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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Mivukoni Secondary School Meeting – April 21st 2011


Francis Koma, Chair, Stephen Kameti, TAS Coordinator, Harriet Matsaert, TAS secretary, Mrs Lillian Sianda , Principal.  Luke Kinyua Arimi, Teacher,  Sam Mutetei, Chair of Mivukoni Board of Governors,  Wilson Njue, KWS Senior Warden Kora. Elijah Munyoki Muthengi,  School Captain, Valentine Mawia Matiti, student,  Peter Edmead, Head of Science Hampton Academy.

Students who were taught by Hampton Academy teachers:  Elizabeth Kithuma Mwendwa, John Mukwate Musyoka attended the first part of the meeting to give some feedback on the exchange experience.

Apologies from Angeline Mbula.


1.  The meeting started at 9.45 am.                                                                      

2. Agenda approved


3.            Report from teachers of Hampton Academy – Peter Edmead

The focus of this visit was, at the Mivukoni teachers’ request on student centred learning.  HA teachers have been teaching some lessons and talking about student centred approach.  The HA teachers have found that the performance of Mivukoni students is excellent compared to Hampton academy students.  For example their level of neatness.  In UK children are used to ‘byte’ sized learning because they have so many distractions in their lives. Students here have a better ability to listen and concentrate for a longer periods, so in fact some ‘student centre learning’ methods may not be relevant here.

HA teachers have taught in agriculture, CRE, maths, biography, chemistry and history. Some new teaching approaches introduced included role play, humour and a debate.  The teachers also had some discussion on ‘assessment for learning’ – to see if the students are understanding what is being learned.

Peter commented that despite having very few resources, the Mivukoni teachers do a really excellent job.

Peter and Gemma were very grateful for the weekend trip around Meru park organized by Stephen and Wilson. This helped build their understanding of the TAS conservation link.

Peter made the suggestion that Mivukoni should consider ‘leapfrogging’ over the traditional library, and should instead aim to create an information and technology centre, with internet connection.  This could make Mivukoni a leading school in the area, as well as creating the opportunity for the school to become a community resource.  Mrs Sianga told us that Mivukoni has just been selected as an government ITC school and will receive funding to purchase computers.  Peter suggested that ‘netbook’ laptops are a cheap and useful student resource.

Plans for the next stage of the partnershop were discussed this week.  Peter will take the lead in making the application. Ideas include:

·         Students from MIvukoni and Hampton working on conservation in Kora national park.

·         Student exchange between Hampton and Mivukoni schools.

·         HA to create a curriculum theme ‘Kenya’, with conservation as a central part.

Feedback on the school exchange:

School captain:  Students have learned a lot from the visitors.  Sometimes problem with understanding the accent. 

Valentine, Elizabeth and John (students): interested  to hear that Hampton has specialist sports teachers, which the pupils here would like.  Would like students from Hampton academy to visit this school.  Enjoyed the debate.

Kinyua  (teacher):  this has been a very great experience.  Really seeing a difference in the teaching and the mood in the class.  Need improved sports facilities in the school (tennis court, football pitch surface).

Mrs Sianda (principal):  students have begun to change since Peter and Gemma have been here.  They are becoming more confident and able to speak confidently.  Now up to teachers here to see how they can apply these new ideas.

Wilson Njue (KWS): time was too short.  Link between education and conservation is very important.  Senior warden will also be in touch with us.

BOG chair: time was too short.    Excited about the ‘leapfrog’ idea.   Good to see children’s confidence increase.  We should appreciate how lucky we are. The only school in the province to have received visitors like this.    Very pleased to hear that the british teachers are  so impressed by the standard to these teachers.

Francis (TAS chair)  : this feels a little like a miracle.


·         Lillian to request head girl to prepare a report on ‘creating a better environment for girls at Mivukoni school for next meeting.

·         Lillian to request DEO to provide statistics on girls in education in Mwingi district.

·         Peter to move forward with application for next stage of school partnership.

·         Wilson/Stephen to try and get KWS sports unit to give some sports support to the school.


4.     Matters arising from previous minutes

·         New classroom (needed as Mivukoni becomes a two stream school throughout): school is still discussing with the Ministry about the new classroom.  The principal is preparing the bills of quantitites.

·         Peer group visits to primary schools:   Wilson will organize the peer group and outreach plans by end of May and talk to teachers about starting the Wildlife Club.

·         Senior warden has promised to arrange trip to Meru once the bus is repaired, and when he comes to the area.  SK will follow up.

·         Sam said that BOG would be happy to see electricity extended to the bandas.

·         Library tenders.   Full drawings by next week.  2 weeks for quotations.  Tender selected by school tender committee.   By end of May.

·         Progress on getting the brick making machine.  FK will follow up.

·         Status of current computers, old and low and no internet.  Better to replace.  Now the school has  been selected as an ITC centre, the government will bring some money to buy computers.  Need to find the best computers to buy.

·         Idea of arranging a workshop for teachers some time in Kamkunga.  Best time is in the holidays.  Maybe August. 


·           Wilson to arrange visit by education team, and briefing on Wildlife Clubs for school by end of May.

·           Lillian/Stephen and Francis with school tenders committee, to arrange tenders and select contractor by end of May.  Initiate project by second week of June.

·           Francis arrange loan of brick making machine for library.

·           Lillian to follow up the issue of the new classroom with the DEO.

·           Lillian to arrange extension of electricity to bandas.

·           Steven to follow up with warden of Meru to arrange school tour to meru national park.

·           School and BOG will arrange to paint the list of donors on a notice board to be up at the front of the school by May 14th.

·           Harriet can put highlights of last school magazine onto the website.

·           Harriet to write a column and send a photo on TAS activities to incorporate in the next edition of the school magazine.

5.  General report on school progress.

Principals report.

Enrollment into form 1 has been lower than expected (50 instead of expected 90 students).  This may be because of the imminent drought which has led parents to send children to day schools).  26 boys, 24 girls.

Exam results: average score improved from 3.9 – 4.09.  One B and 4 Cs, so 5 students of 31 students are able to go on for further education.  Others can go to technical college, business etc.  (attach report of scores).  New class to incorporate the form 1s.

6.  Ongoing projects.

·           Still doing revision tuition in the morning and evening.   School has a proposal for more remedial teaching (see below)

·           Form 4 preparing for exams in November.

·           Money has come from CDF for completion of dining hall, but not enough to complete.  Will get the flooring done.

·           School identified by government as model ITC school and will receive funding to purchase computers.

·           Ongoing CDF project to dig fish ponds.   The school may have to purchase the lining at 70,000 each.  There is also the issue of bringing the lorries of water:  6 lorries at 18,000.  Or can use the local borehole.  The project will provide the fingerlings.

·           Following Mr Kinyua’s proposal to start sewing lessons, the school did some fund raising and purchased a sewing machine, the BOG chairman also provided one machine.  Two pupils, who have these skills will teach the others.

·           Cash is in the school account to buy chairs and tables for the bandas.  There has been a delay due to the change of Principal and absence of signatories.   It was agreed to change the signatories for account as Mr Mutheki is often unavailable. 

·           Signatories should be:-

Francis Koma

Mrs Lillian Kituli, school principal

William Mutheki

Angeline Mbula

Any three can sign, but the signature of the principal is mandatory.


·           Harriet to sign copy of minutes and send to Francis via Steven to allow signatories to account to be changed..

·           Seats to be purchased by May 13th.

·           Lillian to ensure that library plans are coordinated with purchase of computers with government funds.


5.     Completion reports

None outstanding.


8.     New proposals

·           Study tour of IT/information centres in August could be combined with August meeting in Nairobi. – Sam and Harriet to identify institutions

·           Proposal for library contents – first draft by may 13.  – Lillian and teachers

·           Proposal for form 4 revision.  Would like to start by May.

Proposal was agreed in principal but needs to be rewritten with more information.  Lillian to revise and send to Harriet who will circulate it for agreement.

·           Proposal to take students for an educational tour to get to know Kenya.   Trip to the Rift valley to see physical features of Kenya.   Cross section of students.  If it can be an annual trip we can take the whole form 4 – 67 students.  Plus most improved students in the years below.  Bus for 72.  3 days.  Approx 150,000.  Liillian to develop the proposal.  Plan for august 2011.        

·           Lillian is interested in setting up a scholarship fund for girls, to encourage more girls to come to Mivukoni. She will discuss this with Gill in May and may develop a proposal for our next meeting.


·           Harriet and Sam to investigate potential study tour to be combined with August TAS meeting in Nairobi.

·           Lillian to rewrite proposals for form 4 revision and send to Harriet.

·           Lillian to prepare proposal for educational tour.

·           Lillian, teachers and BOG (with assistance from Hampton academy?) to develop the proposal for the contents of the resource centre – first draft by May 13th.

·           Lillian to discuss ‘girls scholarship fund’ with Gill.

9.  Next meeting – August in Nairobi (date to be confirmed).