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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Notes of a meeting at Kalumu Primary School on 17 October 2013


Principal, Peninah, Josphet Mwanzia, Stephen Kameti and GM-A (also her husband Bob M-A).

Update on the school:  

There are 300 children enrolled plus 50 in the nursery.  This is 30 more than last term and the number is still rising as students join from other schools.

The government now pays the nursery teacher 15,000/- per month.  Peninah has been transferred to another school but is still a parent so is still on the local school trust.

The school now has 7 TSC teachers.  TAS pays for another 3 @ 6500/- per month:

Mwanzia Wycliffe, Stephen Maithya, and ? Mwenzi.

The parents pay for another one  Ms Mwangangi at the same rate.

The school is now conducting 3 exams per term in order to raise standards.  There are 18 current standard 8 candidates including 7 girls  This is an increase from 14 in 2012.  The KCPE mock exams indicate a significant increase in mean score is expected - around 296.  This would mean that 17 of the 18 will get over 250 marks ie enough to get into secondary school, and some of them will get over 370 which is extraordinarily good.

There are 28 students in the current Standard 7 so next year will be a much larger cohort.

The government is set to deliver laptops to Standard 1 classes.  One of Kalumu's teachers Florence Syomiti is going to be a trainer as she is computer literate and has access to the internet.  She is copied into this message.

Power lines are coming close to the school and so access to mains power is likely to happen soon.  The solar power will continue to be used because its free.  Mains will be used for bigger machines eg pumps.


The bandas are complete and look brilliant.  They are used by staff and students but currently furniture has to be carried in to them from the classroms.  Furniture is needed.

The school is ready for the TV  and DVD now.  Sonia to please issue cheque to the supplier for these.

The educational trip now needs to happen quickly so Sonia please pay the transporter directly for the bus and send funds to the school for the park fees. These two items are the only ones TAS will pay for.

New proposals to TAS

2 staff housing units similar to the ones at Usueni. (approx 1.4m/-)

Furniture for bandas

Other proposals:

To CDF for Boys dormitory 

To the community and the MP for permission to connect to the newly renovated community borehole nearby.

The meeting ended at 12 noon.

Post meeting note:

GMA contacted the MP John Mati who said he would take up the matter of the school connecting to the borehole.
