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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Mivukoni Secondary school trust Meeting January 28th 2012


Francis Koma (chair), Sam Mutetei (BOG), Juliana Muthui (BOG), Juliana Musyimi (PTA), Angeline Mbula (BOG), Lilian syanda (Principal), Stephen Kameti (TAS), Harriet Matsaert (TAS), Arimi Kinyua (teacher).

Apologies:  Student representative (due to form 4 parent meeting at school)

Minutes taken by: Harriet Matsaert

1.            Introduction

Meeting opened at 11 am

2.            Approval of agenda


3.            Matters arising from previous minutes

Action completed:

1)    Library building complete

2)    Billboard with donors and projects now up in front of school.

3)    Lilian contacted councilor re: grading of sports field, but it is not yet done.

4)    Angeline talked to Mrs Kalonzo about providing sanitary pads for girls. 

5)    Area of library wall has been removed so librarian can now see the whole room.

6)    Lilian invited technical expert to look at computers.  Some can be kept.  Others will be disposed of.

7)    Lilian discussed ISK partnership with teachers and they are interested.

Not yet completed:  ACTION NEEDED!

1)    Luke Kinyua to follow up features on TAS and library exchange in forthcoming school magazine.

2)    Harriet to look at study tour options for next meeting in Nairobi (idea of presentation by Kindle NGO, visit to school with Camara computers).

3)    Lilian to continue following up grading of sports field with councilor

4)    Lilian and Sam to ensure library contents proposal is completed before next TAS UK meeting in mid February.  Harriet to send draft proposal to Brenda Foulds and Hampton academy librarian for comments.

5)    Lilian to request statistics on girls attendance at school from Dennis Kasimbu.

6)    Angeline to follow up request for provision of sanitary pads for girs.

7)    Lilian to discuss ‘Kindle proposal’ with school staff and give feedback to other trustees.

8)    Stephen to follow up KWS offer to take students to the national park and to support sports activities.

4.  Report on Trust Finances

See attached report.

4.            General report on school progress since last meeting

Exam results will be out at the end of next month (February 2012).

The school has been upgraded to a ‘County School’ (formerly district school).  There are 90 new students in Form 1 this school year (reporting this week), and several students have transferred from other schools.  This seems to be a sign that the school is becoming better respected and gaining in popularity.

The dining room floor has been completed.  Kitchen and storeroom still to be finished.

The government funded computers are now installed and internet is working (though intermittently). There is a new IT teacher at the school.

The library building is now complete.  Fencing will be modified so bandas and library are in one compound.  There is a plan to create a conservation area behind the library.   Stephen will invite KWS to come and advise (e.g. whether area needs to be fenced etc).


1)    Lilian to inform trustees of gender balance in Form 1 and Form 4

2)    Lilian to discuss employment of librarian with BOG.

3)    Stephen to arrange for KWS to advise on conservation area behind library.

5.            Completion reports

Lilian provided a summary of costs for the library.  Harriet will forward a soft copy with completion report to TAS UK to put on the website.  There was some confusion on financing of electrical wiring of the library.  Trustees agreed that the Kshs. 70,000 donated by Frank Matsaert will be used for a new project, and that the school will pay for the final electrical wiring costs of the library from their own funds. The contractor should be paid his final dues.


1)    Lilian to send soft copy of library costs to Harriet.

2)    Harriet to forward completion report to TAS UK

6.            New proposals

Trustees agreed that it was worth going forward with the Camara proposal.

Camara will make an initial visit to inspect the computer room on February 7th.  A room adjoining the library has been prepared for this purpose.  The trustees agreed that it would be interesting to visit another school that has worked with Camara.  We will try to arrange this when we next meet.

Trustees also felt it was worth installing solar computers in the new library (as previously discussed).  Stonehouse has given us an estimate for two computers which can later be increased. 

The trustees also felt it would be useful to have a high capacity printer in the library. We will request this in the proposal for solar computers.

The revision proposal was discussed.  A number of amendments are needed to clarify exact transport costs.  Coordination expenses should be paid for by the school or BOG. Lilian will revise the proposal and forward it to Harriet.

The proposal for TV, DSTV was discussed.  A number of amendments are needed. Local contribution could be the payment of the monthly DSTV fee.  Also construction of stands for the equipment could be done locally.    We need technical advise on whether to use DSTV or Zuku.  Lilian will revise the proposal and forward it to Harriet.

Harriet presented a proposal to cover meeting costs (see attached).  It was agreed that there would be a meeting in Nairobi and Mwingi. (May and September?).


1)    Lilian to revise revision and TV proposals and forward to Harriet.

2)    Lillian to forward NIE proposal to Harriet.

3)    School staff and Harriet to complete proposal for library contents.

4)    Harriet to send library proposal to Hampton academy and Brenda Foulds for feedback and advice.

5)    Lillian to revise proposal for TVs, DVDs and DSTV for interactive learning and funds for trip to Hampton academy and forward to Harriet.

6)    Harriet to put together proposal for solar computers (two as agreed) and ask Stonehouse about a compatible printer.  Proposal to be forwarded to trustees for comments and to add local contribution.

7)    Lilian to sign Camara forms and return to Harriet

8)    Harriet to see if there are any Camara supported schools in Mwingi or Nairobi area which we can visit.

9)    Lilian to revise revision cost proposal and forward to Harriet

10) Harriet to complete and forward proposals for meeting costs, TV/DSTV, library, revision costs.  If possible before mid February TAS meeting.

7.            AOB

Trustees agreed that young filmmakers (friends of Brenda Foulds) are welcome to come and make a film about TAS.  They requested that students also be involved so they can get some work experience.

Stephen informed trustees that the TAS model is now being scaled up by KWS and DFID. Trustees may be requested to come and talk to new trusts about how a trust works.  KWS/DFID visitors may also come and visit the school.


1)    Harriet to send information to Lilian on ISK scholarships.

2)    Harriet to send ISK strategic plan to trustees.

3)    Harriet to inform film makers of TAS request to involve students.

4)    BOG to decide on priority projects to use donation from Frank Matsaert and encourage further donations from trademark.

5)    Harriet to contact ISK teachers about joint workshops with Mivukoni teachers.

Date of Next Meeting.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be in May 2012.

Actual date agreed?

Meeting adjourned.  1.30 pm.