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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Notes of a meeting at Usueni Secondary School for Girls on 16 October 2013


Angustine Principal

 3 members of the BOG 

Stephen Kameti

Gil M-A

Update on School:

There are now 193 on roll including 65 in Form 1

The predicted KCSE results are going to be lower than in 2012 - probably less than 4. This is because 30 of the best students left the school  (for 'internal reasons' which were not discussed) when the previous headteacher left. The school must now bring in serious damage limitation measures to ensure that its reputation does not suffer.

The school has been very successful in a regional music festival and the choir sang to us beautifully.

They have also participated in a regional science congress and visited Thitani Girls School for benchmarking.

There are 6 TSC teachers plus the Principal. They expect a new Deputy Head and one other TSC teacher in January. 

TAS contributes to the salary of 2 teachers.  The BOG wholely pays for one other teacher.

Internet is variable - Safaricom need to boost the signal.

There has been no water in the school since January because the pump has broken! Another pump is being bought by the school which will bring water from another source. 

Water is collected from all but 4 rooves in the compound.

The compound is dry and nothing is being grown due to lack of water.

A newsletter will be produced every term to update parents and supporters. It should contain bad news as well as good. Supporters cannot help if they dont know whats going on.

The school held a ‘harambee’ to raise funds for a bus and managed to raise 1.2m/- ie £12k.


The new staff houses are coming on. They are expected to be completed by the end of November.

The bandas are a huge success. The business banda looks good too.

The Principal is applying for her visa for UK this week and the Deputy next week. The proposed visit to Norbury Manor Business and Entreprise College in Croydon UK is scheduled for 16 November.

The meeting ended  at 4pm.