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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Norma Empringham, Heather Flint, Ben Howland, Will Jones, Gill Marshall-Andrews, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Johnnie Morris, Luke Morris.




PRESENT:  Norma Empringham, Heather Flint,  Ben Howland,  Will Jones, Gill Marshall-Andrews,  Tom Marshall-Andrews,  Johnnie Morris,  Luke Morris.

1.  Trust Deed for 'Trusts for African Schools'. 
Luke presented the Trust Deed and outlined Trustees' duty of care to ensure that the money raised is spent in line with the objects of the charity. It was agreed that by channelling funding through properly constituted local trusts and monitoring expenditure through the scrutiny of their annual accounts we would discharge our responsibilities.  All present signed the Trust Deed  which was duly witnessed.
Luke will apply for charitable status which could take 2/3 months. 

2.  Officers
It was agreed that Norma will become the Chair and Gill the Secretary.  Ben will ask an accountant friend if he will agree to be the Hon Treasurer.

3.  Bank account
Gill, Ben and Luke will investigate the bank account possibly with Co-operative Bank.  The following agreed to be signatories:  Heather, Tom, Will, Gill, Norma, Johnnie.  Any 2 will be sufficient.

4.  Project Management Systems
It was agreed that it is vital to establish simple effective systems by which local trusts should determine priorities, evaluate progress and ensure transparency. Johnnie agreed to draft a skeleton system in time for the next meeting.

5.  Brochures and logos
Tom presented 3 possible logos.  There was agreement that we adopt the one above.
The 2 leaflets - for TAS and Eburru Secondary School Trust - were presented.  Everyone agreed to look at the design and text and comment to Gill or Tom.
(Post meeting note:  Tom has secured the web address:  )

6.  Fund raising
Gill outlined likely funding for Green Park nursery and Eburru School  from Heritage Hotels who run the nearby hotel.
Other possibilities were discussed:  covenants from friends and colleagues, marathons(!), Fujitsu sponsorship, twinning with UK schools, per client contribution from Journeys by Design.

7.  Next meeting
This was arranged for 6.45pm on Wednesday 25 January 2006 at the House of Commons



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