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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Madogo Secondary School, TAS Trustees Meeting

January 30, 2014, 2:00 PM

A.F Gross Law Office, Nairobi


·         Halwa Jweri Kufa

·         Musa Ghashogho

·         Rosaniah Gwiyo

·         Gabriel Makero (Deputy Principal)

·         Robert Maina Gwaro (Principal)

·         Gill Marshall- Andrews

·         Stephen Kameti

·         Kim Kippels (Secretary)



1.       Overview of TAS and Expectations of Schools Benefiting

2.       Update on School: Enrollment, Boy/Girl Ratio, Scores, other Recent Events

3.       Project Updates: Fencing Project and Computer Lab

4.       Proposed Projects for Funding


1.       New principal confirmed the school’s commitment to TAS and its responsibility in partnership to bring additional resources to support student learning

2.       School reported:

o    134  students sat KPSE, roughly 2/3 boys (40 girls), expecting mean score to be roughly same as before at 2.69  although their target is 3.0 . School explains that strikes (student and staff in 2013) have negatively affected quality learning time.

§  An investigative report on the student strike will be shared with TAS on or around Feb. 8th

o   For entry, they have now have reestablished 230 as min acceptable score, have offered 139 students places and planning for intake of 150

o   There is a new secondary school open in the area

3.       In regards to ongoing projects and related needs, school reported

o   Gate has been put up near dining hall, per agreement ;  once watch man in place, they will honor commitment to fix main gate (advertising for watch man now)

o   The matron’s room for the girls dorm has been completed, now they are advertising for position

o   They would like to beautify campus with trees, but water supply remains a problem, affecting even functioning of school and dorms

o   TAS will try to locate partnership to assist: ‘Just a Drop’ Charity potential resource (Gill to f/up), CRS active in area (Steve to f/up).


o   In regards to the computer lab, technician has started his program offering extra lessons, there are 65 computers – 60 are functioning, plus five new ones to arrive. Computers are not an exam subject area yet. No internet connection at the moment due to perhaps cable problem. Power back ups have broken on ‘many’ computers.

o   Steve advises Chimara partnership may still be active to provide networking support (School to call for support)

4.       In regards to potential funding, the group discussed:

o   Library: Students previously voiced desire and need for library; principal agreed would be a great achievement for the school, that a library would also help with teacher resources, and that the school could fund a librarian if needed.   Gill said TAS could be interested in funding fund classroom space, books, bandas for reading

o   Gill to follow up with TAS trustees to gauge their interest in supporting this capital project

o   Student Council Trip: The group discussed why students strike if they have a student’s council?  That perhaps a field trip on governance, selected and planned by the students could be useful for developing and directing voice.

o    School to consult students and submit student proposal by Feb 8th  to TAS Proposal to include how can impact all students , not just benefit student leaders

o   Renovation of 3 classrooms: It was discussed that perhaps classroom renovation could be funded by CDF, esp. in light of potential library funding

o   Principal to follow up on availability of CDF funding

o   Catch Up Learning Time for Syllabus Coverage (for all students): due to strikes, students are behind where they should be on syllabi. Students are being asked to report to class early for catch up,  and teachers to report early and stay late. Gill agreed TAS would consider funding remedial classes over holidays, if co-funded  by parents. Also discussed the computers as a resource for exam preparation, and extra Kenya curriculum resources available.

o   Steve to send catalogue to Robert, from which schools  can choose up to 20,000 KSH worth of resources.  School to send wish list to Kim and Steve will purchase.

o   School to send proposal for remedial school , to be offered to Forms 3 & 4, to Kim by Feb 8th.

The meeting was called to a close at 3:45 PM.