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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Mivukoni Secondary school trust Meeting October 15th 2012



Francis Koma (chair), Sam Mutetei (BOG), Juliana Muthui (BOG), Lilian syanda (Principal), Stephen Kameti (TAS), Harriet Matsaert (TAS), Arimi Kinyua (teacher), Mr Maithya Samuel, Mr Kimathi, Boniface(Computer teacher).


Apologies:  Student representative, PTA Representative, DEO representative.


Minutes taken by: Harriet Matsaert


1.            Introduction

Meeting opened at 11.30 am


2.            Approval of agenda



3.            Matters arising from previous minutes

Action completed:


Not yet completed:  ACTION NEEDED!

  • School magazine: Luke Kinyua to follow up features on TAS in forthcoming school magazine to be circulated to trustees by October 27th.  Kinyua to contact Peter to request article for Hampton academy.   Electronic version of  school magazine to be sent to trustees and friends of the school.
  • Lilian to continue following up grading of sports field – to contact Angeline Mbula.
  • KWS school trip to Meru park postponed due to lack of transport.  We hope it may be possible after the election.
  • No progress on accessing girl’s sanitary pads. Lillian to write to DEO to remind him of government commitment to provide these.  The BOG to discuss action needed.  See also discussion below under proposals. 


  1. Report on Trust Finances

See attached report.


5.            General report on school progress since last meeting

Construction/new equipment

Dining room floor will be completed by end of October.  Boys dormitory will be complete by the end of the year.  Library now has shelves, tables and chairs and two sofas and a librarian’s table.  The library is stocked with a few donated books as books have not yet been purchased.


Televisions are installed in 3 classrooms.  Teachers have a supply of DVDs to support the syllabus.  DVDs can also be burned from the internet and used in the classroom.



57 form 4 students will be starting the KCSE exams on October 26th.

The school has separated boys and girls into separate classes in Form 2 – 4. This seems to be having a good effect on girls’ performance.


Computer Lab

Computer lab now has 26 computers (government and Camara).  Students have computer classes twice a week.  Form 3 and 4 have unlimited access to computers.


The computer teacher, Mr Kimathi requested more training to help teachers develop the skills to make full use of the new equipment.   He also requested lap tops for teachers to use to prepare classes.  After discussion it was agreed that the school should make full use of the existing computers before thinking of purchasing others.  Technical training will be prioritized at this stage.  It is also important that the school completes its IT strategy.   Stephen and Francis offered to assist with this.


Trustees were concerned to see that the government computers were left open and vulnerable to dust (particularly as windows are broken in the computer lab).  A key priority is to make covers for the computers and to identify a local technician who can do maintenance and repairs.  Fans should also be installed (this was a condition of Camara installing the computers).  Stephen noted that Camara will cover maintenance of their own computers for 3 years.


The school also plans to move three computers to the library and will lay a cable to the library for internet access.



The NIE project is now up and running with daily newspapers being received for each Form.


We did not see newspapers in the library and were told that this is because there is no suitable shelving. 



Books are not catalogued and there is no system for checking them out. There is no staff member allocated to the library so use seems to be very limited at the moment.  The plan is that each form should have access at least 4 times a week.  The school would like to hire a librarian to manage the cataloguing/loan system and to be present in the library.   The school also needs to go ahead and purchase books.  49,000 sh remains in the library furnishings budget and will be used to purchase books.


New Projects

Funds have been received from TAS for funding half the salary of a maths teacher (BOG to fund the other half), for a field trip for Form 4s and for meeting costs.


The field trip to Mombasa was cancelled due to political problems at the coast.  Lillian proposed a shorter trip for the class before the exam.



Teachers noted the following ‘outcomes’ at the school:- 


“Between 4 and 6 you see students working on computers or in the bandas reading, where before they would all be in their dormitories”.


“Computer classes are more interesting now because we have computer content to work with”


“We are beginning to see the development of a reading culture”.




  • Lillian to send proposal for shorter field trip to be forwarded to Gill for approval.
  • Sam to organize follow up to look at how Newspapers are being used in school – by end of October.
  • Lillian to arrange transfer of newspapers to library (and new magazine racks/shelves to place these on).
  • Lillian to develop a proposal and seek funding for computer covers, fans for the computer room – by end of October.
  • Lillian to identify technician for maintenance and repair of computers – by end of October.
  • Lillian and Mr Kimathi to develop IT strategy for the school (Stephen and Francis to assist).  This should be presented together with the proposal above. – by end of October.
  • Stephen to talk to Camara about further training for teachers – by end of October
  • Harriet to transfer funds for maths teacher (and field trip?) to Mivukoni school account.
  • Lillian to arrange purchase of books with remaining library funds.



6.            Completion reports

Lilian provided a summary of costs for the library furnishings and purchase of TVs and DVDs. She will mail this to Harriet to forward to TAS UK.



  • Lilian to send soft copy of completion report and receipts for library furnishings and TVS/DVDs to Harriet.  (Send library completion report once books have been purchased).
  • Harriet to forward completion report to TAS UK



7.            New proposals

  1. Supervised discussion groups  for exam revision.
  2. Gas and water supply for the new chemistry lab.
  3. Renovation of classrooms.
  4. Employment of librarian (BOG to discuss paying half this salary).


The trustees agreed that Lillian and school staff should go ahead and develop these proposals.


The trustees discussed how Trademark funds (70,000) should be used.  A number of suggestions were made.


  1. Sanitary towel manufacture (project being developed in another TAS school) – to be funded with Trademark funds?
  2. Funding for work experience internship scheme for Form 2 or 3. (to local businesses, NGO, government offices, health centres etc).
  3. Books on business/economics for library.



  • Lillian to prepare proposals for 1 – 4 and circulate to trustees.
  • Stephen to get more details on sanitary pads.
  • Lillian to compile list of potential internships for students (assisted by Stephen and Francis).



8.            AOB

Bird Sanctuary

School wildlife club to create a bird reserve behind the library.  If they find they need extra resources they can make a proposal to the trust.



Trustees agreed that we must all work harder on communication.  Trustees and school staff agreed to check and respond to emails promptly.  School staff agreed to send regular updates on activities and to proactively communicate with partners e.g Hampton Academy and ISK.


Trustees should be copied in on all correspondence.


Proposals and completion reports should be copied to all trustees and should go to Stephen and Harriet before being forwarded to TAS UK.


Trust meeting minutes should be circulated to participating teachers, PTA, students and should be posted on the school notice board.


Date of Next Meeting.

Library opening is planned for January 2013.  If possible we should hold another meeting before then. 


Meeting adjourned.  2 pm.