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Minutes from Trustees Meeting




TAS meeting Ikathima Primary School


1.     School status report and  matters arising from previous meeting (6 Feb 14)

2.     Plans

3.     New proposals to TAS

4.     AOB

Date & Time

Monday 21 July 2014 – 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Ikathima Primary School (IPS)






David Munyoki Mwasya

Chairman School Management Committee (SMC)- Parent


Joshua M Kairu

Head teacher IPS


Daniel K Karenga

Deputy Head teacher IPS


Stella Mutie

Teacher Representative IPS


Stephen N Kameti

TAS/KWS coordinator(Chair)


Lut Laenen

TAS secretary/Trustee for IPS (Meeting’s Secretary)


James Maluki

TAS Chairman

Summary of discussed points and agreements / action points


School Status Report


The current enrollment is 373 (increase of  24 compared with 6 Feb:307 pupils in Primary and 66 pupils in Early childhood classes.

Breakdown: Primary Classes (8: Grade 1 - 8):131 boys and 176 girls

37 boarders ( 10 more than on 6 Feb, 3 less than in 2013).


IPS participated in ‘Centre exams’ with classes 4 to 8, organised by 6 nearby schools

As in KCPE, the best results were in Kiswahili, Science Mathematics, Social Studies

Lowest performance in English, especially “composition”

Despite high rankings, the marks were rather low (ranging from 43.75 % to 67.60 %)

Progress on actions proposed 6.2.14



1.      IPS to write to external markers to discuss remedial action for poor performance in English  - Joshua in Term I -

·                Compositions discussed with students.

·                Other teachers supervised marking

2    School to start Newsletter giving children chance to write stories, make drawings – Daniel in Term I (see also 4…)

Not yet started



1.     Continue to make efforts to improve English

2.     Start Newsletter (eg trip reports, interviews with teachers…)


Third party support: Status and impact


KWS PASMAP -Partnership for Accountability for Schools Management Around the Parks.

KWS provided a 3-sided board to display info on school, on partnership and on projects 



1.      School to prepare displays.

2.      IPS to become member of the Kenya Wildlife Clubs (many benefits such as subsidised park entrance fees, magazines – Stephen to assist with application and to invite regional director (based in Kitui) to visit IPS.

 School to start collecting funds for membership (50 ksh per pupil)


TAS support:



Impact /comments

3 classrooms + desks + solar lighting

Completed, in good condition and in use

More conducive learning environment – improved academic performance.

Compound fence (1.2km barbed wire  with one entrance gate)

Completed, in good condition and in use

Overall security improved.

Good barrier against human intruders and animals (eg Planted trees and crops not interfered with)

Solar lights for admin block and staff room

Completed, in good condition and in use

Admin tasks and lessons preparations improved.

Flat screen tv was in use in staff room during our visit

3 “banda’s” with solar power for various gatherings. Chairs and tables procured (term I, 2014)

Completed, in good condition and in use

Used for meetings, recreation…


2 dormitories & adjacent ablution blocks (for 2x40 pupils), 30 bunk beds, solar lights

Completed, in good condition and in use.

Matron’s cubicle is not used

More girls enrolled as boarders.

Salaries for two teachers

IPS requested to renew 4 contracts, w.e.f. Feb 14. TAS approved salaries for 2 teachers. Parents are paying for one teacher, with a lot of problems (very low cash income)

Improved KCPE results

See also 2. Planning 2014

Improved cooking stove

Installed, but not yet in use.

Not yet in use because of low numbers of boarders (37).

Teachers accommodation

Completed and in use.

School set up small committee as advised. Bank account opened. Monthly rent of Ksh 200/- per room

6 teachers using the rooms (4 are sharing)

Well built.

But Teachers have to keep surroundings clean!

Joshua to provide bank account details to TAS;



1.      One banda was used as ECD classroom because of lack of classrooms. This is being discouraged.

2.       DVD player and tv have been purchased and are in use. Mainly for boarders (dvds) and teachers (tv). Teachers are encouraged to show dvds, tv programmes to all classes

3.      Area around the dormitories not clean (rubbish, clothes hanging to dry on shrubs etc) School to set up a committee to develop “ground rules” for maintenance, cleanliness  with 3 teachers, school SMC chair, 4 parents, dorm captain. Post on display board.

4.      Cook to use the improved stove regularly (even for smaller portions) and to keep kitchen clean (to be provided with steel wool etc). Cook to have a health certificate.

5.      School to make table for cook to work on (from available planks). We found that the top of the cooking stove was used as table.

6.      Lock of matron’s cubicle to be repaired, so matron can use the cubicle.


Support from other organisations in 2014



Impact /comments

World Vision

·       Sanitary towels

·       Hand washing drums at different places in the compound

·       Pipes to supply  water to school

·       Plastic chairs (40) and tables (10) for ECD

·       Sanitary towels distributed as per need

·       Drums used

·       Will be installed in August

·       Available and in use

·       Girls do not miss school because of lack of sanitary pads

·        Hand washing drums were empty at lunch time

·       Expecting improved sanitation, water to grow vegetables

·       ECD children do not need to sit on the ground anymore



Repeated from 6 Feb 14

1.   IPS community to step up efforts to attract support from other sources in view of reduction of TAS input ( expected to finish in 2 to3 years)[LL1] 

  1. IPS to develop mid-term to long-term plans rather than one-year plans
  2. Hand washing drums to be re-filled regularly during the day


Support from parents



Impact /comments

Classrooms (3)

Not finished. But  classrooms are urgently needed.

World Vision was approached to help finish the buildings. WVI  does not fund buildings of classrooms, but has started to support IPS in different ways (see 2.3.2)


Some final touches required - In use

Windows and plastering will be done through contributions from parents

This has not yet happened. Parents have other priorities (eg salaries

Salary for one teacher

Contributed to retention and increased enrolment, better academic performances

Will continue


Plans 2014



Funding / Input from

Comments / Status

Progress since 6.2 /  Action !

Toilets (2 pit latrines) for teachers


Finished by May 2014 and in use

David: Completed

Water for construction of teachers accommodation


Finished During Term I

David: Completed

Clearing sections of school compound and planting crops


To start a school meals programme for all children

David – Waiting for next raining season

Paying exam fees


For year 8:

David & Joshua: paid, 9 girls and 6 boys  registered

Attend sports competitions (organised by Ministry of Education)

School & Parents

IPS participates in sports events: athletics, football, netball, volleyball

Joshua & David. IPS participated in June. 4th in ball games and 9th in athletics at District level

School benchmarking visit to Mugosi in Term I


For some pupils (class VII,  teachers and parents

Joshua: still needs to be planned.

Prepare proposal for submission to TAS.

Stephen to look into KWS support with transport

Educational tour to Rift Valley (2/3 days)


For about 50 pupils, some teachers and parents.

 Trip will go ahead 30.7 – 1.8.

1.TAS agreed to fund

2. Lut was to check with Elsamere Study Centre for free training

No booking done (lack of communication) IPS was waiting for info from Lut and Lut was waiting for a date.

4.           Stephen will mobilize KWS officer to accompany school. Bus already booked. LL to write cheque (60000/-) on 21.7

5.             Lut will m-pesa cash balance (30000/-) to Joshua for food etc. by 24th  Receipts to be provided.

Salaries for 5 teachers (1 ECD, 4 Primary)

Parents (1 for upper class)

TAS (3, of which 2 for upper classes primary, 1 ECD)

- Completion report 2013 and proposal to TAS for continued payment of salaries for 4 teachers received.

- School’s request is in view of crop failure in previous planting season (insufficient rains). Parents do not have cash to support more than one teacher.

- Head teacher has sent written request to TSC Kusyo staffing officer for 4 teachers

- County is paying for one ECD teacher

1. TAS continues to pay for 2 teachers

2.IPS to look

into income-generating activities (see also 3.2)

6.    Joshua to

follow up with TSC and County on deployment of more teachers (TAS will discontinue paying for salaries): One ECD teacher paid by County. TSC is not recruiting, so cannot provide teachers.

Planting Mukau (hardwood) and other trees or shrubs in school compound

Parents, school, partners

Tree planting for shade, firewood, building material (school has arranged to pay one parent to supply firewood, but it would be better if school could harvest from its own compound)

Promote protection of the environment

1.    Joshua and

Stephen to submit letter to Forestry Department to obtain seedlings – still to do.

Stephen to follow up, also with TARDA

2.    Lut availed info on

 seeds / seedlings. –to IPS

Educational day


TAS funds. Will be held on 4 Aug.

Lut will  m-pesa funds(46,000/-) by 24.7 to Joshua, who will provide receipts


Income generating activities which also create learning opportunities.

Teachers started chicken rearing (local breed): 2 chicken coops already built, 6 chicks hatched


Broken water pump: Follow up with local MP about progress of electrification of the area and possible electric pump (Not a possible TAS contribution) – Stephen

Status: School committee approached World Vision International – IPS will be connected to water point with pipes ( August 14)


Info on Ikathima on the TAS website to be updated: Joshua to send update to Lut: Still to be done


New Proposals to TAS


Finishing 2 classrooms and make the third one into a library/ Computer room (combining two proposals submitted to the Board in May 14, with reduced budget).

World Vision International will not assist with finishing the classrooms but has started supporting IPS in other ways


Solar lighting for staff accommodation



IPS to provide proposals with budgets by mid August, for submission to Board (meeting in September)




The head teacher received DVDs with Wildlife programmes from Stephen


Teachers have to pay 100Ksh to withdraw salary from m-pesa. TAS will send 100/- extra to cover.


Can teachers’ salaries be reviewed? Stephen pointed out that this should have been negotiated when request for continued support was submitted.

Note (LL): no date for the next meeting was set.