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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting




Peter Ngang’a (PN)

Abas Kunya (AK)

Rosaniah Gwiyo (RG)

Lainie Reisman (LR)

Gill Marshall Andrews (GMA)

Hussein Waju (HW)

Halima Jineri (HJ)

In attendance:

Abinther Otiende Lugadiru (AOL)

Stephen Kameti (SK)

The meeting opened with a prayer.

Action Points from Previous Meeting

1.      LR to draft letter to send to Otiende regarding Arsenal football club (done)

·         GMA to follow up with Arsenal

2.      AOL to contact British Council regarding training (done, but no training provided)

·         SK to confirm July workshop details with British Council

3.      PN to draft letters to teachers going to Waldegrave and co-sign along with DEO  (PN opted not to draft letters but include details in teachers requests to transfer)

4.      GMA to cancel contract with Kimanzi (done)

5.      LR to obtain building specifications from Gross and pass to madogo through Steven (done, but school does not have a copy.  Hardcopy was pass over to PN during trust meeting)

6.      Madogo to obtain quotations from local contractors to finish work (done – Two proposals submitted)

·         LR to submit proposal from recommended contractor (Nyoike Cleaner and Construction) to TAS for approval.

·         PN to initiate discussions with Nyoike regarding how long the quote is valid for and to begin drafting contract.

7.      Madogo to revise remedial teaching proposal before submission to TAS (done)

8.      LR to submit proposal on fencing to TAS (on hold ;pending other commitments to cover the 75% of the budget)

9.      Madogo to write a proposal for a library/computer room (see new proposals below)

10.  All trustees to begin to identify interested candidate to replace Gross.  (Done)

·         PN and HW to contact CDF about possible membership

·         PN and HW to contact Equity Bank and KCB Bank about possible membership.

·         SK to contact KWS about membership.

Update on Student Performance

The group held a lively discussion on how to motivate students.  There was a concern that the remedial teaching was simply following the same patterns as the regular classroom teaching and not engaging in new types of learning.  The school noted that very few students actually attended the extra tuition lessons and that only 34 of the 131 enrolled students are serious learners. 

GMA stressed the need for innovative learning – doing something different during the remedial sessions.  All participants agreed and different ideas were discussed on how to encourage peer teaching, stimulus variation, integrate technology (computers, TVs, films), group discussions, guest lecturers, after school clubs, etc.  One idea was that the computer technician could be paid to run classes over the weekends.  Also discussed were ideas on how to incentivize students to attend class and focus on performance.   It was agreed that the school would submit a new proposal, focusing on innovative learning and discuss with the students their interests.  The proposal would like have a component to upgrade the two rooms that are underutilized.

  • PN and AOL to draft new proposal for innovative learning

Update on Waldegrave School Partnership

RJ presented a report done by the teachers which attended Waldegrave School.  The exchange was considered a success and it was determined that Waldegrave teachers would visit Madogo sometime in July, followed by student exchanges thereafter. 

New and Pending Proposals

Perimeter Fencing – The school has priorities securing the fencing.  TAS has agreed to support 25% of the project.  GMA insisted on the need to identify other supporters.  It was agreed that MSST would approach KWS to see if they could donate materials.  Given the land disputes, it would be important to fence in the contentious areas if there is a community resolution.

  • HW to lead delegation to the DC regarding the land issues.
  • SK to contact KWS

Transformation of a classroom to a computer library – The school presented this proposal for K1,405,709.   GMA commented that the school needed to think incrementally in terms of steps and not expect TAS to cover everything.  She also noted the high price of the computers and encouraged the school to get in touch with the Computer for Schools Kenya program (supported by Safaricom), which provides subsidized computers to schools.

·         PN and AOL to contact Computers for Schools

·         PN and AOL to submit new proposal taking into account discussion on innovation in learning.

Reporting on Prior Proposals

Sports Items – LR requested a report on the sports items as the funds were sent in March.  PN explained that the funds were temporarily used to pay pending salaries and that upon payment by the government the funds would be replaced and equipment purchased.  GMA was very strong in reminding everyone that TAS funds could ONLY be used for approved projects and that in no instances could they be used for other purposes.  She noted if this happened again TAS would pull out.   PN assured the group the funds would be replaced, equipment purchased, and this would not happen again. 

Remedial Teaching – Project ongoing – completion report expected at Sept. board meeting.

Asako Bursaries – It was confirmed that the 4 Asako students had two more years left on their bursaries and would be supported as long as their end of term grades were adequate.

·         PN to update MSST on end of term grades.

Replacement Board Member

See Action Point 10

Other Business

Madogo School must present project completion reports within 3 months of project termination.

HW invited Trustees to a prize giving day at Madogo school (date TBD)