Madogo Secondary School Trust Meeting
14 September 2010
A.F. Gross’s Office, Nairobi
Peter Ngang’a (PN)
Abas Kunya (AK)
Rosaniah Gwiyo (RG)
Lainie Reisman (LR)
Anthony F. Gross (AG)
Gill Marshall Andrews (GMA)
In attendance:
Abinther Otiende Lugadiru (AOL)
Stephen Kameti (SK)
Hussein Waju (HW)
The meeting opened with a prayer.
Action Points from Previous Meeting
1. Extra Tuition 2010 - AOL and RG to resubmit detailed proposal for extra tuition – Proposal submitted to TAS and approved. LR and AG to process reimbursement.
2. School Analysis - AK to send analysis of school to Secretary and GMA – Hard copies were handed over. SK to resend soft copy to LR and GMA.
3. Electricity Needs - PN to get quote for extra power cabling – Quote obtained for K566,000 (without labor) – PN considered this high and thought that along with labor work could be done for K600,000. Solar power was discussed but school felt grid power was more reliable due to potential vandalism. GMA suggested TAS would consider a proposal jointed funded with school and/or CDF. Madogo could fund between K200,000 and K300,000. PN to submit proposal for electricity.
4. Alliance Girls Visit - SC to submit proposal for Alliance Girls High School – Proposal submitted and approved by TAS. Trip completion report pending. LR and AG to process reimbursement. GMA stressed need for timely reports to be send to TAS along with pictures. AOL to submit report.
5. Monthly Visits - SK to visit school monthly and send reports to LR and GMA – This has not been consistently done and should be implemented immediately.SK to submit all trip reports in timely manner.
6. BOG school meetings - HW to update on school meetings – New BOG Chairman HW held meetings with teachers, workers and the entire school. Hardcopy minutes were circulated. HW to send softcopy minutes. Focus of meetings was discipline.
7. Arsenal Coaches - AOL to send timetable for Arsenal coaches – Madogo confirmed they are interested in the opportunity. LR and GMA to follow-up with contacting Peace Corps in Garissa to discuss support for gap year students.
8. Streaming - PN to discuss streaming – Madogo agreed this was not feasible due to teacher and classroom constraints. GMA suggested that out-of-classroom activities could be streamed. Idea of bandas discussed in order to house working sessions.
New and Pending Proposals
Perimeter Fencing – The school has priorities securing the fencing. Discussion on construction materials and possible use of brick machine held. Participants agreed brick wall is not feasible. The brick machine is property of the school and should be utilized as the school sees fit. School is finding difficulty getting a quote. AG suggested Kimanzi and KWS could provide rapid estimates. HW, PN, and others noted the issue of squatters on school property as part of the justification for fencing, as well as student security. DEO and district surveyors have been contacted for their input. PN will seek estimates and submit a proposal for fencing in which TAS supports part of the costs along with the school, CDF, and other actors.
Pending games and classroom furniture proposals – PN confirmed both proposals are still pending but emphasized the furniture proposal as a priority. AG questioned the role of the ADB in having approved K4.35 Million for Madogo. It was clarified the ADB support was for a third (additional) lab. The support for furniture is a general line of support. PN confirmed that approximately 90 desks and chairs are needed, each set estimated to cost K5,000 for better quality products. PN to update classroom furniture proposal to reflect request for quality materials.
Tuition for April/August 20111 – AOL suggested it was important to submit proposal immediately for April and August tuition. PN and AOL to submit tuition proposal for April/August 2011.
Other Issues
Science Lab – Trustees expressed concern over slow implementation. SK to arrange a meeting with AG and contractor Kimanzi as soon as possible.
Waldegrave/British Council – GMA confirmed that the Waldegrave/BC grant was approved and confirmed that the matter is now in the hands of the school. She underscored the need for regular communication with Waldegrave to take full advantage of the opportunity. LR will make contact with the British Council regarding teacher training courses.
Letter from Musa Gashago – LR and GMA received a letter from the previous delegate of the BOG Chairman asking to remain involved in the Trust. LR to send letter explaining TAS membership and procedures.
Summary of Action Points (from above issues)
1. LR and AG to process reimbursement for 2010 tuition.
2. SK to resend soft copy to LR and GMA of school analysis (gender, grade, etc.)
3. PN to submit proposal for electricity.
4. LR and AG to process reimbursement for Alliance Trip
5. AOL to submit completion report for Alliance Trip
6. SK to submit all trip reports in timely manner.
7. HW to send softcopy of school meeting minutes.
8. LR and GMA to follow-up with contacting Peace Corps in Garissa to discuss support for Arsenal gap year students.
9. GMA to follow-up with Arsenal contact.
10. PN will seek estimates and submit a proposal for fencing in which TAS supports part of the costs along with the school, CDF, and other actors.
11. PN to update classroom furniture proposal to reflect request for quality materials.
12. PN and AOL to submit tuition proposal for April/August 2011.
13. SK to arrange a meeting with AG and contractor Kimanzi as soon as possible.
14. LR will make contact with the British Council regarding teacher training courses.
15. PN to be in constant contact with Waldegrave.
16. LR to send letter explaining TAS membership and procedures.
The meeting was closed by a prayer.
Next meeting – To be held in mid-January at Madogo. Date to be confirmed.