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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present:  Guy Cowley, Norma Empringham,  Ben Howland, Luke Morris, Johnnie Morris,  Tom Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews, Ben Taylor

Apologies:  Lissa Campbell, Heather Flint, Tim Flower, Steve James,  Will Jones, 

Norma Empringham in the Chair.

1.  Minutes of meeting on 14 November 2012 were agreed.

2.  Update on schools and exam results

Reports and pictures of the school visit from Guy, David Wyld and Roy Amlot were circulated and discussed.

It was a very successful and enjoyable trip thanks in large part to KWS and Stephen Kameti.  

All schools visited showed evidence of improved infrastructure and resources.

We did not visit Asako so the resumption of funding will be assessed by Tony Fitzjohn when he next visits the school.  The 4 criteria for resumption of funding were:

i)                    a mean score of 225 in the recent KCPE exams ( they achieved 198 which is an improvement of the previous year’s record of 168 but they did take 25 students through the exam which was an impressive number).

ii)                  evidence that the teachers are paying towards the maintenance of their houses

iii)                evidence of good utilisation of resources

iv)                demonstration of commitment to good governance.

3.  Other exam results  Only the primary results are out and these show an improvement in numbers sitting the exam and in overall mean score for Ikathima, Kalumu and Boka (where the first 5 students took the exam – sadly no girls).

Tom and Johnnie will liaise to get the results on the website.

4.  School Partnerships  The Heathfield Junior School / Kimphe Langano Primary School partnership is developing well.   The first visit of Heathfield teachers is happening over Easter 2013. The teachers will take out classroom resources and laptops and it is hoped that the solar installation will be in place by the time of their visit.

The partnership between Usueni School and Norbury Manor Business and Entreprise College for Girls in Croydon is developing slowly.    Usueni has a new headteacher who is very keen to progress this as is the new Chairman of the Board of Governors.   Letters have been exchanged and it is hoped that good communication channels can be established soon.

5. Finance  - Guy presented a breakdown of where our funding comes from eg individuals/ standing orders/ foundations etc.

There is £35k in the bank which will cover the existing proposals for funding.

The Waterloo Foundation has paid its 5th and last tranche of funding for Stephen Kameti’s post with KWS.  Gill met with the new KWS Director in January and flagged up again that this is the last year of funding for Stephen.  The Director seemed to confirm that his salary will be paid in future years by them.

At the suggestion of Roy Amlot an application is being made to the Foyle Foundation for £10k a year for 3 years as a ‘Special Grant’. 

6.  Proposals for funding – it was agreed that we send out around £19k as per the circulated list.  This sum includes around £1,500 to Madogo which was agreed at the last meeting but was delayed pending better explanation of 2 of their proposals.

7.  Next meeting was agreed for Monday 22 April 2013  at Ernst and Young.  Thank you Ben T for this and thank you Ben H for today’s hospitality.