Present :
- Gill Marshall-Andrews 2. Cherry Ritchie
3. Kate Fjastad 4. Gregory Wabuge
5. Reuben Kiritu 6. Oliver Muhindi
7. Daniel Kilonzo 8. Susan Karera
Meeting was called to order 2.50pm
Ø Started with introductions with Oliver the Engineer added as a member of the committee
Ø Apology for T. Kagambi who was on leave
Minutes were confirmed by Cherry and seconded by Kate
- Water 5. Staffing
- All year care 6. Financing
- Adult facilities 7. Regularity of meeting
- Books
1. Confirmed that Col Kiritu will supervise operations in the school RK
2. Donated books follow up on records by Friday DK/AW
2. Have a system in place to keep track of the books AW/DK
3. Confirmed that the school has enough curriculum books AW
4. Noted that 28 little children are too many to be taken care of
by one teacher, so she probably needs assistance from a parent
with an incentive. Parents committee to be approached to forward
names of two parents for the same RK/AW
5. Fix an age when a child can join thus not less than 3 years RK/AW
6. Emphasize that it not a day care but a school RK/AW
7. Proposal to have a separate place for children under 3 years RK/AW
8. Play ground equipments installed apart from one which is in progress OM
9. Theme painting of the school to be done OM
10. Play ground to be sanded to avoid accidents this week OM
11. Gutters fitting in progress to be ready this week OM
12. Grass planting in progress DK
13. Macintosh to be bought by end of next week DK
14. Have all the receipts for the equipments forwarded for filling SK
15. Get quotations for indoor games equipments and painting and colors SK/AW
16. Seats will be provided by the lodge and the lodge will thru CSR invite
for lectures e.g. family planning/ first aid etc RK/GW
17. All informed that lighting will be provided in the near future GW
- Kshs. 307,000/= left in the account
- Have a system for taking inventory of books
- If proposals are forwarded to the Trust they would be happy to
donate computers
- Try and get a solution to transport problem for the children to and from Loldia, Parents / lodge and Trust may make a contribution towards it
Regularity of meetings
1. Management to meet every 2nd Thursday of month
2. Call for meetings every three months
1. Suggestion to have leaflets on the school at the reception
2. Members of the golf club to be encouraged to donate towards support for the school
3. Proposal to have an open day to create awareness to people around green park
There being no other business the meeting ended at 5.00pm