DATE: 16th July 2012
Mr. Kairu Joshua- H/T, Ikathima primary
Mr. Daniel Kimwele Kalenga, Deputy H/T
Mr. James M. Maluki- Chairman
Mr. David M. Mwasya- Trustee (also chairman
Ms. Stella M. Munyoki Trustee (Teachers
Ms. Njoki Kimotho- Trust secretary
Mr. Stephen Kameti- TAS Coordinator
Apologies: Mr. Kioko Mulaki Treasures, IPS
- Fencing
- Completion reports
- Salaries adjustment
- Classrooms
- Dormitories
- Funded projects way forward
The chairman requested Mr. Kairu to lead
the meeting on his behalf. The meeting started at 1.15 pm with prayer by Mr.
Minutes from the last meeting were read by
Stella Munyoki, and confirmed as true record of the meeting by Ms.
Munyoki, seconded by Mr. Maluki.
Matters arising:
Motivational day had been held successfully
on 8th June 2012.
Mr. D. K. Kalenga had replaced the previous
deputy H/t.
Agenda 1 – Fencing.
The school managing trustees had identified
and contracted someone to do the fencing. The job was in progress and due to be
finished on Thursday July 19th. The contractor was to be paid on
completion of the project. The work had been done as per specification, except
Ngombe barbed wire was not available and they had substituted with Devki. Njoki enquired if the price of Devki was same
as Ngombe. On inspection, the job was very well done. After a lengthy
discussion, it was agreed that the fence was worth the price, and that the
contractor had to buy cement which had not been on our budget.
Njoki noted while she was happy the job was
well done, there had been changes from what we had agreed on the last meeting,
which she had not been informed of. She requested to be informed in future. She
also requested to see the quotes that had been done and the H/t obliged.
On completion, the H/t was request to
inform Njoki so she can make arrangements to pay. The chairman was also to
check the completion, and call Njoki that he was satisfied.
Agenda 2 – Completion reports request.
Mr. Kairu was reminded that completion
reports were expected of each funded project. He was requested to do one for
the fencing and The motivational day, and forward to Njoki through Mr. Kameti
by the end of the week.
Agenda 3 – Salaries
Njoki informed the meeting that she had
adjusted the teachers salaries to the Ksh. 7,000 as per current funding, and
paid areas for the months they had received less.
Agenda 4- Classrooms
Discussions around this had stalled,
because World vision had said they would raise funds to improve the condition
of the existing ones. Mr. Kameti had met with the World vision area
coordinator, who had said they were in the process of raising funds. The
meeting requested Mr. Kameti to follow up and give us a feed back at the end of
the month. The chairman said the local trustees had met and agreed that they
(community) would prefer to rehabilitate the existing classrooms, with or
without help from World vision. Tas funding can then be used to build dormitories,
to facilitate boarding for the pupils.
Njoki was advised to check with Gill if we
could use them amount that had been approved to start working on the dorms.
Agenda 5- Dormitories
Mr. Kairu was requested to look for
dormitory design. He said he would be able to do so by Thursday 19th,
and report to Njoki.
Agenda 6.
Funded projects, way forward
Njoki explained that the funded projects were to start after the
satisfactory completion of the fencing.
Stella Munyoki wanted to know if remedial
teaching would be funded under another name. She was informed that the teachers
should make proposals for activities, such as drama, music, knitting, wildlife,
scout etc clubs, educational visits to other schools, and whatever else they
can think of. This is what Tas is likely to consider funding.
Mr. Kimwele asked if motivational day could
be held annually, and was told they should make proposals as needed. He also
asked if we could invite speakers to address the day’s attendees. It was felt
that the school and local trustees should identify and invite successful local
persons, so that the community and particularly pupils can identify with them.
There being no other issues, the meeting
ended at 3.45 pm with prayers by Mr. Kimwele. The meeting participant took an
inspection walk along the fence, and all was satisfied by a job well done.
Submitted by Njoki Kimotho, Trust Secretary.