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Minutes from Trustees Meeting




                                    DATE : 16TH MAY 2011

                                     Venue: IKATHIMA PRIMARY SCHOOL.



1. Call meeting to order.

  2. Way forward with the school renovations.

  3. Suggestions for other proposals.

4.      AOB.

Present Trustees:

Mr. James  Musyoka Maluki -  Chairman

Mr. Joshua Kairu – Head teacher, Ikathima pri. Sch.

Mr. David Munyoki- Trustee

Ms. Njoki Kimotho – Trust secretary

* (I can’t remember the name of the deputy H/T who attended the meeting

In attendance:

Mrs. Gill Marshall Andrews- UK Trust secretary- Brief appearance

Mr. Stephen Kameti – TAS/KWS Liaison officer

Min 1

Various discussions had been done before the arrival of  Njoki Kimotho.

a)      There is a severe famine resulting to children and their families leaving the area in search of food, as often happens at such times. The lost 57 pupils, from 337 initially registered to 280.  Gill and Stephen had talked to the Dc who had agreed to put Ikathima on the list of schools receiving food for a feeding program.

b)      The borehole dug in the area had not worked since completion. Gill and Stephen will talk to Mrs. Pauline Kalonzo about it and give us a feedback. Stephen was requested to check out the cost of water pump/s.

c)      Gill pointed out that she was appalled by the staff room and office which were  dirty and very untidy, and requested the H/t to ensure cleanileness.

d)     One of the teachers paid by TAS Mr. Mwangangi had not reported to work since end of march, and had been replaced my Mr. Kelvin Kyalo Mati.

e)      Gill noted that in another school teacher of std. 1-3 left when the kids left at 12.45, and wanted to know if that was the case at Ikathima. She was informed that the teacher were deployed to teach in upper primary to leave at the end of school day.

The meeting was officially called to order at 11.30 am. The new Head teacher who replaced Mr. Mughi in January was introduced.

Min 2 -  Completion of  renovations started by Mr. Kimanzi

After the background and  lengthy discussions, it was agreed that we embark on a search for a new contractor. A tour of the facility was done (after Gill and Kameti left) and work to be done agreed See below. Stephen was requested to find someone who would cost the work, to help us compare with the tendered quotations.  The local Trustees would like to ask some local contractors to quote, and S. Kameti who will coordinate this was informed by phone after the meeting.

Completion work to required Phase one

-Roof- Iron sheets require fillers for holes caused by removed nails.

-Walls- Need plaster and paint, inside and outside.

-Windows-All need Grills and glass, to match those made by World bank on the compound, with the exception of fastners, where more appropriate ones should be recommended.

-Doors-Metals doors (except for the inner ones in the administration blook, which should be made of “Mukau” wood).

-Floors- Plain cement-Give ratio.

-Outside front- 3 ft Veranda.

Classroom 1-Elevate partition walls

Classroom 2- three walls already plastered, plaster the fourth.

Store- Walls back and front need to be elevated.

Administration block- Staffroom walls to be elevated. There is a total of 5 rooms, inner  4 doors to be made of Mukau wood.

Two outer doors to be elevated.

Classroom 3-Walls to be elevated. Blackboard too low, add 1 ft at the top.

Classroom 4- Block one (of the 5 windows) to remain with 4.

More work to be quoted for later funding Phase two.

One classroom not roofed- roof.

All inner and outer walls to be plastered rough and painted.

3 ft Verandah- whole front and one side

3 extra window to be blocked

One classroom need a blackboard

All 3 classrooms need to be excavated so that when the floor is put, it comes to the level at which it is now.

Put plain cement on all floor.

It was recommended that reports be given monthly. The H/T to call Njoki. Evaluation to be done annually.

Min 3- Other projects

-Recommendations made to have the other three classrooms renovated as per above note (Phase two).

- The H/t to liase with his staff and recommend a list of books not bought by Ministry money for possible funding.

-Solar system- This had been suggested earlier and was pended awaiting renovations. Scope of work to be given to enable writing of a proposal.

-Extra tuition- Money given last year had not all been used up. Payment to be made for work done from January to date. A proposal to be done for further funding. Njoki asked the head teacher to make sure  he sends reports on how any money given has been used, before asking for replenishment. This had not taken place, possibly due to the transition in mangement.

Min 4- AOB


The meeting was officially closed at 3.00 pm.