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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting




3 OCTOBER 2014


Joseph Karanja – Headteacher

Judy Williams – New Secretary of Eburru Primary School Trust

Gill Marshall-Andrews – TAS Secretary

School update:

The compound looked green and well planted with new trees.  The new courtyard is a great improvement on the previous sea of mud. It still needs sweeping in order to prevent the build up of mud.  Now the classrooms can be kept clean.

The library, TV and books looked in good order.  There is a timetable for the use of the building so it gets well used.  In order for the school to receive laptops in the first tranche of pilots for the national programme it needs to install bars on the windows and a ceiling.  Apart from this the school is ready.

 6 new classrooms  are still urgently needed. 

In recent mock KCPE exams the school scored a mean score of 223.  This compares with the 2013 score of 215 so it looks hopeful that last years score will be improved upon.  The score is always brought down by children who drop out or truant after they are registered for the exam at the start of Standard 8.  This year 5 have dropped out – some girls becoming pregnant and some getting married-   and 5 are regular truants.  The top boy achieved 375 which is good enough for a national school.

Numbers on roll are as follows  boys / girls:

Nursery          1            2            3            4            5            6            7            8

27/38         41/45     56/44  46/33     41/48   49/44   34/35   43/41   32/37

Green Park Fund raising event

Den Snell is organising this for the 4 schools in Eburru and Kasarani.  They expect to raise a million shillings for each school.

Eburru Primary wants their share to go towards the new classroom block which is likely to cost around 4 milllion.  

The possibility of sharing the cost with CDF was discussed –

CDF 3 classrooms 2 million;   Fund raiser 1 million; TAS 1 million.

The MP Samuel Derito will be contacted by Gill  to discuss this. His mob is 0722 994762

The trust

Judy has agreed to be the new secretary and will liaise with Gordon about becoming a signatory on the bank account.  She will liaise with the HT on all trust related matters.  The trust is lucky to have her.  She will arrange the next meeting perhaps after Gordon is back at the beginning of November.