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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present:  Guy Cowley, Norma Empringham, Heather Flint, Ben Howland, Steve James, Luke Morris, Johnnie Morris,  Tom Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews

Apologies:  Lissa Campbell, Tim Flower, Will Jones,  Ben Taylor

Norma Empringham in the Chair.

1.  Minutes of meeting on 28 June 2012 were agreed.

2.  Update on schools The Waterloo Foundation update was discussed.  The completion reports have now been, for the most part, posted on the website.  The Eburru Primary School Trust is nearly established now and it is hoped that the leaflets can be printed and taken out in December.  Resumption of funding for Asako Primary School will be assessed in January on the basis of exam results, evidence of good utilisation of resources and demonstration of commitment to good governance.

3.  Exam results  These are not yet on the website.  Tom and Johnnie will liaise to get this done.

4.  School Partnerships  The Heathfield Junior School / Kimphe Langano Primary School partnership is progressing slowly.  It has been agreed that the UK teachers will go out first as there is a problem identifying the Ethiopian teachers to come over here.  The first visit is likely to be over Easter 2013.

(Post meeting note:  A new partner school has been found for Usueni School.  It is Norbury Manor Business and Entreprise College for Girls in Croydon.  This is an exciting development which has the potential for very significant benefit to both schools.

5.  Visit of trustees and donors  The upcoming visit of trustees and donors to schools in January 2013 will include visits to some of the schools involved in the KWS roll out around Meru National Park.  The visit will be an opportunity to see firsthand how the DfID project is working in practice.   The UK contingent will be accompanied on the visit by Stephen Kameti and Paul Mbugua, the KWS person in charge of the DfID project.

6. Finance  - Guy presented the financial summary and 2011 accounts.  They show that TAS distributed around £97k to projects in 2011.  There is £37k in the bank which will cover the existing proposals for funding.

The Waterloo Foundation has agreed it 5th and last tranche of funding for Stephen Kameti’s post with KWS.  Gill will meet with KWS in January to confirm that his salary will be paid in future years by them.

Guy agreed to undertake a brief analysis of where TAS funds come from eg £x from small standing orders, £y from large donations.

Trustees wished to minute their thanks to Guy and Ben T for all their work on the accounts.  It is hoped that the process will be less onerous next year now that proper on line systems have been set up.

7.  Proposals for funding – it was agreed that we send out around £23k as per the circulated list.  This includes around £2,500 to Madogo which will be delayed pending better explanation of 2 of their proposals.

Guy offered to look at the proposal form and re-design it where necessary.

8.  Next meeting was agreed for Monday 11 February 2013  at 6 Kingley Street (thank you Ben H for this and thank you Ben T for today’s brilliant room with a view!)