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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Mivukoni TAS Meeting – May 16th  2014



Principal, Lilian Syanda

TAS, Steven Kameti

Boniface Kimathi, Computer teacher

Luke Arimi, teacher, 0717476122

Parent representative, Jedidah N. Mwendwa  tel 0729673093

BOG representative, Angeline Mbula 0723912283

Harriet Matsaert,  TAS Secretary. 0733 270166

Maithya Joshua M, Deputy Principal,

President of Student Body, Felistus Kyenza

Chair of Wildlife Club, Mwandikwa Mwikali

Mr Sam Mwangangi, English Teacher

Marina Manger Cats, Visitor



Sam Mutetei

Francis Koma


1.    Meeting called to Order

The meeting began at 2.30pm

2.    Agenda approved.

3.    Approval of previous minutes and matters arising.

Outstanding Activities

a)    School newsletter progress.  The activity has been delayed.  The trustees suggested that rather than waiting for a full newsletter, the teachers should focus on producing regular and short pieces updating friends of Mivukoni on what is happening at school.  Boniface suggested a Mivukoni school face book page.

Action: Boniface Kimathi and  Sam Mwangandi, (patron of journalism club) to create facebook site by end of May and to send link to all TAS trustees and friends of TAS.


b)   Sportsfield

Angeline reported that the County government has advertised for graders.  When they have been purchased.  Angeline will prioritise Mivukoni.

Action: Angeline to action when she is allocated fuel and man hours.


c)    Student trip to Meru park

Stephen report that we are waiting for KWS bus to be upgraded. 

Action: Steven to facilitate trip when bus is mended.


d)   Sanitary pad project

This issue has been addressed.  Sanitary pads are provided by the principal to girls who cannot afford to buy them.


e)    Newspaper project

This projects has finished and there are no more papers.  The trustees agreed that daily newspapers are an important resource for the students and that the school should provide atleast on daily paper.

Action; Lilian will arrange for the school to get a daily newspaper delivery.


f)     IT Strategy

Revised strategy plans were discussed with Gill last year and resulted in the proposal to  hire an IT technician with technical skills to assist with maintenance and teaching which has been funded by TAS UK.  Local TAS trustees had not seen the revised strategy or the proposal.


Angeline suggested looking at the example of the computer centre in Kyuso.

Action: Boniface Kimathi to circulate revised draft and proposal for IT technician.



g)   Internet Connectivity

This is an outstanding issue.  Internet connectivity has become much worse since July 2013.  It is no longer possible to access the internet from the desk top computers.


h)   Internship programme

The idea is still valid as a holiday activity and needs to be presented to parents at the next AGM

Action: Lilian to raise this idea with parents at the next parents meeting and report back to TAS trustees.


i)     World Reader

Luke has been unable to follow up yet.

Action: Luke Arimi to make contact with World Reader to discuss options for extended use of Kindles.



  1. Report on Trust finances

Harriet reported on current finances.  See report attached.  The payment for the educational trip will be transferred to Mivukoni school account this week as the trip is to take place in the next week. The IT salary will be transferred once the IT technician has been hired.

Action: Harriet to  transfer funds to school trip to Mivukoni school account.


  1. General Report on School Progress

Principals report

Ongoing projects: Improved water distribution (water now available at the dormintories), renovation of banda roofs.  The principal noted that all the plastic chairs purchased for the bandas have broken.  Next time we should invest in wooden chairs which can be repaired locally.

School trip to take place next week (22 -24 May)

Trying to equip the dining hall.  Parents have purchased blue plastic chairs.

Librarian is now in place.  She is there from 9 – 6 and makes the books more accessible to the students.

Books in the library have been bound so that the last longer.

School routine has changed.  Classes started at 7 – 1 and practice exams are held in the afternoon.


Academic results

Drop of results from last year.  (see attached results).  Mivukoni was placed 8th out of 22 schools in the district. 


Student President’s Report

Felistus Kyenza requested more books for the library.  She also requested that TAS support  students who can’t afford to buy soap and other necessities.


Parent Report

Jedidah talked of her support for TAS and said that the parents would be happy to support needy students with essential purchases.


  1. New Proposals


Poultry Project

Mwandikwa Mwikali, Chair of Wildlife club (Form 3)

This club was started by students in Form 3 and now has around 40 members.  (Boys and girls.)

The proposal was too weak to accept as it currently stands.


Angeline suggests the students look at the TV project, young and rich.  Need to work with Business teacher, Mr Munene to develop a strong proposal.  Will represent to TAS when they are ready.


Trustees noted that the sum of 90,000 requested was too big for an initial grant for a student project[MF1] 


Proposal for Benchmarking and Motivation Speaking

Planned to visit schools for Bench marking.  Schools in Kitui or nearby.   Students  from Form 3 and teachers to visit high performing schools  and stay there for a week to learn.


Looking for some more motivational speakers to talk to the students.  Angeline stressed the importance of localizing the speakers.   The sum of 15,000 is an average payment.


This proposal was accepted and will be forwarded to TAS UK.


Proposal for Science lab

The school is waiting for a proposal for renovation of the science lab.

Trustees are happy for proposal to be forwarded to Gill.




7.    AOB

We need we all get copies of the Agenda and proposals before the meeting.  Harriet will ensure she has a full email list including all Mivukoni TAS members.  She will text people to let them know that  agenda and reports have gone out[MF2] .


Steven noted that it would be useful to get some testaments from students saying how they feel that TAS has assisted the school.


Display board is going to be donated to the school by TAS.


Schools from other areas (KWS projects) will come to visit TAS schools next year.


Steven requested that Mivukoni keep the relationship alive with Hampton Academy by posting information on the facebook site etc.


BOG committed to continued improvement over the next year.


Angeline committed herself to come and do motivational speaking for the students.  The BOG want to address parents to encourage them to be more hopeful for their children.


Steven suggested the school put a file with TAS minutes in the library for everyone to read.  We can also post the link on our facebook site.


Marina Manger Cats, who is a public health specialist spent some time talking to the school counselor about possibilities for providing information and support to students.


Lilian requested more frequent meetings.  Suggested another meeting in September.  Suggest next meeting in Mwingi.



Lilian to arrange for student to write testaments on TAS’s work at the school.

Boniface to ensure regular postings on Mivukoni facebook page

Angeline to arrange to give a motivational talk at the school.

Lilian and Harriet to discuss best date for September meeting.

Lilian to arrange for a file with printed minutes of TAS meetings and proposal to be placed in the school library.

Harriet to text TAS members when she sends an email.



8.    Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held in September 2014.  Date to be arranged nearer the time.



 [MF1]Stephen and Harriet later discussed the idea of setting up a challenge fund with the Trademark 70,000 ksh which could award several small grants to student projects (5000 – 10,000 ksh) that would improve life at the school, the local environment or the community.  If other trustees agree we propose this challenge be circulated to the student community with a request for proposal to be submitted before the next TAS meeting in September.  The strongest proposals could then be presented on the day. 


As the school has just employed a business studies teacher, the challenge fund would provide a good opportunity for students to put new learning into action.


Other trustees – please give us your thoughts on this.

 [MF2]Please see TAS contact list attached, check your details are correct and let me know if I have missed anyone.