Present;Jackson Olaka,Cherry Ritchie,Roselyn Wootton,Alice Wangari,
James Mwangi.
Also Andrew Muir was welcomed as Heritage Group Operations Manager..
Apologies; Caroline Rune ,Anthony Mbehelo
Confirmation of Minutes of 3rd Meeting of the Green Park School Trustees on 14th April 2006.
Proposed by Jackson Olaka, seconded by Alice Wangari.
Matters Arising
1.Account. The account now holds ; 267.400 ksh
2.Finance. Cherry to do the Bookkeeping.
Cheque of 30.000 ksh signed by Cherry and Rosleyn to be held by Jackson at the Lodge.
This cheque will be cashed by Jackson at the Lodge and the cash will be used as necessary for building projects and school Equipment. Jackson will be responsible for this money, being used only for Green Park School.
3.Building Works. Hard Standing to be organized and implemented by James Mwangi.Estimated cost .25.600 ksh. This will be the cost of cement, hardcore and sand.
4.Site of new building for school. Palle, and Heritage management to be involved. Andrew Muir suggested the School and Camp Buildings to be planned in conjunction with each other. The Shareholders of Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Course to be notified by Diana at Heritage.
5.School Equipement. An inspection of the school premises was suggested for tomorrow to ascertain what was actually needed.
As a result of this the Trustees assembled on 17th May at the school and Peter from the Lodge will make a robust metal cupboard for the library books. He will also provide doors for a cupboard in the nursery classroom.
Tables and stools for the nursery to be made ,organized by Peter, and the cost of this all to come from the 30.000 ksh cheque.
Mattresses for the nursery are also needed. Andrew Muir will talk to the company making the swimming pool mattresses and see if they can provide similar ones for the school, as they are covered in plastic they were considered ideal.Again the cost of these will come from our 30.000 ksh budget.
Uniforms. Alice recommends they are renewed by the end of this year. Roselyn and Cherry to buy the material and Rosleyn will make them. They will be paid for with money from our Account.
Cherry undertook to buy sweaters for the children from her own account.
6.Fund Raising
Jackson will call the staff whose children are at the school and try and get an arrangement with them that they contribute some small amount of money to help provide for their children.
Cherry will have her annual sale of Kenyan goods in her house in UK.
Andrew Muir has some ideas for raising money through the club.? Cooks night out etc. Supper at the club for residents with a simple formula of suppers .
7. Brochure
Gill Marshall - Andrews has this in hand.
Any Other Business
Whilst on our tour of the school the Trustees discussed Security lighting.
No decision was taken.
Date Of Next Meeting; 20th June 2006 at 4pm at Great Rift Valley Lodge, Conference Centre.
Cherry Ritchie, Secretary Green Park School Trustees.