Monday 17th January 2011
Eburru Secondary School
Notes of meetings held today between Morgan, Bateman, Evans, Charles Solomon, Janet.
These meetings were held at 2 different venues, but these are the notes from both of them.
- Teachers to cope with increased intake:-
· Monica Mwaura has been appointed by BOG to replace Patricia.
· An English teacher has been appointed by BOG
· Robina has accepted the BOG offer of a reduced salary
· The Govt have stated that the school is well off for teachers and they will not be appointing any more despite the increased intake !
· Solomon has his salary secured for 2 yrs by TAS
- Desks
· Armitage has promised desks. Still not confirmed. Decided to order the desks needed immediately and hope that when payment is due (month’s time) that we will have had some funding from heritage.
- IT
· I met with the new computer teacher and discussed all the research that needs to be done for the computer studies to continue. She will present a paper to us with her recommendations .
· David promised to collect all the obsolete machines from the computer room and deliver them to a computer fundi in NVS in order to be rid of them.
- Bank
· Alan has taken on the bank and is going to investigate charges and why interest is not being paid.
- Evans gave list of priorities in case sponsors were found
· Desks
· Long Drops
· Computer up dates
· Text books
· Lab equipment
- Mondo (shareholder)
· Request from her for her daughter to do some work at Eburru, either art or run a girls’ leadership programme in July. Evans stated she would be very welcome, she could work with students’ pm and weekends
7. BOARDING Situation.
· This is dire. Evans has stated that girls will be sleeping in the classrooms in order to cope with the need for boarding. Negotiations are being made for more rental space for the boys. (They already sleep 2 in a bed)
· He stated that to keep the academic standard high they must admit students from outside of Eburru which therefore means boarding facilities are necessary.
· Alan is pursuing his application to Comic Relief. Thank you.
We will have a trust meeting in a month’s time to see look at the situation once the form ones have been admitted. ( 100 students)
Janet Strevens
Tues 18th Jan
Heritage have agreed to purchase 20 desks. I told Evans to order 2 lots 20 and 10.