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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Place:- Campansick SchoolDiscussion made between the Community Members and Community of the School

Agenda of the meeting

  1. Establishing New board member
  2. Changing bank signatories
  3.  The weakness observed in the past years and what should to be done to undertake better learning – teaching process as well as the educational curriculum  that should be continued in the future
  4. What should be done now as well as in the future regarding our teachers


1.1.      Attends of the meeting

1. Mr. Kedir Ketema                 Chairman of KimpiaKebele

2. Mr. Gebre Bosenu                Member

3. Mr. Yohanes Assefa              Member

4. Mr. Tariku Gebre                 Member

5. Mrs. Lelisi Totoba                Director of School                   

6. Mr. Tekachew Waksa           Teacher

7. Mr. Denb Gemeda                Kimicha Kebele Vise Chairman

8. Mr. Gaje Amdno                  Langano Area Kebele Administration

9. Mr. Tiso Debela                    Teacher

10. Mr. Debeka Merkam          Beshangri Loadeg

11. Mr. Eshuye Bersa              Besahngri Loadge

1.2.      Mr. Melketo Amdeneh    Teacher

1.3.      Mr. Urgesa Letemo         Legal advisor of the surrounding kebele societies  

1.2. Based on the presented agenda, Mr. Tariku Gebre has iterated the former procedure and invited the commencement of the discussion. Accordingly, it has been stated that the participation the control of the former committee was minimum and that it has not supervised and control properly during the school as well as residential house of teachers construction. It has been advised that due attention should be given by the committee in order to undertake any activity to elevate the problems in existing working process in the future.

1.3. Election of board members

Prior to election of board members, discussion was held widely and the following members has been elected unanimously.

1. Mr. Kedir Letema                 Chairman

2. Mr. Urgesa Letem                 Secretary

3. Mrs. Lelise Totoba                Members

4. Mr. Dekeba Morkam            Member

5. Mr. Haja Amdnew                Member

6. Mr. Gebre Bushonu             Member

7. Mr. Tuso Debela                  Member

8. Mr. Melkato Amdenew         Member   

Mr. Tekachew Wachis has been appointed to be a reserve. The affair that who replaces Mr. Tariku Gebre has taken much time and vast discussion and it has been stated by the discussion that as there is no intellectual in the area in the required number, much effort has been made to make Mr. Tariku to stay on his position. The committee has discussed one by one that there was a threat regarding replacing a person sending report to TAS which is the bridge between the committee of the school and TAS group as well as that designs the project. Finally, it has been decided that Mr. Urgesa Letamo who has better educational level from the committee members as well as who is the legal advisor of the Legano Kebele should work with Mr. Urgesa for the coming three months in order to share his experience to this work and it has deiced that he should hand over the remaining work and documents on his hand with in three months it is also been decided that Mr. Tariku should work with them as the same has been sending report to TAS up to now.

1.4.    Election of Bank signatories  

Deep discussion has been held regarding the release of the signatories that have been addressing report to TAS with out the authorization of charitable society. However, as there was no any clarification and response through Mr. Tariku and others, we have rejected this question. Accordingly, discussion has been held regarding the condition that the bank cash is operated by the signature of whom. Therefore, the following individual has been appointed to operate the cash of the bank with their joint signatories.

  1. Mr. Urgesa Letamo
  2.   Mr. Dekeba Morkamo
  3. Mrs. Lelise Totoba

2.      Who shall be the director of the school

Previously, the members expressed to the will on the meeting held in  Langano Campansick School that Mr. Tekachew was the then director of the school. However, it was the fact that Mrs. Lelise has appointed Mr. Tekachew has acting director as she was under annual leave. Mrs. Lelise has resumed to her the position after finalizing the annual leave period and it has been confirmed that she is leading the school. It has been ordered by the board that Mrs. Lelise has close relationship with TAS and the same has been reporting abut the school to the government as well as to TAS.

2.1.    Discussion regarding the next meeting date

In order to solve the commenced discussion and provide submit urgent report to TAS, it has been decided that extraordinary meeting should be held   on April 2/2012 and that the report should be addressed


2.2.      Regarding out standing financial statement in the bank, over all report, commenced and uncompleted projects, it has been decided that Mr. Tariku should appear with vast clarification on the meeting to be held on April 2/2012.

2.3.      Regarding the salary payment of teachers, it has been decided that the new board should send the salary of teachers on the second day of the coming month up on deducting from TAS account to the account of teachers to Commercial bank of Ethiopia, Arsi Negale Branch. However, if the salary of the teacher is deducted due to his/her absence from regular job as well as due to disciplinary offence, it has been decided that the director of the school should notify in writing the board and the bank for the deduction of the salary prior to salary payment.

2.4.       Regarding inceptive award to Mr. Tariku Gebre from budge of the teacher, grade 8 students and teachers, it has been deiced that the new comity should discuss over the affair deeply and send urgent report to TAS

3.       Regarding the employment of two teachers, it has been asked for the clarification that TAS does not now the number of teachers and that who recruited the teachers. Mr. Gebre Expressed regarding this that question of recruiting additional 6 teacher was presented to will on the past meeting and that they intentionally recruited the teachers the considering that TAS would not object the situation and it has been decided that TAs should be apologized for the made mistake and that ordered should be written to TAS to settle the salary for the two teachers up on putting the made mistake in to consideration

3.1.      Regarding the expansion of the school, it has widely express that the number of students has been increasing and that the number of grade 8 student has been increasing annually. In addition, as the result of students is very high, it has been said that teachers should make more effort and encouragement to keep this result up

5.It has been decided that Mrs. Lelise Should make e-mail communication with will monthly 

6. Finally, the committee has raised to questions

1. We have raised the question of daily allowance required for the school’s affair execution   to covered by TAS

2. The question of will accomplishment has been raised. The meeting was ended considering that TAS should respond with question