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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present:   Norma Empringham, Ben Howland, Will Jones, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews,  Luke Morris, Ben Taylor

Apologies: Lissa Campbell, Tim Flower, Steve James, Johnnie Morris, Heather Flint,

In attendance:  Guy Cowley

1.  Welcome to Guy Cowley

2.  Minutes of the meeting on 5 December 2011 were agreed.

3.  Nomination of Guy Cowley as a trustee was agreed unanimously.

4.  Finance:  At an earlier meeting of Ben Taylor, Guy Cowley, Norma, Tom and Gill it was agreed that BT and GC will become signatories on the bank accounts, and will together prepare the 2011 accounts. The Gift Aid claim will be put in asap.   GC has agreed to start developing some management accounts and a simple tool for local trust secretaries which will help them keep track of their project expenditure. This will be a page on a server that they, and we, can log into.  We will trial this with a few of the more IT competent secretaries.

BT will enquire further into the arrangements for acquiring 501(c)3 status so US donors can get tax exemption on their donations.

4.  School update:  Trustees noted the progress and challenges in schools.  There was a discussion about the temporary withdrawl of funding from Asako Primary School and it was agreed that this was an appropriate decision.  Will reported on Kimphe Langano Primary School and the hope that new signatories can be found from the local lodge.  Once these are in place we can consider proposals for funding again.

 5.  KWS:   GMA reported that KWS has now signed a contract with DfID (for £330,000 over 18 months) to roll out the TAS model to other National Parks.  It was agreed that this was a real vote of confidence in the model.

6.  London Marathon:  Nathan Lee-Walsh is running for TAS on our Silver Bond allocation and Luke is also running having got a place via the ballot.   Good luck to them both!

7.  Proposals for funding:   Funding was agreed as per the attached schedule with the following comments:

*  trustees want to know the specification of the photocopier for Usueni which seems expensive – is it the right machine for the job?  Funds to be confirmed by email if the spec is agreed by Ben H.

*  the girls dormitories will be funded by the donor who paid for the Mivukoni library once tenders have been acquired and contracts agreed.

*  the Ikathima classrooms re-build will be funded subject to tenders that are agreed by trustees via email

*  the TVs should all be capable of becoming computer monitors.

8.  Next meeting will be on Tuesday 26 June at 6pm at the offices of Ernst and Young – thank you Benji.


(Post meeting notes:  KWS is to receive £330,000 over 18 months to roll out the TAS model of support to remote schools around other National Parks.

Kili Klimb presented a cheque for £13k which, with the £7k they have already transferred via Virgin Money Giving brings their contribution to £20k.  Many thanks to all the climbers)