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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





1.      Mr. James M. masya –H/T

2.      Miss peninah M. muthengi-c/lady-KPST

3.      Mr. Patrick M.mukora-secretary –local trust

4.      Mulaki; SMC Rep.


1.      Funded Projects updates

2.      new projects ( school priority projects).

Min 1/7/8/2012- Project updates.

After the completion of the girls dorm. There was a balance of Ksh. 54,000 (fifty four thousands shillings) we request TAS to allow us use this balance to construct bathrooms for girls outsides their dormitory/hostel.

There is a funding of Ksh. 172,000 plus a balance of 27,000 for the previous bench marking trip . Classes five and seven has already benefited from this program and the classes experiencing academic improvement.

This totals to Ksh 199,000 (one hundred and ninety nine thousand)

we request TAS to allow us take classes six and eight. The classes didn’t participate in the benchmarking program as was planned in the initial plans due to government policy stopping any holiday tuition.

The classes will visit the good performing schools, geographical learning sites and wildlife zones. The money will be for transport, park fees and accommodation

After taking the class eight and six for the trip there would be still a balance of Kshs. 20,400.

We request TAS to allow the school use these money to purchase educational materials (CD’s, DvDs and Audios) from the KIE ( Kenya Institute of Education) at a cost of 3000/= per set for five classes (i.e broadcasting and liteskills discs)

Min 2/7/8/2012 new project bandas

-          We have decided and resolved to request for 4 bandas i.e 3 small study bandas and one big recreation banda. The small bandas will have a diameter of 15 feet and the big one will be rectangular of 30ft x 20ft

-          Solar installation in the new girls dormitory.

-          The prioritized project from now is as follows

1.      solar installation for the dormitory

2.      Additional teachers.

3.      Study Bandas.

4.      Boys’ dormitory.

5.      Sanitary towels.

6.      Sports equipment/ recreation materials.

7.      playing material for pre- school children e.g. swings merry-go-round

8.      Teacher’s quarters; at least two units due to boaders.

9.      Dining hall.

10.  Library/ administration block

11.  Store

Minutes taken by; Patrick Mukora – Teachers Rep.