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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Farah Hussan – Headteacher

Kulisa Shora Dirkicha, Asako Trustee (Parent)

Ismail Solola,  Chair SMC

Stephen Kameti, TAS/KWS

Gill Marshall-Andrews TAS secretary

School update:

School roll:  boys/girls

Nursery        1                2                3                 4                 5               6             7               8     

74/50         25/20       25/15         35/13       20/22         22/10        25/12     20/22       13/5

Considering there were only 4 girls in the whole school 6 years ago this is an extraordinary turnaround.

The age of intake is still very variable.

There is a Right of Child Club run by the female teacher Victoria.  Club runs Tuesday and Friday after school.  40 students attend including 10 boys.

A big meeting is planned with the MCA  Member of County Assembly  Abdi El Galsa to discuss the school and its challenges.

Latif have built a boys dormitory.

Life Ministry have built girls and boys washrooms and provided sanitary towels.

TSC provide 6 teachers,  parents fund 1 Winifred at 7000,  and TAS funds 2 at 10,000 Rashid and Osman .  One TSC teacher Abdullah lives in the village

Staff Houses Maintenance Fund

5 TSC teachers occupy the houses –  as follows:

Farah Hassan – TSC teacher 2 houses

Betha Geri  (f)– TSC 1 house

Edward Mandera TSC 1 house

Victoria (f) TSC 1 house

Massi (f) TSC 1 house

There is only 3000 Kes in the account which has 3 signatures  Ismail, HT and Juma.  There should be much more.  Each teacher is supposed to pay 800 per month rent but this just isn’t happening.

We agreed to review the funds in the account in January 2015.  By then there should be 16,000 Kes  (4 months at 4000 Kes) plus the 3000 there is already in the account.

The houses are slowly becoming dilapidated and urgently need  repair. 


Number in nursery is 124.  They are looked after by Bara Hassan who is paid 7000Kes.

Pamba island nursery has 92 children 50 boys and 42 girls.

The county government is now responsible for nursery education.  Unclear if they are paying the ‘caretakers’ who cannot be called nursery teachers because of a dispute with national govt and the unions.


MP has said CDF will replace the solar panel which services the borehole and which was stolen.  They will fence it and pipe to community and dispensary.

The KWS windpump is working with good water but not in use because it needs to be piped to the camp and the school.  70 pieces of pipe are needed and 20 have been delivered.

WASH programme (Water Trust Fund) have provided 4 tanks @10,000 litres.  Some gutters have also be provided but they are too small.  WTF will be asked to come back and remedy.  Stephen to follow up.


TAS has provisionally agreed to fund the girls dorm pending house maintenance fund resolution.  Parents have promised to build the washrooms.

These buildings will start together.


KCPE mock exam results gave a mean score of 214.  The target is 240.  18 students will sit the exam.


The panels on the classrooms used for evening study do not work.  Possibly a battery problem.  KWS to sort this out.

Display board

Not up.  Stephen to progress.

School Management Committee

This is the governing body  of the school and consists of elected parents.

There have been no elections for 10 years.  The AEO has been asked to assist school in conducting new elections soon.  The new body will be called the Board of Governors.

Action by school

·          Sort out staff houses maintenance fund and repair houses

·         Prepare to build washrooms

·         Prepare to build fence round the girls dormitory

·         Repair broken desks.

·         Arrange to mark exams in school clusters.

Next meeting

In January 2015 there will be a review of these actions and only if the school has done its part will funding for the girls dormitory be released.