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Minutes from Trustees Meeting




                                    DATE : 17th S2010 September

                                     Venue: Mwingi cottages.


Item                                                     Presenter & estimated time

  1. Call meeting to order, introductions, apologies and prayers.  Chairman-5 mins
  2. Approval of agenda – Chairman 5 mins
  3. Approval of previous minutes – Chairman 5 mins
  4. Matters arising from the previous minutes – Chairman 10 mins
  5. General report on school progress since last meeting 15 mins

Additional teachers- H/t

Extra Tuition- Teachers representative

Girl’s performance – H/t

Bank account Charges- Njoki K

  1. Report on  going projects- H/T 10 mins

School renovation works.

  1. Completion report.
  2. New proposals – 20 mins

Meeting costs,

Bus fare reimbursement.

Extra teacher for Nursery class

  1. AOB – 10 mins
  2. Set date for next meeting – 5 mins

Present Trustees:

Mr. James  Musyoka Maluki -  Chairman

Mr. Titus Mwasia Mughi – Head teacher, Ikathima pri. Sch.

Ms Stella M. Munyoki  - Trustee

Mr. David Munyoki- Trustee

Mr. Kioko Mulaki  – Trustee

Ms. Njoki Kimotho – Trust secretary

In attendance:

Mrs. Gill Marshall Andrews- UK Trust secretary- Brief appearance

Mr. Stephen Kameti – TAS/KWS Liaison officer

Mr. Mark Cheruiyot- KWS, Kora.- Brief appearance

Min 1

Meeting was called to order at 11.30 am, and Ms Stella led in prayers.

In most of our meetings, the chairman appoints someone to chair the meeting. This time, he was requested to chair and may use Kiswahili if he so wishes. He declined and appointed Mr. Mughi, saying he would chair the next time. Mr. Mughi kindly obliged. Mr. Mughi welcomed Mr. D. Munyoki our new trustee who was attending the meeting for the first time. In view of the new trustee, self introductions took place.

Njoki explained that though it is her role to call meetings, she often delegated that role to S. Kameti. This is due to the poor communication channels between her and the trustees.

She wondered if someone in the ministry of education had been invited to this meeting. Stephen was not present to answer that question. Njoki is to find out if we may feed and reimburse transport costs to any MOE person that might attend out meeting. Mr. Kioko  pointed out whether the MOE must be at least informed of our meetings.

Mr Mughi pointed out that the MOE Mr. Kameti seemed to have spoken to as  minuted on were from Kyuso district,  while  Ikathima is in Tsekuru District-

-          Njoki to find out  from Stephen if they too have been sentisized and if they had been invited to this meeting.

-          Njoki to find out from Lissa if we may reimburse the MOE travel and meals at the same rate as the other trustees.

 Min 2

The agenda was approved with a few amendments. to the numbering.

Min 3

Copies of the minutes of the previous meeting were circulated, and the minutes read out by the secretary. The minutes were passed as a true record of what was discussed.

Proposed by Ms. Stella  and seconded by Kioko.

Min 4

Njoki has enquired of Aphia  II working in the area to see if they could provide feeding, and was awaiting an answer.

Stephen Kameti told the meeting that there was a lot of Ndengu (green grams) and the hunger was not too bad.


Min 5

There is need for additional teachers especially for pre school which has about 60 students. Mr. Mughi to write a propasal and forward to Njoki for submission.

Extra tuition going on. Teacher do not want to wait to be paid at the end of the month. It was agreed Mr. Mughi be given some money towards the same so as to pay daily or weekly, and submit expense report.

Girls vs boys performance report not done yet. Mr. Mughi requested to do so and submit.

Njoki reported that there was a monthly bank  charge of sh. 350 for savings accounts at Chase bank,  and that she was talking to the bank to see if  we could be exempted from this charges as it adds up to a significant amount.

Min 6

Rehabilitation work was going on but  negatively affected by lack of water. 2,000 litres had been purchased the previous day from more than 40 kilometers away.

Community has been very cooperative at bringing sand as needed.

Min 7

Completion report forms issued to Mr. Mughi. Same to be completed and forwarded to Njoki.

Njoki to write to chase bank and requests that bank statements be sent to her, rather than to  the school.

Mr. Kisorwa was paid sh. 1000 lessin April salary. Same to be included in the next salary.

Min 8

Meeting costs: Bus fares reviewedas follows:

One way Ikathima Mwingi sh 350.

One way Mwingi Nairobi Sh. 400

?include overnight costs for Ikathima trustees for meetings in Mwingi

Increase teachers salaries to sh. 7,000 per month

Make propasal for fencing the school compound.

Review and forward proposal for solar lighting.

Invest in nursery education, especially teaching aids and additional teacher.

Min 9

AOB nothing significant.

Min 10

Next meeting date Friday 5th Nov 2010.