Eburru Secondary School Trust
Minutes of meeting held 2nd April 2011
- Those present Janet, Evans, Solomon,Charles, Lilly
- Apologies from DM,VC, GMA
- Minutes of Mon. 17th Jan 2011 previously read were approved as correct . Proposed by Charles seconded by Solomon.
- Exam Analysis already done, Gill thanked Evans
- Matters Arising
- All were itemized under the agenda
- Bursary money received from TAS is going to be used for the highest achievers of the needy students. To be assessed at end of first term
- 3 students have been awarded a grant of 5,000/- Ksh by the Ministry
- None have been received from the CDF
- I.T. Monica has presented a very well thought out paper on updating the IT Lab. It will be looked at thoroughly and sent to the IT team who are coming out in May. Roughly it looks as though an upgrade with Networking, UPS, printer etc will be about 300,000/- Ksh She also recommends a contract of 3,000/-- per year per computer from cfsk. Thanks were conveyed to Monica for doing such a good job.
- Evans stated that all the redundant IT equipment had been moved from the Lab and stored as there was a chance that some salvage money could be retrieved.
- The new twin classroom . Withheld sum not due for 6 months (from time of completion)
- Boarding facilities
- Space had been found but desperate need for bunk beds.
- New In take 27 female (10 boarders) 69 male(25 boarders) = 96
- School numbers now M 158 F 78 = 236 Check?
- The gap year students planning is well underway with Robina (week in July)
- Solomon stated that the extra curricular activities initiated by Langley were going really well and the students were benefitting from the broadening of their curriculum.
- Priorities for funding.
- Long drops for the girls Row of 5 at 200,000/- Ksh ( If the Ministry of health were to come and inspect, the school could be closed down) Wings of support to be applied to
- Bunk Beds 20 at 15,000/-Ksh It was agreed that the Langley money be used for these, it would only buy 4/5 but better than none. Proposal to TAS
- Charles was asked to write an evaluation for the training day held at the Great Rift Valley Hotel.
- School re-opens 4th May 2011
- AOB It was noted that Robina and other staff are benefitting from the loaded modem that was presented to her by the Golfing Ladies. We are hoping that they might repeat this donation. Janet is finding it much easier for communicating with the staff, it means that Evans can delegate to others because they can communicate directly with me. (art club, gap year students, pads and panties project) It also makes the production of the newsletter much easier.
Jan Strevens Secretary for the Trust 2nd April 2011