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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting






Lissa Campbell,  Norma Empringham,  Gill Marshall-Andrews, Johnnie Morris


Tim Flower, Will Jones, Heather Flint,  Ben Howland, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Luke Morris.

In attendance:  Steve James

1.  Steve James was welcomed to the meeting as an observer.

2.  Minutes of meeting on 26 August 2010 were agreed.

3.  Boka Primary School Trust is now established but the secretary Mia Sparkman is being transferred to Uganda unexpectedly.  A new secretary Kimberlee Elder has been found – also an American teacher – which is excellent news.  Stephen Kameti has met Kimberlee and it is hoped that the bank account signatories can be adjusted quickly so funds can be transferred.

4.  Finance – We have around £20k in the bank and expect £3k from Gift Aid.  This latter sum is less than expected due to several large donations qualifying in January 2010 rather than in 2009.  There are several fund raising sponsorship events in train – two involve a climb up Kilimanjaro.   There are also two proposals in to possible donors for building projects.  $5000 is also promised from Journeys by Design.   Any more ideas would be greatly welcomed.

5.  Funding proposals – It was agreed that we send out a total of £18,260 on projects as follows:

Eburru – Additional teacher x 2 years from Jan 11     £3300

Boka  -  100 Desks  £2900

Kalumu – Refurbishment of classrooms  £8700

Asako – Exam materials  £750

            - Nursery teacher for 2 years  £900

             -  Music festival transport  £170

             - Sanitary pads for a year  £375

Usueni – Educational trip  £1165

6.  Arsenal – There is still a hope that arrangements can be made to get 2 Arsenal coaches out to Madogo next year.  The possibility of support from the Peace Corps network in Garissa is being explored.

7.  Policy on bursaries – This was discussed briefly and Johnnie agreed to produce a discussion paper for circulation and comment.

8.  Girls education – 2 schools have now received funds for sanitary pads and local trusts will monitor the effect of this.  The Boka headteacher is threatening to take some parents to court if they do not return their daughters to school.  In Kenya it is illegal to take girls out of school for marriage.

9.  Poetry event –There has been a good take up with around 120 people expected. It is possible that this will raise something in the order of £1/ 2k.   Thanks to all trustees - and Steve - who have contributed to the cost of refreshments.

 10.  Next meeting  6.15 on Thursday 27 January 2010 at the offices of London Wealth Management (Ben’s office)- to be confirmed.