Recent News 
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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Principal Lilian, Deputy Head Joshua Maikui,  Boniface, Luke, Stephen Kameti, Gill Marshall-Andrews

General update:

Lilian was away from Feb to September.  In her absence the newly appointed D/H was in charge.

245 students on roll including 80 girls.  52 in Form 4 taking the KCSE.

Boys dropping out is a problem.  ? Strategy to address this?

Boys and girls are taught separately in Form 3 and 4.

9 TSC teachers plus 5 BOG teachers plus librarian.

Expect one more from government very soon.

Timetable consists of 10 x 40 min lessons per day. 

Out of a total of 40 lessons per week, Luke teaches 31 lessons, Boniface 28, D/H 12 and Principal 9.  (As an aside I said that they had far more free time that their UK equivalents!) 

The science lab does not have proper gas and water services.  A proposal for this will be done urgently.

There has been no water to the school for some months.  The pump at the borehole is broken.  A proposal was submitted to the Ministry of Water in July.  No follow up has been made?

The general status of water in the school is poor – cracked tanks, not all rooves are guttered.

The dormitories are functioning with capacity for 120 girls and 200 boys.  They are not currently full.


It was agreed that some of the Camara computers could be transferred to the library to maximise use.  Having only one room for computer use means that half the computers cannot be used at any one time.  School will install a cable from the computer lab to the library to enable internet access from the library.

Computers all seemed to be working.  Camara maintenance is being done.  Boniface made the case for an IT technician to help with the preparation of the computers for class learning across the curriculum.  This will encourage teachers to use the computers for their classes.  School to prepare proposal to TAS for an IT technician.

A newsletter has been promised for a long time.  It will be delivered by end October.


IT technician - half salary?

Water and gas to science lab

Form 3 trip will be considered at the next TAS meeting.   TAS likely to pay for bus (90,000/-) and for students accommodation (18,600/-).  Payment should be made direct to bus and accommodation providers.

Veg garden as student enterprise – possible use of Frank’s funding?  If no project is agreed for these funds by the end of term the money may be transferred to another school.

Gill Marshall-Andrews

0725 621153

21 October 2013