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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Madogo Secondary School Trust Meeting

18 January 2012

A.F. Gross’s Office, Nairobi

In attendance:

Peter Ngang’a (PN)

Abas Kunya (AK)

Rosaniah Gwiyo (RG)

Lainie Reisman (LR)

Gill Marshall Andrews (GMA)

Stephen Kameti (SK)

Hussein Waju (HW)

Halima Kofa (HK)

Regrets – KCB, Equity Bank.  Mailu of KWS was unfortunately not invited.

The meeting opened with a prayer. HW requested meetings not to be held on Fridays in the future.

Action Points from Previous Meeting

Agenda Issues

Science Lab – Science lab contractor Nyoike came to visit the Trustees and requested that the full balance be remitted immediately.  LR explained that there were delays on the part of the bank making the transfer of the second payment and thanked Nyoike for his patience.  The trustees agreed that the quality of the lab was good and the amount outstanding should be paid in full. 

  • LR to follow up on wire of second payment and make third and final payment (K66312).

Fencing Proposal – The school has still not prepared an updated fencing proposal to send to new Board institutions (Equity, KWS, KCB, and CDF).  The school did note that it is trying to raise K500/student for the fence for a total of K300,000 contribution from the school.  The school also noted that the first step was to contract a land surveyor to determine the school boundaries at an estimated cost of up to K80,000.  GMA authorized the Secretary to transfer K80,000 immediately and to submit a funding request following.  The school is optimistic that KWS will support the work (to ensure quality)   TAS support has risen to the original commitment of K1.1 million to K1.18 million.

  • PN to work on new fencing proposal and circulate it as soon as possible, noting the TAP commitment of K1.18 million.

Bursaries – As discussed in previous meetings, the Asako bursaries will be continued based on the judgement of the school.  PN thinks that with extra support, the bursary students can perform better. GMA announced that no new bursary funds will be provided and the school can use the remaining K120,000 at their discretion.  

  • PN committed to ensure the school helps coach the students.

Camara IT Lab – The school proposes to put the new lab in the existing computer lab.  There were questions regarding whether the size would be adequate.  It was agreed that the school would wait until the visit of Camara to discuss next steps.  The school has nominated the five teachers to participate in the training during the Easter holidays.

  • PN to fill out all pending Camara forms.

Financial Status – Pending payments include K66,312 for the final 10% payment for Nyoike, K80,000 for the IT Assistant, K98,000 for the audio/visual equipment, and K120,000 for the final bursary payments.  LR reminded the school that receipts were required for all purchases and funds should be spent only for approved items, not for travel or any other related expenses unless prior approval is given.

  • PN to send receipts from sports equipment purchases.

Other Business

The group welcomed Halima back, who is improving from her medical conditions.

Gill mentioned that she hopes to receive a proposal for a library.  It was agreed that the school should take a trip to the Garissa library and also possibly others to gather ideas. 

  • SK and school to arrange visit

HW requested a recommendation letter be prepared for Nyoike.

  • LR to prepare letter.

HW requested SK to help with relations with the Kalonzo Foudation. 

  • SK to pass along the proposal

Summary of Action Points (from above issues)

  • LR to follow up on wire of second payment  and make third and final payment (K66312).
  • PN to work on new fencing proposal and circulate it as soon as possible, noting the TAP commitment of K1.18 million.
  • PN committed to ensure the school helps coach the bursary students.
  • PN to fill out all pending Camara forms.
  • PN to send receipts from sports equipment purchases.
  • SK and school to arrange library visit

  • LR to prepare Nyoike letter.
  • SK to pass along fencing proposal to Kalonza Foundation

The meeting was closed by a prayer.