutes – Chairman 10 mins
- Report on progress of funding for classroom renovations and Remedial teaching – Secretary -10 mins
- Headmaster’s report: 10 min
- Feeding
- AOB – 10 mins
- Set date for next meeting – 5 mins
Present Trustees:
Mr. James Musyoka Maluki - Chairman
Mr. Titus Mwasya Mughi – Head teacher, Ikathima pri. Sch.
Ms Stella M. Munyoki - Trustee
Mr. Kioko Mulaki – Trustee
Ms. Njoki Kimotho – Trust secretary
Min 1
The Chairman Mr. Maluki suggested that one of us chairs the meeting. Mr. Mughi proposed Mr. Kioko Mulaki and this was uniamiously adopted.
Mr. Kioko called the meeting to order at 11.50am.
Min 2
We agreed to use the previous agenda format with additions of new agenda.
Mr. Maluki proposed that we discuss feeding program and same was approved.
Min 3
Copies of the previous minutes were passed around. The secretary read the minutes. Mr. Mughi proposed them as a true copy of what was discussed and he was seconded by Stella Munyoki. Corrections were made on some Trustee names spelling as : Mwasia and Muasya should read “Mwasya”
Min 4
-Following our meeting on Feb 10th where we had proposed to adopt Mr. David Munyoki Mwasya as one of the trustees, Mr. Mughi and the chairman had invited him to the school and discussed the issue. Mr. Mwasya had accepted and same had been put in writing. Mr. Mwasya was ready to attend this meeting when it was supposed to take place on 27th. Mr. Mughi felt Mr. Mwasya might not have received the letter which gave the rescheduled date of today.
The trustees unianimously agreed to adopt Mr. D.M. Mwasya as one of the trustees. Mr. Kameti to deliver this minutes and a resolution signed by all the trutees present in this meeting to our lawyer Mr. Nzili Kyania.
-Mr. Kameti reported that education departmental heads had been sentitised of our operations and conditions, and had accepted to attend meetings upon invitations.
-Mr Mughi had seen the Bandas at Mivukoni. While they are nice, IPST feel they are not necessary for a primary school, more so a day school where students don’t have a lot of time outside classroom.
-It was suggested that forms be formulated for monitoring teachers paid by TAS. They should also be evaluated annually, and salary increament pegged on the evaulation reports.
-Other NGOs working in Ikathima were German Aglo Action who had done water tanks and pit latrines, and World Vision who had done water tanks.
-A bore hole was dug 200 metres from the school through community intiatiative and lobbying. Students cleared the site. Plans are underway to purchase pipe to connect water from the borehole to the excisting tanks in school. This is a mojor accomplishment by the community as they improve the school towards becoming a bording facilty.
Min 5
Njoki reported that she had sent the proposal on the remedial teaching to Lissa. Lissa had requested for further information which Njoki had asked the H/T to bring to this meeting.
She also reported that she had talked to Gill on her last visit, who had reported the renovation proposal had not been funded, and would probably be considered latter when funds were available.
Min 6
Mr. Mughi reported that all was well at school. Enrollment had gone up from 278 to 316 students. Nursery school alone had gone up from 26 to 61. The 61 pupils are in one class as they only have one teacher. The trustees felt this was too big a class and as such hinders adequate attention to the pupils and hence proper teaching. Mr. Mughi was advised to write a propasal for another ECD teacher. Remedial teaching was going on well.
Mr Mughi was requested to make a report of KCPE results from 2006 to date, particualrly to show enrolement and performance of boys vs girls.
Min 7
The chairman reported that the children were hungry and it was getting pretty bad. He addeded that even though some students can bring food to school, it often went bad due to heat and poor storage facilities, leaving the children with upset stomachs.
As we all know TAS stand on feeding, it was agreed that all trustees look out for possible feeding agencies.
Min 8
The next meeting will take place on September 13th in Mwingi
There being no other issues, the meeting ended at 15.00pm.
Recorded by Njoki Kimotho, Trust secretary.