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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Minutes 17/09/10, Start time 10:06


Name                                     Title

Mia Sparkman                       Secretary

Mike Harris                Trustee

Mark Cheru                Trustee KWS

Mohamed Yotare      Trustee

Ibrahim Hussein        Chairman of Trustee

Mohamed Abdullahi Trustee Youth Representative

Gill Marshall               TAS

Saleh Fahim               Local Businessman

Abas Kunyu               Education Officer

Sam Are                      Trustee

Agenda Opening the meeting with prayers

1.      Introductions

2.      Reading minutes/confirmation

3.      Matters arising from the minutes

4.      General report of the school/TAS projects in-progress

a.       Bank account opening, SK and MS

b.      H/t Chair and table donations; H/T

c.       General school performance; girl vs. boys; T/rep and H/T

5.      New Proposal

a.       Desks proposal

6.      Main action points

7.      AOB

8.        Next meeting date/closing prayer




Prayer was said by Ibrahim


Chair for the meeting; will be Mark Cheru. Ibrahim informed the trust that the head teacher had not arrived. It was asked that we confirm Sam and Mark as members of the trust.

Sam and Mark need to sign the Trust Deed

Reading Minutes/confirmation

Minutes read

Matters arising from minutes

Gill discusses how cash is not used, but all money will be transferred from account to account once agreed on by all members of the trust. It is decided by the board that there will be 2 signatures (Secretary and Mike) in Nairobi and one (Head teacher) at the school.

Bank account will be opened in Nairobi with Mia, Mike, and head teacher as signatories.  Stephen will get bank information from Head teacher.

General report of the school/TAS projects in-progress

Ibrahim gave an overview of the school. The school is going on well. 2 additional teachers are being funded by TSE. Their contract is for 2 years. This makes 8 total teachers.

Persistent problems are

1.      Desks are a problem. It is decided that a proposal will be written for desk. They would like to have combined desks for lower standards- 3 students to desk. For upper standards, they would like individual desks with seats attached and lockable tops.

2.      Ibrahim mentions that drop out rates are a problem. The population is pastoralists, and students leave Boka to attend a school with dormitories.

3.      The board discussed the nursery school teacher. The board decided that additional training was needed and a consistent salary. Currently, the nursery school teacher is paid per student but many parents do not pay.

Gill reviews with the trust how to complete a proposal and the requirements. Stephen is asked to find a copy for the school staff.

The trustees are asked to give a detailed state of the school. At this time Gill suggests we establish the rules for the meeting. Mark is chosen as the chair. It is also established that mobile calls will be taken outside.

b. State of school

  • 296 Children
  • Standar1-6 189
  • Nursery 107
  • 66 girls Standard 1-6
  • 123 boys standard 1-6
  • 2 Classroom were built for a total of 9. There is an efficient # of classrooms.
  • Nursery through Standard 2 has two streams.
  • Standard 3-6 has only one.

The Secretary asked how many boys and girls are in Standard Standard 6, Nursery 2, Standard 1 2 streams; others 1 stream.

More boys than girls in nursery

Standard 6 has one more boy

School has a well but not complete no hand pump draw the water up by hand. Done by individual Drinking comes from Boka Wells Community.

Seats given to teachers and desk to head teacher


Dropouts: pastoralists they drop out and go to boarding school. Must attend nursery to enter Standard 1. Nursery teacher paid 150 per child per month.  15,000 per month but not all students pay. He needs training and a salary.

Desks: There is only one proposal. Stephen has proposal forms to be filled in. Lets ask if Stephen for proposal

The trust discusses types of desks.  Want to have seat attached and lock the top of the desk. For upper classes. Combined in 3 for lower classes.

Sam arrived from Nigeria; interested in Boka involved in school dev in the same district. Organization is Christ Vision

c. Members invited

1. The school will write a proposal for training of nursery school teacher and for the salary.

2. Saleh will gather 3 quotes for desks and write the proposals.

3. All proposals will be sent to Secretary

New Proposals

Gill suggests a fence around the school.

Sam suggests a dormitory to be built. Mark suggests that it start small and to concentrate on Desk, training, salary, fence

Mark reviews the proposal form with the trust.

Committee will write a proposal and Stephen will send to secretary.


Gill suggests Safaricom boost the mobile signal in Boka, or a satellite phone is purchased solely for the use of contacting the secretary or Mike.

Secretary gathered contact information for all individuals.

The head teacher arrives at the end of meeting.

Next Meeting date/closing prayer

November 18 at Boka.

Mark closes the meeting at 11:14.

KWS can arrange transport from Kora airstrip. Or if the airstrip is open in Boka, Tony and Mike will arrange transportation.