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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present:   Norma Empringham,  Johnnie Morris,  Heather Flint, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews,

Apologies: Will Jones, Tim Flower, Lissa Campbell, Ben Howland, Luke Morris.

1.   Minutes of the meeting on 27 January 2011 were agreed.

2.Update on schools and results

The exam results for the Kenyan primary and secondary schools were discussed.  It was noted that the real results may be better than they appear because some pupils who are registered do not actually take the exams.  Their zero score thus brings the mean / average figure down.

It was agreed that we will re-do the template so as to include a)  the results for the children who actually took the exams and b) how many individuals passed with grades good enough to get them into the next stage  ie secondary school or university / college.   Johnnie / Tom to pursue

The unfinished building works in some schools was discussed and it was agreed that this is a priority for Stephen and the local trustees.

3.  School Partnerships

Madogo / Waldegrave, Eburru / Langley and Hampton / Mivukoni  teacher exchanges are taking place amid much excitement in both countries.  The Global School Partnership programme is a very effective change mechanism particularly for the Kenyan schools.

Plans are in progress to link Usueni School for Girls on the Tana River with Walderslade School for Girls in Medway.  Jess Bacon a retired teacher from Medway is the link person in UK and it is hoped that the first communications will be established very soon.

There is also an idea to link Kimphe Langano Primary School in Ethiopia with a UK primary school.  Norma is willing to pursue this and look for a Richmond primary school.  Will is working on getting a young volunteer out to Kimphe Langano for a few months and she may be able to help set up the link.  Norma / Will / Gill to pursue

4.  Roll out via Equity and others

Gill will meet Equity Group Foundation education person in May to discuss the DfID commitment to roll out the TAS model with EGF.  It’s unclear how / if this will happen and what if anything will be the TAS role.  Gill to pursue

KWS are still hoping to apply to DfID to roll out their programme of TAS type school trusts around other National Parks. 

Cheli and Peacock, owners of luxury lodges around Kenya, are going ahead with their modified version of TAS school trusts around their lodges.

5.  Bursaries

Johnnie presented his discussion document on bursaries.  It was agreed that TAS resources would be better spent on other projects. This is partly because several large agencies now do bursaries for poor and vulnerable students  eg Ministry of Education, Constituency Bursary Fund, Equity Bank / Mastercard / DfID.   Thus there will be no further TAS funding for bursaries.  Johnnie will re-write the paper as a policy document. 

6.  Finance and fund raising

We have around £24k in the bank.  Of this £15k plus £600 is ringfenced for Mivukoni and Eburru respectively.  Journeys by Design have acquired a promise of $15k which will go towards projects in Ethiopia.  Gift Aid for 2010 should be about £12k.  Funding is expected from the Kili Climb but the sum is unknown.  Harrow School collected £800 for TAS over Christmas.

We have a place in the 2012 Marathon for which we are seeking a runner with good fund raising capacity.  Everyone please give this some thought.

Gill is enrolling with CAF America.  POST MEETING NOTE:  CAF America phoned to say that enrolling for UK charities is now unnecessary.  All we need to do is put a link to them on our website so US donors can donate through them and get their tax relief.

7.  Proposals for funding

Funding was agreed for

*  Usueni water project £3000 contribution to total cost of £6300.

*  Mivukoni meeting costs £600

*  Boka Fencing  £4000 contribution to total cost of £7500.

This brings our bank balance down to less than £1000 after the ring fenced items have been sent.

8.  Arsenal

Gill has visited them in order to try and persuade them to send coaches to Madogo.  Visiting Madogo teachers will meet the Arsenal Gap Year co-ordinator in April.

9.  Trustees

It was agreed that Steve James will be invited to join the Board.  All present were delighted that he is willing to become a trustee.

10.  Quote for website

The Vice President has given a very good quote for our website.  Tom will decide where to put it.

11.  Next meeting  6.15pm on Thursday 7 July at the offices of London Wealth Management (Ben’s office) to be confirmed.