Present: Lissa Campbell, Norma Empringham, Ben Howland, Heather Flint, Steve James, Will Jones, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews, Luke Morris.
Apologies: Tim Flower, Johnnie Morris.
In attendance: Stephen Kameti
1. Trustees were delighted to welcome Steve James as a new trustee and Stephen Kameti as the co-ordinator of the TAS / KWS project in Kenya.
2. Minutes of the meeting on 31 March 2011 were agreed.
3 .Update on schools and results
Stephen Kameti gave a summary of his work in schools this year. Trustees were unanimous that he made it all seem very real. The problems of communication, transport and follow up were highlighted. He was thanked profusely for his work which is essential to the development and maintenance of school trusts in remote areas.
The latest email newsletter was circulated.
The template for displaying exam results on the website has not been done. The template was to include a) the results for the children who actually took the exams and b) how many individuals passed with grades good enough to get them into the next stage ie secondary school or university / college. Gill / Johnnie / Tom to pursue
4. School Partnerships
Madogo / Waldegrave, Eburru / Langley and Hampton / Mivukoni partnerships progress well.
Usueni School for Girls on the Tana River and Walderslade School for Girls in Medway have now been linked up and both schools are very keen. It is hoped that an application for reciprocal visits will be made in November to DfID under the Global school Partnership Programme. Jess Bacon a retired teacher from Medway is the link person in UK. One idea for the focus of joint activity is International Womens Day on March 8th. Gill / Stephen to pursue
Norma, Will and Gill are pursuing a link between Kimphe Langano Primary School in Ethiopia with Heathfield Primary School in Whitton. Will is working on getting a young volunteer out to Kimphe Langano for a few months and she may be able to help set up the link from the African end. Norma / Will / Gill to pursue
5. Roll out via KWS and others
DfID seem very keen to fund a roll out of school trusts with KWS and there was a very constructive meeting in May. The ball is now with KWS to submit an application to DfID in Nairobi.
Cheli and Peacock, owners of luxury lodges around Kenya, have now appointed a full time person to develop their modified version of TAS school trusts around their lodges.
6. Bursaries
At the last meeting it was agreed that TAS will not fund bursaries any more. Johnnie / Gill will re-write the paper as a policy document.
7. Finance and fund raising
We have around £43k in the bank. This includes the generous donation of £30k from John Spiers.
Journeys by Design have acquired a promise of $15k. A US donor has contributed £3k towards the Usueni Bandas. Gift Aid for 2010 should be about £17k.
The fund raising for the Kili Klimb is now in full swing with several events planned. Luke has been attending these and speaking on TAS’ behalf.
We have a place in the 2012 Marathon for which we are seeking a runner with good fund raising capacity. Everyone please give this some thought. All trustees
8. Proposals for funding
There was a detailed discussion of the proposals for funding.
Funding was agreed for projects in 2 phases as presented in the attached summary.
Around £19k will be sent out immediately.
A further £27k has been agreed in principle and will be sent out after fuller proposals have been received and Norma and Gill have discussed.
Trustees agreed they would like to see a list of approved contractors for building projects. It was noted however that contractors with a good record cannot necessarily be relied on. Local trustees must be vigilant in managing the projects on the ground.
Trustees were agreed that they would like to see proposals for staff training especially if it could be delivered by elite schools such as Stahere, Kenton, ISK. Stephen / Lissa / Gill to pursue
9. Arsenal
Visiting Madogo teachers met the Arsenal Gap Year co-ordinator in April. However, coaches from Arsenal to Madogo do not look likely in the foreseeable future.
10. Treasurer
Gill reported that Tim wishes to stand down as treasurer so we need to find a replacement. Everyone will consider possible candidates as a priority. Tim has said he will file the 2010 accounts and bring over the files when he comes to UK this summer.
11. Next meeting will be the AGM - 6.30pm on Monday 3 October at the offices of London Wealth Management Kingley Street.