4. Report on School Progress
Girls’ dormitory is now almost complete except bathroom.
Construction of boys’ dormitory has started.
The borehole is now installed. There is no longer a problem with water in the school, but pipes have yet to be installed. Water quality is as good as what is available at the market (slightly salty).
Science lab is being built and the dining room is still being finished.
Lab equipment has arrived and is much appreciated.
Form 4 curriculum is being completed today. Revision starts from next week. Form 1 – 3 have moved on to next year’s syllabus.
Form 4 mock exams were done jointly with Tseikuru secondary school. Top student (the boy who is repeating) got a B+, one B- and to C+. These were all boys. The top girl got a C. The mean score was 4.6.
Remedial programme.
Extra morning and evening classes are being held.
Three examiners have come to talk to the children, chemistry, biology and ki Swahili. Tomorrow maths and English. Next week agriculture, history, business education and computer.
Motivational speaker will be coming next week. Mr Okinda. Former teacher and now a publisher.
Twelve students visited Kyambo secondary school for a week. Teachers went for one day. Some new initiatives have been launched based on good practice seen at Kyambo. These are 1) discussions for the whole school on Saturdays, 2) academic contests between form 3 and 4 on selected topics. 3) Random assessment tests (every teacher should set a surprise test every month).
Every student with a low mark has to come to school with their parents to discuss how to improve their mark.
Parents have made additional payments to support the remedial teaching programme.
Kalonzo foundation has given a bursary to two top performing girls in form 1 and 2. Fees will be paid for the rest of their time in school.
Thoughts on this year’s class.
Fairly good and there are 5 students (of 32) who will probably get good grades. Teachers are working with the weak students to help improve their grades. Hoping to improve mean from 3.9 to 5.8 this year. Hope there won’t be any D- this year. Hope to break the glass ceiling and get an A- this year.
Ms Mutinda observed that the students who are doing best have actually come from other schools. The top student from this school got a C in the mocks.
GK expressed his appreciation of the improvements in the school and high mean for the mock exams. He felt it was a good idea to bring examiners and motivational speaker to the school. Also very impressed to hear that the syllabus has been completed.
DEO Quality assurance team spent a whole day at the school recently. The team is banking on this school to produce good results.
BOG took all the teachers to Mombasa over the school break in recognition of the improvements in the school. Ms Mutinda expressed the teachers’ appreciation. Teachers feel appreciated and ready to move forward.
FK expressed his appreciation of the work of the DEO for the school.
PTA representative report:
JM noted that parents contributed money for tuition during the vacation and for remedial teaching. Parents are planning to meet this term.
FK expressed his appreciation for the parents’ contribution.
Student representative report.
JMM started by thanking TAS. Students really appreciated trip to Kyambo which has contributed to raising the mean school grades. Bandas are also appreciated as they make space for discussion and personal studies. Students also appreciate the programme of remedial teaching which has helped students to cover the whole syllabus (except history and chemistry which will be finished this week). Have learned a lot from the visiting examiners. Now feeling more confident to face the exams. Thanks to parents who have contributed to tuition. Appreciate having water for washing and drinking. In the past there wasn’t enough water.
FK asked which areas still require improvement. JMM said more trips would be useful, and it would be good if more students were able to go on those trips.
Issue with morning teaching as some teachers are not following the normal time.
HM asked what career advice is given to students? WN said that KWS are planning to come to Mivukoni school to talk about careers in KWS.
FK said this is a gap and something we should consider in the future and asked GK to respond. GK stated that there is provision for career guidance in our schools. There is a guidance and counseling department. Mivukoni school is too small to have heads of departments. When it has heads of departments, one of these will be charged with responsibility for careers.
School is in the process of registering as a double stream. Then it will have heads of departments.